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A lot of talk about remorse etc doing the rounds and thinking about the victim and her subsequent hounding.


1. He's appealing and maintains 100% innocence, so he's not going to apologise or show remorse. But if he wins the fast-tracked appeal based on something about the prosecution being dodgy, surely the original charge will be brought back against him immediately and there'll be a pending retrial? - unless the victim opted not too; but if she did this, he might then sue her..!?!


2. Commenting on actions of others hounding and identifying her - even if he condemned it in strongest terms, it would still associate him with it publicly. He will have been advised legally not to bring about this?


3. There's an aggressiveness about his website, with regards his innocence, that does indirectly fuel antagonism towards the victim - even though it doesn't encourage this directly and condemns rape in the strongest possible terms; instead arguing that this case, and the perceived dubiousness of the conviction, is damaging for rightful cases of rape


4.the jury made a guilty verdict but...If you'd done two-and-half years in prison, with your career potentially ruined forever, would you, or could you, show remorse or regret for the situation and lewd activities - when/if the victim had allegedly sent messages on Facebook (at the time she was supposedly passed out) which were subsequently deleted, and instigated and encouraged the sexual activity (Ched's claim)..., only then to allegedly pretend otherwise, allegedly go along with the prosecution case while bragging about 'winning big' to her friends etc, and then walk on after a lewd sexual action she encouraged has allegedly led to you, guilty of being a stupid drunk cheat yes but innocent of rape, being jailed for five years....? Yes her life has been ruined too, but I guess he'd feel it isn't as bad as 30 months in jail for something you didn't do!


Obviously this above point is just one side of the story - but one he strongly maintains, which comes across in the nature of the website and further fuels his desire to clear his name. But at the same time it has potential damaging consequences due to the law on victims of rape having lifelong anonymity and parts of it that arguably come close to identifying her.


It's a merry go round that won't stop.... We've jumped on it - big time :\

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I remember in a very bored moment checking John Sheridan's wikipedia page and feeling this overwhelming sadness that a bloke who had committed so much to the club - as a player, coach, manager - left the club under the cloud he did.


That was Lee Hughes legacy - not 20 or 30 goals - his part in the breakdown of a promising season and the breaking of 10 years of service. It was not just his responsibility, Shez himself must take his share - but it was a failure.


Montano, I suspect, took more than just a suspended wage with him when he hit the buffers and dragged our clubs name with him. He continues to do so today!!


I fail to see how Ched Evans in the fullness of time will leave a positive imprint on Oldham Athletic football club. He might score some goals, he probably won't (but that's just an opinion). I suspect he himself has no idea what he's in for if he ever reaches the field of play again. We have (or did) volunteered to be lab rats for this experiment and it is an incompetent decision on every level.


Its this I just cannot believe! Have we not learned from our own recent history? Regardless as to the moral objections which are glaringly obvious....despite the thoughts of some!! (I'm a 34 year old bloke expecting my first child in March, and agreed with every word Sly!)


He signs...... Our fanbase is split - When he starts to receive abuse from the opposition, some will sing in support as he is now 'one of us'. This will inevitably lead to some shouting negatively towards those offering support. It could very possibly turn violent - It certainly cannot help those on the pitch!!


If he doesn't - look at the damage already done....for nothing!!


As many have said - I feel so sorry for LJ in all of this. He has been undermined and embarrassed by a club he has seemingly given his all towards. I could not blame him if he walked away.


Our club have put us in this position - shame on them. We look desperate, opportunistic and completely incompetent. To that you can now add spineless!!

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I think Lukers point was her take on role models etc... shes in the public eye and gets her kit off...


Her tweet about missing out on a picture with mike Tyson was comical though given her comments on CE

Edited by robboman
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Is it true she was seen with both men entering the room?

Is it true she didn't appear that drunk on cctv footage?

Is it true she text a friend & what did she say?

Is it true she said/communicated to a friend she would benefit financially?

Is it true she tried to extort money from Ched Evans?

Is it true she has similar previous with 2 rugby players & what were those circumstances?

Is it true an expert said she would have been capable of consenting with the alcohol in her system?

If these allegations are true is it possible CE is more the victim?


These are the questions that make me doubt the safety of the conviction. I don't know if these allegations are true, but it makes me wonder what was included in court & not.


Having seen British justice close at hand I am not convinced in anyway of its infallibility.

You could obviously put together a similar argument but in favour of the girl.


However, having read as much as I possibly could about the case, I'm very sympathetic of Evans.


I do want to stress that this is my opinion and I know will differ from others', but it is equally valuable;


There are far too many grey areas for anyone to say whether it did or did not happen. No normal human being could get a taxi home, get changed, get a taxi back to the hotel and drink to the extent where they suffer memory loss in just 90 minutes.


The main thing for me is the fact she had tried it before with a rugby player. This totally throws her credibility out of the window for me.


People want him to show remorse, but why the :censored: should he if he maintains his innocence??


Who on here would admit to a crime they did not commit?

Who on here would not fight tooth and nail to clear their name if they had been wrongly convicted of a crime, even if it risked upsetting the accuser?

