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Everything posted by oafcprozac

  1. Realistically it's unlikely I know but given Konstantopolous signed a years extension this week and they've tabled a £3m bid for Kieran Westwood at Sheffield Wednesday he's going to be down the pecking order at Boro. i know they'll probably want him to build on his experience but would they loan him to a fellow championship club? Or more likely SPL (Robbo) or League One? personally I think we've a chance...
  2. Hope he stays more central these days he was forever out wide
  3. The royal blue is a little darker today, the blue flag will be flying a little lower. Legend is so much an over used word but it doesn't even begin to describe Big Gordon's contribution to OAFC. Goodnight God Bless, we've truly lost one of our own. RIP Big Gordy x ?
  4. Tbf mate 31 goals all season our strikers made most defenders look like Sammer, Baresi, Moore and Beckenbauer... I agree he grew into the level during his time here but watching Bury's highlights they conceded some awful goals with him at fault. i agree that I'd rather give our kids experience we need to sell to survive not shirt block our own kids with loanees...unless they are better than what we have. Burgess wasn't.
  5. 72 hours later and that's my wife and daughter in the middle of it. By the grace of God, pure luck. God Bless all those affected and I hope the extremist fuckwits responsible burn in hell. When will these idiots learn that freedom will never bow to fear?
  6. You know I always saw Barlow as a bit of a weak link at the time but the more I watch those old videos back you see what a class player he was and a hell of a threat going forward. I recently watched the littlewoods cup game v Arsenal and despite the excellence of the goals and all round performance from 1-11 that night Barlow was easily MOTM for me.
  7. Made up when we signed: Tommy Wright Andy Ritchie Neil Adams jobbo Sharpy - exactly what was needed Luke Beckett Sean Gregan Peter Clarke
  8. Peter Beardsley unplayable agree with Vialli, lethal Just on reputation Weah Giggs and Kanchelskis pulled out pants down a few times.
  9. Keith Edwards Paul Furlong Mark Hughes Hector Sam juan Ugarte
  10. Double over them means nothing though - Liverpool beat palace 9-0 the season they lost in the semi. Latics have always found a way of doing a Latics. Chesterfield in 11/12 we thought we'd walk into the final battered then over two legs yet lost 3-1 on agg despite barttering them 5-2 two months earlier. Forest was always the one that got away they were rank average. United we gave them two games but they were injury hit (not in the semi) and underachievers that year rather than rank average. 1994 can go fuck itself...
  11. Forest - they were there for the taking. we were good enough to beat united of course we were, I think given our gung ho nature Wright and Bright would have done us in the final. Just like like they did 18 months later at BP in inflicting our first home defeat back in the top flight.
  12. It could work but needs have must over the last four months it'll be interesting to see if we could take our backs against the wall approach over a season. It's been effective but we need an out be out goalscorer AND much more of a threat from midfield. We drew TEN games 0-0 this season. We missed out on the play offs by 20 points. Top ten would be a start next season but 31 goals won't get us anywhere near.
  13. Could we get Corney to mortgage the drum? Then we can just sit back and wait for it to be repossessed....
  14. Taken it the wrong way peanuts of course clean sheets are a start but let's score enough goals to not be so reliant on them. Best form of defence is attack and all that a manky 1-0 is nice from time to time but 2-2, 3-3 gives the same amount of points as 0-0. 42 home goals... 2-3 5-3 3-0 3-2 1-1 1-2 0-0 1-2 3-2 4-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 3-0 0-2 2-2 1-0 1-1 1-2 2-1 not our greatest season in fact we stayed up on the last day yet we scored more than double the home goals we scored this season. 2004:05 under Talbot...
  15. Brilliant weekend from the Saturday morning sambuca breakfast in the Euston Rocket, premier inn around London Bridge some cracking pubs there before heading over to fisher fc and their game with Erith finishing suspiciously 10-1 to the already relegated 'Fish' , craft beers, pot noodles and invites to their end of season awrards. Then over to Wembley with my son to watch Joshua/klitschko. Early start sunday few beers, good chat with the Wimbledon fans. Bit of snore draw but I'll take mundane after securing safety. Few more beers before getting the train home. After the last few weeks it was a much needed blow out. Actually looking forward to next season under Shez...
