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Everything posted by oafc1955

  1. Get well soon mate....You've had a warning that many don't get. Chill out for a while...Watching latics should carry a govt health warning anyway!!!!
  2. Now is the time to finally change the home end..........We have maybe 2 seasons left at boundary park and judging by the last 2 home attendances where the Chaddy end has been almost empty I think we should change the RRE to the home end. The small portion could be the new family stand and with the main stand capacity at 2450 would give home fans a capacity of just over 7000 which should be OK if we stay in this division next season. The Chaddy capacity of 3750 would be enough for the big games like Leeds and Hudds and a greater concentration of Latics fans in the RRE would make for a much better match atmosphere!!!!
  3. If we can get 3 points on Saturday, looking at the fixtures, it could become a lot closer at the top of the division. Leeds v Charlton Colchester v Hudds Brighton v MK Dons Norwich v Bristol R Brentford v Swindon We need to maintain this little run for as long as we can to get the crowds coming back. Big if, but if we can then get something from the Charlton game, it would make the next home fixture against Southampton a bit of a crowd puller!!
  4. The sell on clause is a one off sell on from City...if he leaves City for 6m then we get 1.2m and end of clause!!
  5. Just listened to assistant manager Karl Robinson's comments on MK player...Not a single note of praise for Latics performance in his entire interview. He doesn't think we are a good team and and if they had sneaked a 2v2 it would have been deserved. He said for some reason Dons didn't play to their usual standards and failed to pass the ball around!!! It couldn't possibly be that we played well and prevented them from doing so....Could it? What an arrogant ba*****!!!!!!!
  6. He's a true old fashioned centre forward with a wonderful touch and great hold up play. I've been going to Boundary Park for over 40 years and he's up there with the best target men we have had in that time. In Parker we have a true showman, an entertainer.....although he may well frustrate at times, there aren't many in this league that would have put that ball away like he did last night. His game is all about confidence and he has a couple of goals now and I think we'll see a much improved player in the coming weeks. With Furman and :censored: in midfield we have a solid pair who can mix it but play football when it's required. I'm very, very happy with the appointment of Penney and when the injured players are back I can see a play off place beckoning......What we really need now is more of the same which will hopefully get the Oldham public back supporting their local team!!! KTF
  7. Do you spend your entire life down at the training ground!!!!!!!
  8. the better the product on the pitch, the more bums on seats. That is the single most important factor and the area of the business where TTA have hopelessly failed........The 5 year plan of Championship football hasn't happened and for that reason alone we are now scaling down our development plan to a 12,000 seater stadium in an area what will probably provide the cheapest option.
  9. Depends on the design...If its a bowl then a significant amount of capacity may be lost to segregation. If it has 4 sides then one end will be for away fans giving a home capacity of say 9,500.
  10. This move has to happen, agreed, but ( and this is only my opinion ), definitely not to Failsworth.
  11. Especially, if pretty soon after you want out eh!! Think about what is happening........the move to Failsworth is a joke!!!!!! Until now, I have never questioned the actions of TTA. They have been fantastic and were the saviours of this club and for that I will be eternally grateful, however, this move is for short term gain and not long term security!!! TTA have had enough and who can blame them, they are still hemorrhaging money at an alarming rate but the question is....after our move to Failsworth, will they be able to sell the club?....and if the answer (as I suspect) is no ......What then? We will have to be totally self sufficient with sub 3000 crowds like Rochdale and Bury and absolutely no chance whatsoever of any progression!! We might even end up in the conference.........Is that really what we all want? There has to be an alternative site for our club to survive and prosper because there is no future whatsoever for our club in Bloody Failsworth!!!!!!
  12. Being close already doesn't help but moving on to their doorstep is the last thing we should contemplate. Apparently there are no alternatives but I don't believe it for a minute.....The reason we are moving to Failsworth is that it's the cheapest option!!! I'm sure we would be much more of an attraction to floating/nuetral fans on the Rochadale/Tameside boundary of the borough. By the time we complete our move to Failsworth the two Manchester clubs are very likely to be 1st and 2nd in the premiership and hosting Champions league games on a fairly regular basis......To move even closer than we already are would be sheer madness!!!! If TTA had been planning a ground move when they first arrived and looked at the borough map, I am in no doubt whatsoever, Failsworth, would have been the very last place they would have stuck the pin in!!!!!
