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Schmeltz departs

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Lanzoni left too, although we wanted to keep him he wanted more that what we were willing to offer, throw in Byrne, who Johnson gave a new contract too in the summer, and that's 5 players. Simpson and Sutherland (again given pro terms by Johnson), makes it 7.


I think Johnson has done OK in the transfer market, usually because he can see the players who aren't working and gets rid. But IMHO it's one thing that Dickov did better than what he is doing

Edited by rudemedic
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I think there was a bit of over-excitement in the summer signings. Boy with his new toy. Maybe an excessive self-belief that he could improve players too.


I'd expect more care and a higher stick rate with future signings.


To his credit, he's shaken up what he's decided wasn't working.

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although I'm not worried about smelts departure to say he's struggling in the signing of players department is an under statement if I'm honest, not many have worked out


Although four of the January signings seem to have done well so far.


Add to that Philliskirk, JCH, Korey Smith and loans like Petrasso and Mills, he's not done too bad. Oxley, Dayton and Charlie Mac have been OK too.


He's made a lot of signings so there's likely to be a few failures in there.

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