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Everything posted by Tommy_Fent

  1. I don't know I did like the 2nd and 3rd Back to the Future films
  2. Have one side reading Oldham Athletic Then when we start playing badly we can flip the other side over which reads Oldham Pathetic
  3. At the moment I feel thoroughly disappointed at the way this season has panned out. The last few seasons I've felt we were where we were because we simply weren't good enough. This season however I felt we should be doing much better, look at that league, bar perhaps the top 4 the rest of the sides are hardly remarkable. I'm sick of pundits and opposition fans looking down their nose at us. There should be a desire to prove these people wrong instead of feeling sorry for ourselves and blaming everything on the budget
  4. Fireworks and the National Anthem before kick off, Unlimited amount of food, cheesy 80's Rock n Roll cranking out of the PA system, industrial heaters, 18 year old cheerleaders, an owl released before kick off and beer in the stands
  5. My instant response would be to switch. I sit in the Chaddy but I would move across if needs be. But it won't all of a sudden turn BP into the Stadio Olympico, I think there are numerous factors to the poor home atmosphere. One thing I will say is that we must respect the younger generations that choose to follow us. They are the future, if it was put to a vote it would be interesting to see the average age of the voters. I'd hazard a guess that a lot of the teenage fans we get will have never seen the Chaddy bouncing. I'm nearly 28 and I've rarely seen it
  6. Was always led to believe the Oooh Roger Palmer chant was related to the way he ghosted into the penalty area. That said singing it at any random black person you see might imply that you're suggesting that all black people look the same. I'm hoping that it's a miniscule minority that thinks this way, however if this is your point of view then please don't sit near me at games
  7. £26, I still have a ticket stub from it. Not sure about the Littlewoods Cup mind
  8. I was asked this the other day and I couldn't think off the top of my head, but I think it was about £27 to watch us play at Leicester in 2009. What about everyone else?
  9. if we manage to redevelop BP to a decent standard, would people object to us hosting the RL Challenge Cup Semi-Final?
  10. I don't think he's been involved in anything dodgy, he's probably just said something without thinking it through
  11. disallowed a perfectly legit goal by Baxter if I recall correctly, but also gave the penalty which Simpson blazed over the bar
  12. Under Talbot? I remember that, it was a really nice sunny Autumn day but then it all seemed to come down just as they scored the 2nd goal, I believe there was some hail involved too. My phone didn't work because it got so badly drenched.
  13. I can't remember the opposition but I remember a night match in the mid 90's in what was the 1st Division when it was particularly bad
  14. http://www.leytonorient.com/news/article/john-burman-030214-1337830.aspx Interesting gesture
  15. a top half finish would really stick two fingers up to all those people predicting us to go down at the start of the season. Realistically I'd say around 15th
  16. 181, 182 and 24 from Manchester City Centre* *when it bothers to turn up
  17. I remember having a good chat with some of their fans after we played them this year, we really are like two brothers who don't want to admit they're more like each other than they actually are
  18. It's been great attending various "Evenings with Joe Royle/Andy Ritchie/Rick Holden etc" but I can't help but feel those who are a few years older than me will appreciate these events more than me. I was at the Rodger Wylde night before Christmas now he played for Latics before I was born even if it was still a fantastic talk with a player who certainly had some stories to tell. But it got me thinking, of the players we've had in recent seasons, which ones will we still be talking about in 20 years time? Who can you imagine filling a pub full of the next generation if Latics fans for an evening?
  19. That's exactly how I feel about it. I think most rivalries nowadays are about a different mentality between sets of fans rather than just a geographical thing. And us, Dale, Tranmere, Bury etc have a lot more in common than some of the other clubs mentioned in this thread
  20. .... so that's Utd, City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal etc Which clubs would you most like to see Latics get one over? I think from a personal point of view one of the things I love about Latics is the way in which we sometimes stick two fingers up to the "little Oldham" tag. I love it when we get one over those clubs who although in most cases are bigger than us, they have this element of their support who have this impression that they're a bigger club than they really are and when "little Oldham" beat them they can't physically take it. So from my own personal experience I'd put Huddersfield, Barnsley, Preston, Blackpool and Sheff Utd in this category especially the latter seeing as I used to live right next to them and had to put up with "why would anyone support a club like Oldham?" on a regular basis
  21. what annoys me about the modern day half time pie is when the pies are served in that piping hot paper that burns your fingers best ever pie....? It's got to be Wigan I'm afraid
  22. If we played Stalybridge in the 1st Round would you expect BP to be a cauldron of noise?
  23. This is why Safe Standing needs to happen
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