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Someone not on their phone - can you start a new poll with 2 simple choices.


-Willing to accept the signing

-Have nothing to do with the club after this signing


Want to gain an insight into how opinions have changed as the situation has become more real.

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Facts. And Ched Evans website? Has it not occurred to you that it might be a teensy weeny bit biased?

But legally they will only be able to post factual information on the case, so it's not as if they're posting pages of lies and deceiving us all.

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Where is the evidence for that ?


I guess the 125 pages here and media outrage across the web, TV and newspapers is pretty clear evidence for the shrieking over reaction to what in the grand scheme of things although unpalatable is hardly going to change the world as we know it.


I dunno, maybe in your life you'll view things in context of "before Ched Evans" and "after Ched Evans".


I don't remember there being such a :censored:storm about the Libor scandal (probably the biggest financial fraud in history) and the obvious knock on effects it will have had. The media certainly didn't create such a circus when Israel were committing genocide last year either and there were far fewer people being accused of being 'pro genocide' for not condemning them (something none of our politicians did with any fervour either).

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Posted · Hidden by Stevie_J, January 8, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Stevie_J, January 8, 2015 - No reason given

Facts. And Ched Evans website? Has it not occurred to you that it might be a teensy weeny bit biased?

No one source can give you a definitive view.

As an alternative (and not the only one) here is another. It's a court report page from his appeal.


Hence why I wrote "Yes this link is obviously from a pure defensive point of view"

Like I said 2 sides to every story and he was found guilty so that is that, however from a purely unbiased point of view I do think it doesn't sound as clear cut as people are lead to believe.

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I don't remember there being such a :censored:storm about the Libor scandal (probably the biggest financial fraud in history) and the obvious knock on effects it will have had. The media certainly didn't create such a circus when Israel were committing genocide last year either and there were far fewer people being accused of being 'pro genocide' for not condemning them (something none of our politicians did with any fervour either).


Frankly I think you live in a box if you think that is true...

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How many went to prison?


I was talking about there not being media / public interest about those events. They where huge stories around the world....


I talk on lots of forums about lots of different issues. I am not going to discuss Libor on the OAFC forum though. I have no idea how you sensibly came to the view point lots of the fans here aren't interested in what else is going on.


The incident in Paris today put this story into perspective. But its still a story....

Edited by oafc0000
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But legally they will only be able to post factual information on the case, so it's not as if they're posting pages of lies and deceiving us all.

Factual information?

Like the title of the website and the front page "The Wrongly convicted"Ched Evans.Is that a fact?

Like the page offering a reward for information? A fact?

Like the fact their argument about her status on the video is with the Sun and a quote from the Sun, not the Court evidence.

Like the fact it quotes McDonald's text •On the way to the Premier Inn Clayton sent a message to Ched saying words to the effect of ‘I am with a girl'. Note it is not the factually correct Got a Bird.


I really hope that it damages his Review.

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Posted · Hidden by Stevie_J, January 8, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Stevie_J, January 8, 2015 - No reason given

Hence why I wrote "Yes this link is obviously from a pure defensive point of view"

Like I said 2 sides to every story and he was found guilty so that is that, however from a purely unbiased point of view I do think it doesn't sound as clear cut as people are lead to believe.

I have never been lead to believe it is clear cut. It would not be controversial if it were, would it? And would not have garnered all this publicity if it were. I can't understand how you can have thought it was.
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I was talking about there not being media interest about those events. They where huge stories around the world....


I talk on lots of forums about lots of different issues. I am not going to discuss Libor on the OAFC forum though. I have no idea how you sensibly came to the view point lots of the fans here aren't interested in what else is going on.


The incident in Paris today but this story into perspective. But its still a story....


As you wish.

Edited by LeylandLatic
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And the jokes have started already ....

From the Bristol City forum - http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/166771-ched-evans-to-sign-for-league-one-club/page-11


If they get relegated, will they change the club's name to Oldham Down?


..... Apparently Oldham actually said no but Evans just signed the contract anyway...



We are going to have to get used to them I suppose.

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According to government statistics, there are 9.2 million people in the UK with criminal records out of a population of 65 million. That's somewhere short of 20% of the population. To imagine that the rehabilitation of criminals is an altruistic act taken on by well meaning but ultimately misguided people is patently false - it's an economic necessity and always has been. This, and the fact that people are beginning to understand that to question the right of Evans to play football again (or his right to protest his innocence) is unassailable without also questioning the more fundamental building blocks of our justice system, actually makes the appointment of Evans (if indeed this happens) far less noteworthy than the press would have us believe. Take away the highly emotive connotations surrounding the word 'rape' and the demonisation of sex offenders and you'll see that when the smoke clears the fire was actually quite small.

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One last time - keep it civil. From now on, anything we deem to be name-calling or baiting people or anything like that - on either side of the argument - gets removed.


Does this include the vitriol you've allowed to date aimed at Barry? Just curious.

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Now getting phones calls at work from other members of staff regarding this ............... because I won't comment I been told that I must condone rape!!


Thanks a :censored:ing lot Corney for bringing supporting the club to this ........... wished you'd have pissed off years ago with the others


They mustn't know you to well then Mark......Or do they know something about you I would swear to my mates you're not like that?


If that were me I'd tell them to behave.

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At the end of the day, I don't think you can stop him playing football, who are we to force extra punishment on criminals who have been released. It is a dangerous road to go down.


Having said that, I think the club should have side stepped this one as it was always going to be a divisive and emotive subject and we are under no obligations to sign anybody.


I hope it doesn't hurt the club too badly but I can only see this as a stupid and unnecessary move in our current situation.

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My grandad and dad supported latics, ive been born into it.... I just feel so strongly that its in my blood, I understand why people feel what they do around evans but don't understand how they can cut off ties over 1 player after going 30, 40, 50 years it seems impossible to me. What are you gonna do on a saturday afternoon? Maybe I'll feel different once I've had children.... I just don't think I physically could stop myself going even if I wanted to.

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Just got back from my SU bar/ club on campus, I go to uni in London and everyone was talking about us tonight,so surreal, most people were saying how he should be given another chance etc, however your view point is completely different when your involved. Hopefully I'll wake up after a solid 10 hour student sleep to news we havent signed him, good night.

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Much as I respect and feel for those supporters who are struggling with their consciences right now, the club should be neither praised nor condemned for signing Evans, as they are merely employing someone with a criminal record. A necessary and mundanely routine action, given the high number of criminal offenders within the population (9.2million apparently).


Because of the highly emotive nature of the subject it's easy to milk sex crime for profit and the media have been guilty of doing this for years. All crime is destructive by varying degrees and for each crime there is a victim regardless. What about the victims of Arson? burglary? or fraud? Evans is a convicted criminal who's crime was neither trivial nor heinous and we must treat it as such. The club have obviously decided that signing Evans makes sense, I'm not sure if it does and many supporters feel alienated by the lack of consultation between the club and it's fan-base. But one thing is for sure, they are not rape-apologists any more than I am for writing this.


It would be wrong were the club be prevented from pursuing its lawful business as a result of online outrage, however it would be right to make future amendments to the law to accommodate public opinion.

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