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Everything posted by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills

  1. Well I find it much much easier to believe that Lukaku is 20 than believe that this Lazio dude is 17.
  2. This is how I look at it. It's consent issue. I think that the law should be (though we obviously aren't there yet) that it is illegal to a smoke around another person without their consent. Children are too young to give consent. Therefore I am all in favour of this rule.
  3. I was thinking the exact same thing even before today's match was postponed. I also noticed that their remaining game against us will take place following a mass of Saturday/Tuesday fixtures for them.
  4. http://metro.co.uk/2014/02/11/lazio-17-year-old-joseph-minala-hits-back-at-questions-over-his-age-er-he-does-look-quite-old-though-4299838/ http://metro.co.uk/2014/02/12/lazio-reveals-official-documents-to-prove-17-year-old-joseph-minala-is-not-41-4301765/
  5. Tied up on the bench it seems. I'd say we'll be facing him again next season, but I'm not so sure. Don't think he made the best career move.
  6. Lee Johnson had previously stated that we haven't broken down a 451 at home this season. Is that pretty much what Bristol City played?
  7. Looks like someone got out of bed on the wrong side. What the hell was all that?? So glad I'm not a manic depressive. I'd have topped myself weeks ago reading through some of the negativity on here.
  8. Hey!! He's just a few months younger than me. Don't you dare call me in my "very late 30s"
  9. It's funny. I think my motive for coming on this forum is quite the opposite. Win or lose, I come on here to get excited about Latics, catch the latest news and rumours and look forward to the next game. Some people seem to only come on here (or comment) when bad things happen (or what they perceive as bad things). Case in point.....Yesterday afternoon I updated my squad graphic for the first time in months and added all the latest faces. To date there has not been a single post or upvote. I'm happy to engage in calm debate about the specific finer details of managerial decisions made on or off the pitch. But too few of the less positive fans on here seem happy to do that. Its too much of the over generalized, black and white, over emotional and most often of all a speculative brand of pessimism that I see.
  10. Last time I made a squad graphic it looked like this (without the red Xs):
  11. Stating opinion as fact. All part of the job of being a complete numpty.
  12. Results, and the fact that he was a 90th minute sub in Saturday's defeat suggest that Sydney isn't doing well. Does anyone have more detailed information on him?
  13. Does anyone know specifically why Philliskirk and Dayton were brought off? Were they worse than anyone else or was there something tactical (and if so, exactly what) that the required the withdrawal of these players.
  14. Too much pessimism on here. I'm delighted with this. Stability is a key to success and I think if we were ever going to make this kind of commitment it should be with a dedicated and intelligent manager like Lee Johnson. Of course there's always a chance that this could balls up. But I don't see it this time. I see steady progression under a long term project. That is what we can look forward to now. May The Flying Spaghetti Monster turn my genitalia into noodles if I am wrong
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