Who on here would not take the opportunity to go back to the profession they loved on release from prison if given the opportunity to do so?


Give the lad a chance I say. If anything, his story will help draw attention to the dangers of getting into situations like he did for our younger fans. It will certainly not make them go home from BP and rape somebody.

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To some people it would send the wrong message to the younger generation of girls... ala Katie price

What message is that?


"If you have a certain look, then when you are older you can choose to do some modelling if you want to."


I see no problem and no hypocrisy here.

Edited by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills
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You could obviously put together a similar argument but in favour of the girl.

However, having read as much as I possibly could about the case, I'm very sympathetic of Evans.

I do want to stress that this is my opinion and I know will differ from others', but it is equally valuable;

There are far too many grey areas for anyone to say whether it did or did not happen. No normal human being could get a taxi home, get changed, get a taxi back to the hotel and drink to the extent where they suffer memory loss in just 90 minutes.

The main thing for me is the fact she had tried it before with a rugby player. This totally throws her credibility out of the window for me.

People want him to show remorse, but why the :censored: should he if he maintains his innocence??

Who on here would admit to a crime they did not commit?

Who on here would not fight tooth and nail to clear their name if they had been wrongly convicted of a crime, even if it risked upsetting the accuser?

Who on here would not take the opportunity to go back to the profession they loved on release from prison if given the opportunity to do so?

Give the lad a chance I say. If anything, his story will help draw attention to the dangers of getting into situations like he did for our younger fans. It will certainly not make them go home from BP and rape somebody.


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Corney, Owen and whoever else at the club who thought that this act of desperate opportunism was a good idea, should read through the preceding 74 pages to see if they identify with the views of the fans backing their stance.


Putting aside the huge moral issue of Evans' case and subsequent conviction, how can anyone of sound mind believe that this could be simply flown in under the radar? Was it born of arrogance, desperation, greed or stupidity?


We're on a hiding to nothing if we sign him and look like a bunch of incompetent clowns if we pull out at this late stage. What a sorry mess.

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This is going to be difficult, but we need to debate the SIGNING of Evans along with the facts of the conviction. We are not questioning the integrity of anybody else involved. Please refrain from any part-time detective work, or fag packet case analysis.


Posts will be removed without warning, persistence will be met with account suspension. If you have a personal view of the case and appeal, do it on your personal Facebook page.

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Could not agree more Rummy.


There are only two real conclusions you can draw. Either you think he has served his time and now he should be free to play football for whoever wants him, or you think a convicted rapist shouldn't be signed by your club (or possibly any club depending on your views).


How anyone can say anything about him possibly being innocent baffles me. A jury found him guilty, this judgment from the jury has been looked at and found to be just. That means he is guilty by the laws of the land. I am assuming nobody here was there when it happened, or was in the court during the whole trial.


For me, it can only damage team moral, piss off a hell of a lot of supporters (me included), and there is a big chance he would be crap now anyway when you take into account the time out of the game and his mental state.


If we sign him now I would be amazed, and will walk away from the club until Corney is gone - not just Evans.

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Not seen the site so can't comment on the content. But for everyone criticising evans' website and the hounding of the victim why have you all openly accepted Connor brown into our club? Applauded him and praised him? Is that not hypocritical and morally wrong also?

He didn't rape anybody.


He was just a foolish teen posting :censored: on social media based on hearing one side of the argument.


In a similar vein, I wouldn't ban those who disagree with my strong views on this from posting. Even if I find those posts extraordinarily ignorant,

Edited by opinions4u
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He didn't rape anybody.


He was just a foolish teen posting :censored: on social media based on hearing one side of the argument.


In a similar vein, I wouldn't ban those who disagree with my strong views on this from posting. Even if I find those posts extraordinarily ignorant,

No he didn't you are correct. That wasn't the point of the post tho was it?


It was aimed at the hounding of the victim that evans and 'his people' have been criticised for. You could say Connor brown started all that off.


I do however take your point he was young and immature but that doesn't make it right. Afterall you could argue that evans was young and immature to get himself into the situation in the first place but that doesn't make that right either

Edited by davebuckley06
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Disappointed not to bump into Sly.


My sleep pattern's been all over the place for weeks.

Wish that was my excuse. Sadly work beckons for me.


I actually think that's quite a good article. No real witch hunt for Evans or the club, just informative. Although I wouldn't say we were a 'struggling League One side'. Unless they mean finances?

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Corney has lost all credibility for me and Owen is a complete and utter prat

Ed MIlliband and the various politicians and police commissioners who have weighed in are an absolute disgrace


LJ on the other hand is a class act and deserves our support, he will move on to greater things and to a club that deserves him

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I go to the football for enjoyment, to escape the normal everyday world for a few hours and watch 22 men kick a ball around. Not to sit there and have opposition fans chant "Town full of rapists" at us and bring real world :censored: into something that is a release from the big bad world.


I believe in second chances for offenders but OAFC isn't part of the probation service, it is part of the entertainment industry.

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