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Everything posted by Nohairdontcare

  1. We always have a :censored: run of form. May as well get it out of the way early.
  2. He probably just made up that he's on holiday to sell papers!
  3. Re. the comments earlier in this thread on newspapers just trying to sell papers... Isn't that what they are supposed to do? It would be a rubbish paper if it didn't want to sell papers. It's a business - shouldn't have to apologise for wanting to be successful. Part of being successful is having credibility. Running a series of manufactured stories would damage credibility so most papers - particularly regional ones, won't do that. If a potential Latics takeover is reported I believe it is because it has potential to happen. Doesn't mean it will happen - I doubt there is any fortune tellers in the MEN sport department nor does there claim to be - but there is clearly talk, and the talk is reported and a reader can make up their own mind. Sometimes it's just too easy for people to bash newspapers.
  4. I rely on Latics Player - but I would upgrade to anything that was going... I only get over to one match a season so I'd be willing to pay more for more.
  5. Is it possible to post pics on this site via iPhone? His gurn made the paper in Dublin - nice little piece about it in Irish Daily Star.
  6. I don't know how to post pics online - but there is a nice little article in the Irish Daily Star today about gurning Cliff... It's a piece on a page of football stuff about tonight's Ireland match - headlined: FANS ALL YEARN FOR BYRNE GURN
  7. Under Dickov, players under-performed and we lost a lot of matches. At the moment, we're playing well and losing matches. Things better click soon, otherwise we're on a slide downwards fast.
  8. Is anyone else worried that we can play really well but still end up with zero points? I'm all for optimism - but optimism gets feck all points!
  9. I'm worried that we are playing well and losing. When we play badly we'll be rightly screwed. We need to be able to play badly and draw or win.
  10. Ha! No! I remember thinking I was clever sticking to "every match" not every goal - but... It's interesting to see how this little initiative is working... It's good craic, it benefits the club especially when the team does well, and it's a good example of how a club's supporters can generate cash out of little more than good will and devotion to their cause. I think it would be great if a player came up with a goal celebration in line with a pledge of some sort - so here's one for any player that might read this: I'll pledge 10 for each player that does a Cliff Byrne gurning smile in celebration of a goal... The conditions are that it has to include the goal scorer, they have to do it in a group (so we can count them up without wondering if one of them was doing it at the other end of the pitch), subs don't count if they join in - it's just players on the pitch at the time, and if it happens then that's it - I pay up and the pledge is done so they cant go doing it multiple times, and I'll pay £150 if the entire team does it.
  11. I have a feeling that today's the day Rooney gets his first goal - I have my wallet at the ready...
  12. Yes, I conveniently "forgot" about the JPT... But alas the pledge is made now so I must stick to it as it was!
  13. I was going to restrict the pledge to Republic of Ireland players (only reason being to protect my bank balance), but if Adam, Cliff and Kirk all score in the one match (league or FA Cup) I'll pay up £100.
  14. Right - time for another pledge from me... £5 for every match in which a fellow Irishman (Republic of...) scores in. And if Adam and Cliff score in the same match I'll pay up £25.
  15. I've just managed to get the commentary working this season - my technical faults, not the apps! I have to say I love it. As a Latics fan based in another country it was impossible to get real news on the club until I got sorted on this website and now with live commentary I feel more a part of things than ever. I'm not expecting impartiality or even detail and 100 per cent accuracy - to be honest I've always struggled to visualise a match from audio commentary no matter what the match or who ever is behind the mic - for me it's a new link that gives me great immediacy when a match is on, rather than waiting for Internet pages to refresh. I'm looking forward to listening in to lots of matches this season and I'll subscribe as long as the service exists. (Yes, there are outages, that is irritating, but compared to how I've had to follow matches for years it's definitely tolerable).
  16. Well, he's right isn't he? We can't compete with them, we never will be competition for them, football has changed, so if we can get something out of them that helps us then let's take it thanks very much. Personally, I'd hate to support a club like City. The spirit has gone. It's pantomime. For all its misery I'd still take Latics in League One a thousand times rather than that.
  17. I'm useless with technology at the best of times - I'll be we'll chuffed if I get it to work.
  18. Apologies if this has been posted before - as I suspect it has... I've bought the FL app and have subscribed to player etc... My main reason for doing this is to get live commentary on my phone... I suspect, though, that the chances of it ever working are slim. Does anyone know how to get live audio on the phone app? Has it ever worked on a phone? The app makes a big deal about providing live audio - but I think that once they get your money you may as well whistle for it. If anyone has any advice on how to get the live audio on the phone app I'd appreciate it. Thanks
  19. I have dreamt several times that I meet Mark Hughes and apologises and says he should have been sent off. I don't know if I accept the apology or not but it has made it easier not to punch the telly any time I see him on it. I dreamed that I scored a far post tap in at Boundary Park too. I can remember thinking: "That's great - I've scored, it doesn't matter what I do now because I have scored." I don't know if we went on to win or not.
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