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Everything posted by Macca

  1. Would we see this £200k put into the first-team? As we are losing more than this would it just fund the losses?
  2. There could be. I want there to be a youth system here, it's worked well for us in the past and it's great to see young players making the step up. Currently there's no youth players in the first-team side though. Tarkowski the only one who's made starts in recent months. With spending £200k and getting £200k on top of that and possibly receiving less in transfer fees could encourage the club to hold onto players such as Philliskirk who could then possibly benefit the first team here?
  3. Just watched the LW interview with Barry Owen discussing the Youth Policy at the club. He's wanting the fans opinions regarding it. From the interview Barry has been tasked with finding savings at the club. Around £400k is spent each season with £200k coming from grants, so club spends around £200k each season. Wants to know if we should continue with a youth policy or use this money to increase they first-team budget and scrap the youth system. Talked as an example that the £300k we received for Tom Eaves would now only be £12k under the new rules if a similar player was sold now.
  4. Put Liverpool in the Chaddy and have the main stand and RRE for Oldham. Might not be popular with the chaddy loyalists but it gets more people supporting Oldham in.
  5. If Cisak's contract runs out in the summer and he's potentially worth a bit to the club we should be negotiating a new contract with him now really. This contract dispute could be something to do with that rather than the contract he's currently on.
  6. Yeah looks like Millar will be going out on loan. Needs to make a good impression as he's struggling to get into the first team here and doesn't do much when he does come off the bench.
  7. Steve Cotterill would be a great manager to have but he could probably get a club in a higher position/league and he's prone to jumping ship too soon. I don't want ANY ex-Oldham manager, need to look to the future not the past. Need a manager who will steadily build this club up over the seasons. Open to anyone who can do that, with or without managerial experience.
  8. What harm will it do? We aren't going to challenge for promotion. This might be our only chance of success this season. Last season's effort was very entertaining. Not many bigger games at BP in the last few years than last seasons JPT game against Chesterfield.
  9. Pompey 2 Oldham 2 Slew Att: 15129
  10. Investment is needed but is Corney willing to invest further when he's lost millions to date? They've already invested money trying to get us into the Championship. Remember the Ronnie Moore days with Wellens and Liddell and Beckett and Porter all on very good contracts for this league. It didn't pay off, the club were losing millions each year. It can't be sustained. Whether the club made wow signings or cut their cloth the club have never attracted enough support to sustain it.
  11. http://www.johnstonespainttrophy.com/documents/38/original/jpt.paintball.3008.pdf JPT doing online magazines ahead of games in the competition. Here's the first one before the games in midweek.
  12. I think Corney is 'running' the club well. Most clubs are sturggling but as Corney says we're by far from the worst. But by running the club well there's no room for investment. We're merely surviving right now like most clubs are and there's not much we can do about it. The club needs stability and it also need investment from somewhere and an increase in revenue to move forward. Who wants to invest? Where's the increase in revenue going to come from? Without extra funding this is the best situation we can hope for at present, just keep fighting on hoping things will end up changing soon.
  13. Great achievement for Dean. Well done and hope claims a regular spot in the side.
  14. Scott Vernon. Doing a decent job in the Scots Prem. Paul Dickov?
  15. 20p for a plastic bag if you haven't spent £50 in the club shop!
  16. I suggest if we need a new man to help Dickov then Dickov's time has already come to an end.
  17. Stevenage were much better than us, the easiest 1-0 win away from home they'll ever have. Akins looked superb for them. What's going to change? We looked pretty clueless and slow out there today. Ball not dealt with at the back results in them getting a penalty. Too many players making too many mistakes and the same mistakes we've made week after week, season after season. I wasn't looking forward to this game and it's only game 3.
  18. Oldham 2-1 Stevenage Slew 3731
  19. Prediction for antespo1 MK 0-0 Oldham No scorer 8777
  20. MK 1-1 Oldham Simpson 8652
  21. Another season of inconsistency. As good as that first half was we still haven't stopped the mistakes at the back. Vulnerable from set-pieces and crosses yet again. Going to be a mixed season but we should stay up.
  22. A grander, bigger stand would be what we would all want but at the moment we could fit our home fans into the new stand! 14,000 capacity will be plenty for us even for the Championship, we won't fill it even if we ended up playing in that division. There's no money to build a bigger stadium. No financial backers apart from the Council money and SC himself. If you can find a few million get intouch with SC asap!
  23. If the move goes ahead before the friendly. Maybe we could reduce the admission to £10 again?...
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