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Please use this Barry Owen list thread, saves every thread highjacking

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i wish him the best,however when will corney see that owen is ruining our club.if it was the victorian times and he was in the army he would be given a gun and put in a room.if he was japanese he would be expected to commit hari kari and if he was in the south seas he would be put in a pot and eaten

By graham-walker @ 13/09/2015 16:01:43

From today's online Chron - seems Owen is in a stew in more ways than one!

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Lags. You've fought this corner consistently and well, brother, over the years. But there comes a time when a man just has to give it up. I admire your brave stand but...


Sometimes in the face of adversity and the pack mentality we have to stand firm. It's just so laughable how everything that goes wrong or perceived to be wrong, BO is to blame. It's lame. Sure BO as made mistakes, show me someone who hasn't, and now we have an absolute nonsense of a pathetic protest against.....you guessed it BO cause he's made all the decisions.......Really????????

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Sometimes in the face of adversity and the pack mentality we have to stand firm. It's just so laughable how everything that goes wrong or perceived to be wrong, BO is to blame. It's lame. Sure BO as made mistakes, show me someone who hasn't, and now we have an absolute nonsense of a pathetic protest against.....you guessed it BO cause he's made all the decisions.......Really????????


This is one of the problems people have with Barry. It isn't that he's to blame for everything (hi Simon!) but he's too connected to too many disasters to be a credible figure. He really is at the point where, even if he does a good thing (I can't think of any examples off the top of my head) people can never see it that way. When anything truly outrageous happens at the club, such as bringing in a manager you know you're going to sack when a soon-to-be-ex-player shows you a bit of cash, people naturally wonder about Barry's role.


We won't think any less of you for giving it up. Promise. And I know how deeply you care about what people think.

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This is one of the problems people have with Barry. It isn't that he's to blame for everything (hi Simon!) but he's too connected to too many disasters to be a credible figure. He really is at the point where, even if he does a good thing (I can't think of any examples off the top of my head) people can never see it that way. When anything truly outrageous happens at the club, such as bringing in a manager you know you're going to sack when a soon-to-be-ex-player shows you a bit of cash, people naturally wonder about Barry's role.


We won't think any less of you for giving it up. Promise. And I know how deeply you care about what people think.


It's not a crusade (unlike to some to bash BO) and it certainly won't effect my life if BO walks off whilst muttering and flicking the 'V's.


It's just got fashionable to abuse and blame BO and be part of the pack. I don't do packs and never have. Do you know, I honestly think some of this BO bollox pack don't even know why they're in it......It's like the lad standing in a queue he's seen cos they must be selling drugs there.


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