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Everything posted by Nohairdontcare

  1. Flight booked from Dublin, arrive early Sunday morning. Back Monday evening.
  2. Is it confirmed 3pm on Sunday 5th? I'll book my flights tonight if it is. and worry about getting a ticket later.
  3. I'm delighted to owe another five pounds. I'll sort that out tomorrow. Meanwhile I'm going to price flights to Liverpool. I'll be damned if I'm going to miss it - it won't be on telly so I'll get to Anfield. It'll be my first ever 'away' trip. I can't wait...
  4. Great to be rid of the dispicible little gob:censored:e. The club have done well to surgically remove this cancer to football swiftly and efficiently. I couldn't care less what happens to him from here on in.
  5. A tenner I've owed for goals scored by Irishmen sent today. Embarrassing I don't owe more to be honest. Rooney isn't exactly costing me a fortune.
  6. The club haven't broken any rules, so why should the club take responsibility for the actions of an individual? No workplace can - within reason - be held responsible for the actions of an employee. The only people who view the club as responsible - in my opinion - are people who are overreacting, way too introspective, or drama queens.
  7. The club's name will be dragged through all press and media - not just so-called gutter press - but this is about an individual, not the club. I'm sure it that we as a club will get through this unscathed - the club is a footnote below the accused's name. I'm all for using adversity to galvanise support, this instance included, but let's not lose sight of the fact that the club have done nothing wrong here.
  8. If we beat Mansfield I would definitely be up for making the trip from Dublin to Anfield... I'd have to request that someone here would queue and collect a ticket on my behalf though or maybe the club would put one aside for me...
  9. But why not make a big(ish) deal out of it? There must have been people at the match today who don't usually attend - they mightn't know the laters with the stand and might be encouraged to come back for more games by seeing how the club is striving to progress.
  10. Cheers for another great report - as someone who can't get to matches as much as I would like to, they're really good for giving a real impression of what the match was like from a fan's perspective.
  11. We will probably blow it. Stay away fans that came back will stay away again. The loyal many/few (depending on how you look at it) will come back again next week. They're the real fans - I tip my cap to them.
  12. I think the criticism of the commentary is very unfair. I think those who volunteer to do it should be applauded. As a latics supporter who is 98 per cent dependant on latics player I am glad it is not perfect and sterile - that would destroy it for me if it was, I much rather hearing the match like a real fan not like a real "professional" commentator. Well done and thanks to those involved.
  13. Yeah, now that I think about it - it was probably a :censored: interview put online in a :censored: way making it doubly :censored:.
  14. Maybe it was a good interview - it has just been botched on the website. It looks like it has been poorly done.
  15. I owe another 5 pounds cos of Rooney's last goal which I'll pay up later this week.
  16. I hope that one man's actions in the past don't adversely hit playershare in the future. If anything can be gained from this sorry episode it's surely that the playershare cash will be watched and accounted for very closely from here on in.
  17. Another great match report Prozac, thanks. With both Latics player and these reports it's possible to get a real feel for what's happening on the pitch, even hundreds of miles away. There is a refreshing honesty and bluntness to the reports that's not available anywhere else.
  18. Is it even possible to be slightly sensationalist? Surely something is either sensationalist or not sensationalist - and it looks like a fairly straightforward report to me...
  19. An Irishman scores (and about time too!) I'll pay up my fiver in the next day or two.
  20. The random Latics goals request thread was fantastic - I got to see again the first ever goals I was present in Boundary Park for, thanks to that thread. I hadn't seen them since they went in live. That thread went to twenty pages, and it had nothing to do with a potential takeover! Shame he has - for what ever reason - decided to stay away. I hope he decides at some stage to come back.
  21. The newspaper doesn't want other people of the same name claiming that people think the story's about them.
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