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Everything posted by Steve_R

  1. People always look on games in hand as a positive, but if we lose our game in hand over Gateshead on Tuesday, they’ll actually go above us and we’ll be back in the bottom four. in our case games in hand could turn out to be a bad thing.
  2. It looks plain to see that Unsworth’s going nowhere. Before yesterday I thought very slowly improving, and that this would continue for the rest of the season, and although it wouldn’t be pretty we would finish mid table, well away from danger. The crunch would come in pre season, where we had a Ronnie Moore situation with season ticket sales well down as no one could stand the manager. After that yesterday I’ve lost hope of mid table mediocrity and I’m dreading next season already.
  3. That was for a different manager and he soon fucked him off
  4. Maybe Mo was right and clubs are queuing up for him. Who wouldn’t want him?
  5. To be honest, after listening to Ebbrell’s interviews, my advice to Unsworth next time he pre-plans not to do one would be ‘send Jeffers instead.’
  6. Even if he doesn’t want it and he’s not even our player?
  7. So you’ll ‘come back’ if we sack Unsworth. What happens if the next manager is just as bad or not much better? When does ‘Boycott 3’ start?
  8. Etherington was in charge for just three games apparently, and he won one of those!
  9. Reading that it doesn’t sound as if he’s going anywhere. A lot of what he says is true, total rebuild, all stick together etc. The trouble is, if the person in charge of the rebuild is shit at his job, it’ll never get of the ground
  10. Oh definitely, The state of the club from when he took over to where it is now is down to him, but the reason why I see it being so hard to sell is down to the lot of them.
  11. An interesting listen, particularly to hear another 'take' on the whole mess. What I took from it was that although Abdallah's made a right balls up of it, we were well and truly fucked anyway before he came in. I thought Andy's line of questioning was very good, but the other guy seemed determined to blame Abdallah for everything and less open to look at the fact that the club was a basket case anyway. I'm not sticking up for Abdallah in any way, and the day he leaves can't come soon enough, but I can't see anyone buying it in it's current state, and the current and previous owners are all equally culpable as to where we are now in my view.
  12. If sufficient funds are raised to purchase the ground or form a consortium to do so, but Abdallah remains in situ as owner of the club, what then?
  13. If the original aim is to force Abdallah to sell up and leave, how will OASF owning/part owning the ground achieve this?
  14. Danny Whittaker is manager at Macc, for today anyway.
  15. Danny Whittaker is manager at Macc, for today anyway.
  16. Dont do twitter and cant find the email address, so tw questions I have are:


    Do they have any intention of taking control of the club, or are they only concerned with the ground?


    What are the chances of Latics playing home games away from Boundary Park if the ground issue between Blitz and Lemsegan isn't resolved soon?

  17. Apart from Wheater we seemed to have signed a lot of players I've never heard of on 1 or 2 year deals. Who have we signed on a three year deal, and how much is this silly money they are on?
  18. Against my better judgement I'm off to Forest Green on Saturday. After what I've seen so far pre season I was predicting at least a 3-0 defeat. After signing Wheater I've changed my mind. I reckon it'll only be 2-0 now.
  19. So this £500k is just a finger in the air figure. It might come from here, it might come from there etc. Even if the whole stand was fully operational every day of the year it might not pull in anything like that, but some seem to be taking it as gospel that AL's turning the money away. He's a dick, of that I've no doubt, but figures shouldn't just be made up to make hime look an even bigger one.
  20. After what I saw today the conference bit might not be that long away
  21. Russ Waller! That's a name from the past. Remember going to Plymouth away with him many moons ago. Was a mate of John Whitehead, who also ran coaches now and again, if I'm thinking of the right lad
  22. “In summary, Umm Salal under his leadership were pretty direct and mid-rank for the league in pressing metrics. Their defensive shape in the mid block is fine but individual defensive errors and low block was problematic. But what were they like in bomb alley?
  23. I wish you luck. I've nothing against the Trust and I know from previous personal experience how difficult it is to try and mobilise support from a fanbase where there are many different views. You need to find a common goal, and people will always have objections to what you do and what you say. I would say that I don't think their is any chance that Addallah will attend a public meeting, wouldn't expect him to or hold it against him if hr doesn't. From the interviews with him I've seen his grasp of the English language isn't good, so can't see any way he'd have the confidence at would be a more than likely hostile environment. I'd certainly push him for a meeting with the trust board thought, or certainly a least a couple of you.
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