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Everything posted by Bobledgersheart

  1. We don't really know though do we ? The evidence is that none of his clubs thought enough of his undoubted talent to persevere with or ignore his antics.
  2. Don't worry he'll soon revert to Mr Hyde.
  3. If you do I don't think you'll get as much attention as you do on here !
  4. Don't hold your breath, we'll be lucky to see the retained list.
  5. Who do you suggest ? Plus it's not really fair to play a weakened team in a match with play-off implications.
  6. Bit of a radical idea for this forum.....no wholesale changes ?? p.s. Where are all the Sylla bashers now they've actually seen him play ?
  7. Won't be much take up if there's nothing at stake and will ensure good vocal support if there is ? And I'm discounting option A !
  8. Should get 12 months extension perhaps not playing every week. He's been the "glue" that's held the team together this traumatic season and deserves due recognition.
  9. We're pretty devoid of playmakers without him though. Also though some supporters ( and maybe some players ) have given up don't think Wildy has.
  10. Quite agree. Wasn't expecting too much this season but the standard of football is miles lower than League 1 and with a well balanced team, both on and off the pitch, the play-offs at least was easily achievable.
  11. Does a bit too much twisting & turning ( not as much as Branger admittedly ) for me. Give the forwards an early cross consistently, a la Tricky Ricky, and they'll make a run knowing the ball is coming across first time. Will agree however he's the best we've currently got.
  12. Not disputing that.....but Wellens' likes an excuse as well as shown in his interview. From what I saw yesterday I would say a draw was a fair result. They knocked the ball about well whilst we backed off but didn't show much penetration, and their goalie made a couple of decent saves late on.
  13. Well I suppose it's because he's giving his views on a match which involves our club. I've no axe to grind with Wellens but he does give an overly jaundiced view of the match I attended in that interview.
  14. I've got a muzzle for a big dog it it's any use ? Could bring it tomorrow as I'm not boycotting !
  15. Can't argue too much with your assessment but am trying to convince myself that Sylla could prove useful. As for Branger he's a bit too "show-ponyish" for me - if he'd just beat his man a couple of times it would be an improvement !
  16. I'm not saying Fane's a good footballer but in this division I thought he'd come to the fore. However I do think Sylla has proved useful coming on late to shore up midfield and provide a bit more energy going forward which has given our defence a break. We'd all like a team full of artists but in this league we need a mixture and if Sylla improves sufficiently I see him as a replacement for Missalou should the need arise.
  17. Congrats. for your honesty. Must admit I was not over keen on him when played wide but since he's been moved inside his form's really took off. Just goes to show the over the top initial reactions some of our "fans" have to loan/new signings are way too premature. Missalou, Maouche and to some extent (in my opinion) Sylla were dismissed as crap virtually immediately and two have proved adequate and the third looks to be a ready made replacement for Fane, like him or not !
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