  16. Would I love to sign him? Of course, will at least a dozen clubs have him on their radar if Boro choose to loan or sell? Yes... move along nothing to see here. good luck to the lad... a half decent keeper will do we've a decent defence. Let's spend the money on two GOALSCORERS... remember goals? Let's be the team that if you score 3 we'll score 4. Clean sheets are overrated...
  17. Yes he acted like a dick but hang on he got dog's abuse from the MSP that day. There was no conscience when we sacked him at the end of 08/09. he got the chance of going to a bigger club for more money and working with a guy he believed in (LJ). Yes he got caught with dodgy dealings that's wrong and the fact that most clubs are at it doesn't make it right. But he was never charged. He stayed put when LJ again jumped ship and was a big part of barnsleys JPT and play off wins. Do I want a winner as part of our set up? Of course. If tommy does come back it'll be his SIXTH different spell at the club. (Player twice, SOE coach, assistant manager to shez and LJ) He's clearly got an affinity for the place like our manager. The only thing I'll never forgive Tommy for is ruining my life in 1989. until Rick Holden signed...
  18. Celebrating five of the English game’s most loyal servants FourFourTwo 1 Dec 2016 GORDON LAWTON 62 Oldham Athletic Media manager AT THE CLUB SINCE 1986 “My job title at the moment is media manager. It’s basically a glorified name for programme editor. I first arrived 30 years ago to launch a lottery in the commercial department. At the time, club lotteries did not really exist in football, but we managed to build it up to 14,000 members. Shops, old people’s homes, hospitals – everybody got on board with it. I know the on-pitch success came at that sort of time, but to get 14,000 people to stump up a pound every single week, in a place like Oldham, was absolutely phenomenal. When the National Lottery came into force [in 1994] it sort of killed every football club’s lottery, so I moved on to become the programme editor. But if you work at a football club that’s not Manchester United, you end up mucking in and getting involved with all sorts of jobs. I was booking hotels and looking after team travel while at the same time doing the programme. I’m a lifelong Rochdale fan, but after 30 years working here, your allegiances start to turn. I go to every match without fail – I do the commentary, that’s why! In 1994 the hospital radio was broadcasting across a 10-mile radius, and one time the commentators couldn’t do it, so they asked if anyone else could. Nobody was going to do it, so I stepped in. From that day to this, I’ve been on virtually every game. ‘The voice of Oldham,’ they call me. How would I describe my place at the club? Well, just this weekend a fan came up to me, pointed and said, ‘Do you know something? Not all legends kick a ball’, and then walked off. I thought that was quite apt.”
  19. I'd like Keeper or 2 Left Back Left Sided Midfielder/Winger A ball playing Talisman in CM or #10 Couple of strikers AND sign Brian Wilson up. Mr Reliable this year, I thought he was awful under LJ but he's become so consistent and everyone needs a steady Eddie in their lineup. I'm not getting carried away with showing the current squad loyalty, they've scored 31 goals. That needs to at least double next season. Under Robinson too many played within themselves and hid. Yes the tactics were shit but Ripley and Clarke apart who stepped up to the plate? Let's see what Shez can do and just because we've handed out some longer deals doesn't mean we won't wheel and deal if Corney/Shez thinks the deal is right. It's going to be an intriguing and I hope fairly mundane summer given the farce of the last two years.
  20. He was awful against us and we played 50 minutes with 10 men. Blown my theory out of the water that he might've been Shez's first signing of the summer. Very strange given he's been woeful this season and hasn't scored since December and not played since 4 march. Bet Hanson, Clarke and sharp are pissed!
  21. Are these people not supposed to be role models, surely as a member of the PFA and a representative of the FL employed by one of the 92 he's brought the game into disrepute? At the very least his club should speak to him and tell him to give his head a wobble.
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