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Everything posted by Nohairdontcare

  1. And an ongoing 'LP isn't that bad, I actually quite like it' thread.
  2. I've settled up another five pounds owed - Rooney scoring isn't exactly going to pay for Messi next season but every time I settle up he seems to score. Let's see if that happens again today.
  3. Maybe my memory is gone, but didn't Dickov want to stay, but realised it wasn't working and time was up for him? So, surely yes he would be at prudent Oldham as opposed to the innuendo above that he ditched us for a better offer.
  4. Sadly, there will always be numerous idiots among a gathering of thousands of people, in any circumstances. Personally, those idiots don't spoil the highlights of the day for me - which includes seeing so many kids backing us and not lulled into the marketing and showbiz that goes along with bigger clubs. As someone who can't afford to go to every match but still loves Latics as much as most, seeing kids back our club is fantastic. I have sympathy though, for the people whose day was marred by their encounters with the idiot contingent. Luckily I had no problems. If I did encounter idiots I'd try my best to not let them get under my skin. Not always easy, but if they get to you they've won.
  5. Oh he's following them alright - just via Latics Player at the moment as his mum insists he has to learn how to crawl before he can join me on a Latics pub crawl!
  6. I owe £5 for Rooney's last goal. I'll settle up after payday - and add £40 if he scores against Liverpool (I acknowledge I should risk plenty more as he might not start and hasn't exactly been scoring for fun, but I'm sticking at £40!).
  7. I've met lots of great Latics fans over the years but am useless at keeping contact details - so I'm heading over solo (at five months old, Anfield has come a bit early for my young lad), but if anyone suggests a particularly cracking boozer that would be a good point to aim for then I'll seek it out and see 'em at the bar!
  8. I'm getting a very early morning flight from Dublin - forecast stormy, so a swift couple of breakfast pints will be had to settle pre-match-flight nerves. Then on arrival I have as much food as I can eat for soakage and then I'll drink my way to Anfield - where I'm set to enjoy every second regardless of what happens.
  9. I'm only going from Latics Player and what I read on here, but it always seems to me that we always have to make a huge effort to get a shot that's usually wide or blocked - yet the opposition pop in goals easily and effortlessly and almost can't believe their luck. I'm not saying we are an unlucky team (we might be unlucky but I hate that excuse) but it's been a long time since we've won as apparently effortlessly as those beating or getting draws against us. So where does that leave us? In my opinion it leaves us in need of a consistent goal scorer and rock solid keeper - but any time we have a player that shows true promotion-class promise we can't hang on to them. So... Here comes another relegation battle. I'll support the team regardless - but I can understand frustration felt by people paying up to see struggles and inconsistency year in year out. I guess Simon reckons the club is close to or at its base level for support numbers through turnstiles at this level. Budgets are set accordingly and at the start of each season the dice is rolled again. We all crave success, but at the moment we have nervous stability. Bad luck will definitely cost us points but we can't rely on good luck to win them. Another tough few months ahead, more frustration. I salute those who still go week in week out, and as long as they continue to do that then they're more than entitled to whinge and moan. And if we go down - a very real possibility - all bets are off.
  10. It's so utterly unlikely that we will get anything other than a beating at Anfield, so incompressible that we could stuff them two years running... that I'm going to back us for our most incredible win. I'll also buy a lottery ticket. If I win more than a million quid I vow to pay £10,000 to playershare (plus settle up for the £5 I owe for Rooney's last goal).
  11. Yeah, I agree that was special. You don't see things like that very often in football especially at the so-called highest level.
  12. Matt's leveller against Everton will be one of my top football memories of all time - club and country - not just of 2013. I feel that I should say that beating Liverpool tops it, but there was something about that goal against Everton that made me go completely barmy - like how I'd celebrate big goals when I was a kid. Yeah, the more I think about it the more it's nailed on as my favourite football memory of all time. (One thing I'll never understand is my reaction to that goal - I ripped off my jersey like the Incredible Hulk (a skinny pale version with no muscles) and let out a roar... But I never doubted the goal, not even for an instant... I usually always half expect a ref to ruin moments like that with a whistle for some offence or other, but despite the scramble for the header I knew we had done it... Fantastic stuff.)
  13. Technical hitches aside, I find it annoying that I can't hear commentary from the kick off - I always have to refresh then get commentary two or three minutes in. Otherwise I am happy enough with it.
  14. What a random attack on a young lad making his way in football. I think he comes across very well - and agree with earlier poster who said it's a welcome change to hear a player speak openly without the cagey lines most throw out every day of the week.
  15. Here's a long shot - but I'll give it a try anyway... Anyone here among the supporters that made a trip to Cork to see Latics play Cobh Ramblers in a pre season friendly in (I think) 1996? There's three reasons why I ask. First is that the lads I met after that match were a great bunch. It would be interesting to know how many of this hardcore support are still with us. Second is that in the clubhouse bar after the match we all got together for a photo - my dad (who during the match basically shouted "bring back Andy Richie" into Sharp's ear) was in that photo, he passed away a few years later but I'd love to see that pic. Third is that I'm heading over to Anfield (first proper away game) and I'll buy anyone who was at that Cobh game a pint. The match was woeful but the craic after was great. Anyway, I just thought I'd put it out there and see what happens...
  16. Away support sounded great on Latics Player - really got me geared up for Anfield (flights booked, ticket bought) which will be my first ever away game (not counting Cobh Ramblers V Latics in Cork many years ago)... Oh when the blues!
  17. Terrible news - up to Rooney to raise his game now.
  18. Classic line in the Latics Player match commentary during the match: "The Colchester physio is coming on and he's... he's... four foot! (Pause) That's taken me by surprise, I've never... Well it is Christmas, maybe they're bringing on an elf!" Can anyone who was there verify if the Colchester physio was, in fact, an elf?
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