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Players must get into LJ’s personality

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Not going to lie, the 2nd one is what I feared. I hope after one defeat he doesn't panic and go off the handle for no reason.


We lost to a dodgy free kick to the runaway leaders... sod it. Move on.


Look for ways to improve by all means, but a bollocking wasn't in order. Neither are drastic changes,

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Not going to lie, the 2nd one is what I feared. I hope after one defeat he doesn't panic and go off the handle for no reason.


We lost to a dodgy free kick to the runaway leaders... sod it. Move on.


Look for ways to improve by all means, but a bollocking wasn't in order. Neither are drastic changes,

What goes on behind closed doors should stay behind closed doors IMHO.

Downboat for LJ from me...

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....in what respect are they ill judged?

In the respect that I think they're a lot more likely to piss him off than anything else. Perhaps Poleon is the type of player who will go out and do everything he can to prove Johnson wrong but it's a risk, especially with a player he only has a short history with.


Being compared to Balotelli (in terms of stupidity, rather than ability) by his relatively new manager, who publically goes on to say that he's got a poor touch, is crap with his back to goal and can't finish, may not produce the result Johnson is looking for, in my opinion.

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In the respect that I think they're a lot more likely to piss him off than anything else. Perhaps Poleon is the type of player who will go out and do everything he can to prove Johnson wrong but it's a risk, especially with a player he only has a short history with.


Being compared to Balotelli (in terms of stupidity, rather than ability) by his relatively new manager, who publically goes on to say that he's got a poor touch, is crap with his back to goal and can't finish, may not produce the result Johnson is looking for, in my opinion.


I was once criticised by a manager at work, it made me think I should be doing better, I upped my game and later got promoted.

Edited by BP1960
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We have criticised managers in the past for feeding us bull s*** now we criticise the manager for telling us the truth!!


If you study all the great managers/coaches they have all publicly called players out and criticised them when necessary


Reading the article I think LJ is actually saying to the fans "don't get on his back I've sorted it"

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Everything is a risk..... Signing him in the first place..... playing him..... being nice to him..... giving him a kick up the backside.


LJ would've scouted him.... done research on him [his personality].... and now he sees him every day.


Unlike us on here, who can only guess.... Johnson appears to have calculated that a mild telling off in the public eye is what he needs. I've got no problem with that, you've got to trust his judgement.


At the end of the day, JCH was a risk.... it paid off, literally!

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Why does everyone always say it should be kept in house. Its not like its all over sky sports news and I doubt the players are reading the chron.


LJ is quick enough to praise the players in the press so they should be big enough and ugly enough to accept criticism as well.


Also for any team or club to be successful then the management and squad need to be on exactly the same page. If not then get rid of one or the other.....LJ is 100% right for me

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The clue is in the title of his position, Manager

LJ is there to manage the players and should do it the way that he thinks fit, without bowing down to fashionable mollycoddling and worrying about crap like 'bullying' accusations. If he thinks that clarifying something in the public domain will help us win games then good luck to him.

If the players do well compliment them, if they dont then tell them straight!

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The clue is in the title of his position, Manager

LJ is there to manage the players and should do it the way that he thinks fit, without bowing down to fashionable mollycoddling and worrying about crap like 'bullying' accusations. If he thinks that clarifying something in the public domain will help us win games then good luck to him.

If the players do well compliment them, if they dont then tell them straight!

Of course he should do as he sees fit. He's well within his rights to do it. I was just expressing my doubts about whether it will have the desired effect. I certainly wasn't suggesting anything like bullying.


But management of these young players isn't as simple as telling them straight when they've been crap or done something wrong; that's not always going to be right way of getting the best out of them.

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I didn't see the incident but it sounds as though Poleon was having he bit of happy banter with the opposition. Even if they 'were mates', Poleon should have had his head up his arse with the narrow defeat after we gave a good account of ourselves and got zilch. He was long way short of what LJ expects - and now he knows it - and we know he knows it. Full marks to LJ.

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The clue is in the title of his position, Manager

LJ is there to manage the players and should do it the way that he thinks fit, without bowing down to fashionable mollycoddling and worrying about crap like 'bullying' accusations. If he thinks that clarifying something in the public domain will help us win games then good luck to him.

If the players do well compliment them, if they dont then tell them straight!



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