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Everything posted by Tommy_Fent

  1. Sadly £28 is about standard fare these days
  2. I'm frustrated because I believe this team can be doing a lot better. But I'm also a lot more optimistic than I was at this stage in the previous two seasons
  3. I'd hardly class it as "meltdown", just fans disappointed with their teams performance because they all knew they could have done better than what was shown today.
  4. That game today was crying out for a Lee Duxberry sort of player, someone prepared to attack them loose balls. Too many times today the ball would fall to an area on the pitch where a midfielder should have been. I like Wes, and I think him and Smith work well together against the better sides in the League but I think Wes and Smith in the Centre today limited our attacking options because they're both defensive minded players. I think we should have brought Rodgers on in the 2nd half
  5. Crewe had players who were very clever at going down whenever contact was made today. I still think that FIFA need to take a more toughened stance on this rule because it can really spoil a game. But overall, the ref was irrelevant today
  6. For some reason this thread made me think of this video.
  7. I'm going for him missing a clear handball on the line by a Crewe player on the 35th minute and I think the dodgy penalty to them will be the result of a foul outside the area
  8. as mentioned, the problem is that certain clubs now have more power than the actually game itself and one result is that a lot of players would rather take the money and sit on the stockpile of the big clubs rather than make regular appearances. To me this suggests that they're being rewarded for failure, I don't mind players coming in on loan but provided it benefits all parties involved
  9. I don't think I've ever been so angry at a Football match as I was yesterday, I think the fact that this has happened twice in three games is what was the bitterest pill to swallow. I really feel sorry for the players and the Management, their reputation is being tarnished thanks to some inept (possibly bent) officials
  10. always knew he was a Two Hat, I used to live with a Bradford fan who despises him after a game between Crawley and them when he was manager there
  11. he ran up and down the touchline celebrating, which got a few peoples backs up
  12. if you went along the Snake you would have got caught up in the traffic going to Hillsborough
  13. word of warning, the bouncers don't allow anyone wearing colours inside the pub now
  14. sorry to bring the phrase up again but aren't Rotherham unbeaten in 12 games? All good runs have to come to an end at some time....
  15. I was amazed that we got locked out at Bury, you just never know with our followings
  16. I don't think it's closed on weekends, so those travelling over on Saturday should be fine
  17. I for one just hope we take a half decent following tonight
  18. Those who were at the meet the Manager (and Chairman) meeting will remember Corney saying how Koukash "wasn't a Football man"
  19. If he scores a hat-trick in those boots, I suggest we #oafc Tweeps should dedicate a day to them
  20. that is very true, don't get me wrong I admire and in some ways envy any Oldhamer who follows the club in a way of showing pride in their hometown. But there is an element of our support who come from down the road and would rather follow a club that values its support rather than the amount of shirts they can sell in Asia anyways back on topic, I think the Ronnie factor lost its edge when Sheridan left. The current set of Players/Management would probably feel no different about beating Tranmere than they would about say Bradford
  21. we have a fair few fans who'd class themselves as Mancunian, through family ties etc. I would class myself more of a Glossopian than an Oldhamer, but even if my Dads side of the family tree have been Oldhamers going back to the Great Rising of 1381 I think it had something to do with us rejecting him as a youngster whilst at City, although only he can explain why he wanted to take that out on the fans sat in the Chaddy is
  22. This ^. You need a level of respect towards referees, which I think is sometimes unbalanced. But there was no excuse for what happened on Saturday, it was a decision which will stick out in the memory for years to come. I hope he doesn't Ref another one of our games for a long time
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