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Everything posted by Latics_Fanatic

  1. I think he's :censored:e, but with his size and stature, he takes two men out of the game to mark him. Long may that continue.
  2. Honest and somewhat angry post-match interview with Sheridan. Clearly frustrated by the defending for the goal, but we move on and learn from those mistakes. Coventry is a big game for us, we could move above the line on Saturday, a lot sooner than we did last season IIRC.
  3. By the fans, not sure about Phil Parkinson. Also heard he's changed his game quite abit since he was last here, playing more of a holding role - might be wrong that snippet though.
  4. I wouldn't get your hopes up - last I heard negotiations were still ongoing, but there was nothing concrete at all. He's not very well thought of at Bolton, apparently...
  5. What a load'a :censored:e... Spat their dummies out?
  6. Went for Holloway. Green, Gerrard, Clarke, Wilson and Fane all unlucky to miss out. (It's nice to be able to say something like that for a change...)
  7. Elk Mill. (If that was a serious question.) Served them myself, found SC to be a very nice guy - had a chat about the game on Saturday and then the game that night, his eyes lit up when I said I was a ST holder. I might be on my own in thinking him sticking around when/if investment comes in might just be a good thing. He's balanced the books on the whole over the last 10 years or so, whilst always backing his managers (apart from Dunn...) Going to put my tin hat on now and wait for the abuse to roll in...
  8. Didn't realise the prices had gone back up. Fairly sure the PA guy said we offered the lowest-priced League One tickets when plugging the Bradford game. Might be wrong, PA System in the North Stand isn't great.
  9. but, he was in a defence that kept a clean sheet... He's probably our last choice, but keep him in for now (unless someone better comes in before Saturday)
  10. Row/Seat Number is on the season card, if anyone is my seat, they'll be shifting their arses.
  11. Bring him back, "Home for the unloved..."
  12. but that wasn't passion, that was just being a thug.
  13. Providing the mighty Oldham aren't down there to steal the crown, of course...
  14. Hi Lee... Fair Play though... Hopefully he'll be the record-holder soon.
  15. Heard Holloway is signing permanently from Fleetwood, rather than on loan as previously rumoured.
  16. I don't think he's that poor... At least you see a more honest (if we can say that about him...) man in front of the cameras. I used to watch all the pre-match interviews when Shez was here last season, but watched none of Robinsons.
  17. Thawing out fairly well already here in Chadderton, I can't see much of a problem tomorrow - hopefully the groundsman will sort the pitch out.
  18. but, he has inheirited a team with only three league wins so far, there's no guarantee that any players he brings in will be successful or gel with the existing squad. If we go down, other factors (eg. Investment, Robinson etc.) will have played a more prominent role IMO. Why are we debating this anyway? The Blues are staying up!
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