  13. Well it has actually, as they have had a two sided ground for a fair few years and when the latest stand is finished will still only have 3 sides. Looking at the average crowd stats for Blackpool is interesting...... League 1 2002/3 6992 League 1 2003/4 6326 League 1 2004/5 6031 League 1 2005/6 5819 League 1 2006/7 6876 Promotion season Champ 2007/8 8860 Champ 2008/9 7863 Champ 2009.. 8410 This season The crowds were in steady decline during the seasons leading up to the promotion campaign where the average jumped up by about 1000 probably based on the undefeated run during the last dozen or so games. The first season in the championship saw an increase of 2000 but they struggled to compete and the following season the average had dropped by 1000. They have started well this season with only 1 defeat in the league and the crowd is up by 600 from last season bearing in mind they have already played Newcastle at home where they achieved the present capacity. What I'm trying to say is ......even in a new stadium with good facilities the crowds, at our level, will still be almost totally influenced by the performance of the team and very little else. If we move to Failsworth we may see an initial boost in attendances, but, if we remain in this division, (with it's lack of northern clubs) and show no real intent to progress I fear the crowds will continue to fall away. I reckon TTA will want out fairly quickly after our relocation and unless they can find a buyer who will commit to major investment over the next few years I can't see a real future for the club. Seriously..............If you wanted to buy a football club with potential for reasonable success, why the hell would you choose a club who reside within 5 miles of the two richest premiership clubs in England. For this reason, I really can't see any way that TTA will be able to sell the football club. In the short term a move to Failsworth will give the club a bit of a boost but long term I really, really, fear for the clubs survival. Re-development or a move is absolutely vital for the future of this club but I feel a move to Failsworth will be an absolute disaster!!!!
  14. I think at the moments it's a little over 9000 and around 13000 when the new end is completed.
  15. We did it once with Joe Royle and no money and the dream should be that we could do it again, however, if we go to Failsworth and drift along as we are now without showing much ambition to get up a league I fear alot of supporters including myself will drift away! Already, with each passing season, I'm finding it more and more difficult to raise enough enthusiasm to go to the games. I've just become unemployed and a lack of finances is making it even less of a draw. I think I'm just getting bored with the whole scenario!
  16. Even if Richards goes, the windfall would be ploughed straight into the stadium project.....Unfortunately, In the present economic climate, there is no way any money would be used to strengthen the team!
  17. Perhaps if we were more of a threat up front, the defence wouldn´t be under so much scrutiny. We are just as poor going forward as we are at the back and giving the defence a goal or two lead once in a while might be the answer. Get Purdie and Jacobsen back fit and Taylor firing again and we´ll be OK but it needs to happen sooner rather than later!!
  18. Might be ready to cut his losses then and sell cheaply!! I'm not against a move away from BP but what concerns me is the fact that if we do move OUT to Failsworth and don't achieve our aim of promotion pretty soon we could continue to decline and get forgotten by more of our die-hard Oldham supporters.....I've just got this awful feeling that a move to Failsworth maybe good in the short term but long term will prove disastrous!!!! Surely there must be at least one other site worth consideration....We are talking about the long term viability of our town's proffesional club here and we have one chance to get it right...If we get it wrong ( as I fear here ) there will be no turning back and it could very easily spell the end for our club. Yes, we all realise we have to move or develop BP, but I really don't think that TTA have considered or even understand the possible long term implications of this move to Failsworth.
  19. Tranmere's cowdsheds site is exactly the opposite....hillarious even......but only for us. The majority of their fans are positively suicidal!!!!!
  20. .hardly any crosses into the box from our Ginger ace........................Nothing different there then eh!!
  21. You were a joke on the last site and you're a joke on here..........Go and find something worthwhile to do with your spare time!!!!!!!
  22. Izzy Irikpen just left Hamilton for family reasons. Decent player for Swansea, Bristol C, and captain at Scunthorpe. A Centre Back at 6' 2" could be just what we need!!
  23. Don't agree with that at all Corp........although a promotion assault is highly unlikely this season, I don't think we could have tempted Dave Penney to come here unless we had the ambition to get into the championship. With a couple of promotions on his CV there's no way that he would have been content to tread water in this division.
  24. SMS ....released with immediate effect....Will probably have been done to allow him to find another club today!
  25. It was a local derby and similar to ourselves playing Stockport where we got 6,900....so don't slash your wrists just yet!!!
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