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Everything posted by Snookmeister

  1. Just picked two up for the chaddy. No queue whatsoever. Ticket office chap said a "couple" of Everton fans had tried it on this morning, but that was all..,,,
  2. Have you tried contacting the Chron to see what they may be able to do?
  3. Really? Just look at all the bitching that goes on on here - can you imagine what the board meetings would be like??!!
  4. What is with all the ex-reds getting touted? Jeez, it'll be Jesper Olsen next.....
  5. Genuinely gutted for him, despite it being the right decision. Loved those early days of outstanding football - shame it didn't last....
  6. Agreed. No matter how bad we were, it was only made worse by a shocker of a homer who gave us absolutely sod all over the 90 mins. Should have had two pens in the first 20 mins.
  7. He never once challenged for a header. Smith would have battled for and won 75% percent of them.
  8. Iwelumo? He was awful! Never jumped for a header all game, let alone won one! Was like Bambi on ice with the ball at his feet. We missed Smith something rotten today....
  9. Brown was absolute dog:censored: today. Caught out of position every few minutes, and was just as bad going forward where he got the ball and just froze. I could have done a better job. It was between him and Iwelumo for the worst player in Blue. He can go back to Watford if that's an indicator of his future performances.
  10. Make me cringe, that tune. Mind you, it always does when grown men sing about how "fackin' hard" another man is........
  11. Horrible news. Won't be able to make it on Sunday, but best wishes to you both. Hope the concert earns some good money.
  12. Here's your tactics for your upcoming games: Turn up. You're welcome......
  13. Do people REALLY think the prices are excessive? An extra £5 on top of the usual adult price and another 10 for concessions. Has anyone been to the cinema lately? Or any other event at all? Jesus, it's not OldhamAthletic.org for christ's sake.....
  14. Tripe. The C bomb is these days commonly used to describe someone or something that is completely out of order. Nothing else.
  15. If a line of stewards is all that's needed in the premier, then why not a 6ft wide moat? Perhaps we could fill it with sharp sticks or angry reptiles just to satisfy the pansies at GMP??
  16. The vouchers will surely be used on a first come, first served basis. it's the only logical way to do it.
  17. I think the club have got it right. You wont pay less than £20 to watch Liverpool anywhere else. We're skint FFS. The club is a business, not a god damn charity. £20 for a one off game for supporters who have can see an entire season for a ten spot.
  18. Going forward, why not just print some tokens in each programme every season and use those for games like these?? At the very least, it would increase programme sales somewhat!
  19. I'm a lapsed ST holder since two seasons ago. I now pick and choose my games. I'd love a ticket, but I'll have to take my chances along with all the many others in a similar boat. If we thought the clamour last season for Liverpool tickets was big, it's going to even more so this time round isn't it? With them surely being given the whole REE, won't the tickets available for home fans be a little less? What's our capacity these days?
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