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Lookers Demolishment

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Just seen the vid on the demolishment of the Lookers, how hopeless are they?! One guy must have been attacking the same piece of wood for an age with a pickaxe, the guy in the United shirt needs sacking and whats the point of the JCB? I could have more stuff up with my hands than what they were picking up. Give me a sledgehammer and I'll get the stand down quicker!

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Just seen the vid on the demolishment of the Lookers, how hopeless are they?! One guy must have been attacking the same piece of wood for an age with a pickaxe, the guy in the United shirt needs sacking and whats the point of the JCB? I could have more stuff up with my hands than what they were picking up. Give me a sledgehammer and I'll get the stand down quicker!

Got to say that I thought the same. Seemed a bit "hit and miss"!

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Just seen the vid on the demolishment of the Lookers, how hopeless are they?! One guy must have been attacking the same piece of wood for an age with a pickaxe, the guy in the United shirt needs sacking and whats the point of the JCB? I could have more stuff up with my hands than what they were picking up. Give me a sledgehammer and I'll get the stand down quicker!


That JCB with the big bucket was laughable, removing the rubble one brick at a time by the looks of it.

At that rate the stand will still be intact come Christmas time.

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That JCB with the big bucket was laughable, removing the rubble one brick at a time by the looks of it.

At that rate the stand will still be intact come Christmas time.


Got to be careful with the asbestos.


Don't want a cloud of that over Carlton Way now do we :wink:

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Guest sheridans_world

Some more pics, no I aint that sad that I go down every night but I was down there anyway.... honest....














Oh and beefed up security must mean the security guard who sprinted from his little cage near little wembley to walk around the site as I was taking photos. Guess I must have looked dodgey!



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Haha just watched it. First clip is class anyone here the dodgy breathing, and also anyone think its like a homemade Blair Witch style Jurassic Park? :shock:


Also the JCB is picking up pieces as if its getting its hands dirty, seems theyre all like that, I wouldnt care if they came wielding them pick axes at me theyd probably give up halfway through. Seems Latics obviously went for cheap and cheerful

Edited by youngen
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Haha just watched it. First clip is class anyone here the dodgy breathing, and also anyone think its like a homemade Blair Witch style Jurassic Park? :shock:


Also the JCB is picking up pieces as if its getting its hands dirty, seems theyre all like that, I wouldnt care if they came wielding them pick axes at me theyd probably give up halfway through. Seems Latics obviously went for cheap and cheerful




when i go to dublin (3 times last year alone!) i always stay in a hotel about 200yds away from landsdown road...


on my last trip they had started to pull it down, and from where the picture was taken, and the time it took us to walk to where you see the pavement go round to the left, they had torn the whole of the side of that big stand to the right down!!


no messing! cimg0249tu7.th.jpg



great to watch!!

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Just seen the vid on the demolishment of the Lookers, how hopeless are they?! One guy must have been attacking the same piece of wood for an age with a pickaxe, the guy in the United shirt needs sacking and whats the point of the JCB? I could have more stuff up with my hands than what they were picking up. Give me a sledgehammer and I'll get the stand down quicker!


Should have left it the 1st Game of season



Millwall scum would do it nothing and in 90 mins :o

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Just found on google that Bill Quinn (owner of WM Quinn) is chairman of the Roughyeds.


Taken from the Roughyeds website:


A month ago Roger Halstead did an in-depth interview with Bill Quinn, who is now the new chairman with a controlling interest in the club (75 per cent of the shares) rather than a majority interest, as would have been the case if he had gone along with his original intention to buy 52 per cent. We reproduce that interview here for those who didn't see it at the time. Please bear in mind that Mr Quinn has now taken over as chairman; that he has a controlling interest; that Chris Hamilton and Sean Whitehead remain on the board each with 12.5 per cent of the shares; and that Chris will continue in his role as chief executive of the club. This is the piece from the programme:


Roger Halstead talks to the new man behind the revitalised Roughyeds (taken from the club's match-day magazine for the Swinton game on February 18) BILL Quinn, soon-to-be chairman and majority shareholder of the Roughyeds, knows where he's going --- and how to get there. His track record in business proves that. At the age of 40, and from relatively modest beginnings, he heads one of the biggest group of companies of its kind across the North of England. The William Quinn Group Ltd comprises four separate companies and turnover this year is projected at between £8million and £10million. The group's plant, machinery and equipment is valued at £4million and it is involved with property and land valued in excess of £25million. Based in Ardwick, Manchester, the Quinn Group deals with demolition, remediation, validation, asbestos, knotweed, earthworks and aggregates (only the experts will understand that little lot) as well as the development of commercial, residential and land purchases. Or, as Bill put it in such a matter-of-fact way at the press conference to announce his arrival at the Roughyeds . . . "anything, in fact, which makes us money." At this juncture it needs to be stressed that he is starting out in the rough-and-tumble world of rugby league and professional sport with his eyes wide open. He knows he isn't coming to Oldham Roughyeds to make money: I think we can safely assume that rather the opposite will apply. His financial muscle will be needed to take the club forwards and upwards and on to a bright, new future. This on the back of the extraordinary work done by Chris Hamilton and Sean Whitehead in keeping the club in business for the best part of ten years despite body blows that would have floored lesser men long ago. As Bill told Roughyeds sponsors and backers at a pre-season buffet lunch: "The measure of a man is not how he responds to triumph --- it's how he responds to hardships and setbacks. And it's what Chris and Sean have done to keep this club alive that inspired me to get involved." That involvement means he is lined up to become chairman and majority shareholder of Oldham Rugby League Club (1997) Ltd, with 52 per cent and with the other two shareholders, Chris and Sean, each holding 24 per cent. Chris, chairman since the club was started in 1997, will be full-time chief executive. As I say, Bill is under no illusions about the role he is to play at what, effectively, is now HIS club and his company. "For the first time in my life," he told me, "I will be involved in an operation from which I am not seeking profit. As far as my life at Roughyeds is concerned 'PROFIT' will no longer be in the dictionary. It will be replaced by 'SATISFACTION' --- the satisfaction from knowing that we are taking the club on to better times." Bill Quinn was born in Longsight, Manchester. His father was a proud Irishman who had won an all-Ireland medal in Gaelic football --- and, to this day, that medal takes pride of place in the lounge of Bill's home near Chorley. Divorced from his first wife, he has three boys, Michael (15), Harrison (8) and Ethan (3) and his fiancee, originally from Rochdale, is Suzanne Kettleton --- and if that surname rings a bell among rugby league fans with a knowledge of the sport in the Rochdale area it isn't surprising. Suzanne's dad, John Kettleton, and the well-known former Spotland Rangers and Rochdale Hornets forward Brian Kettleton --- now there's a forward who could look after himself if ever there was one --- are cousins. John also played to Great Britain amateur level, turning out many times for Hornets 'A' and even doing a stint with the 'A' team at Watersheddings. Anyway, back to the beginning. On leaving school in Manchester, Bill worked for a couple of demolition companies until, aged 23, he launched out on his own by setting up a business dealing with reclaimed materials. It was then that, for the first time, he came into contact with Sean Whitehead. Twelve years ago, and still only 28, he started his own demolition company --- and in those 12 years his business interests have grown, and grown, and grown until, today, the William Quinn Group of companies does work throughout the UK and has land and property all over Greater Manchester and out to Warrington and Chorley. Away from business, and in his younger days, Bill used to be an amateur boxer "who got leathered every week" while nowadays he enjoys "trying" to play a few rounds of golf. Goals for the future? Said Bill: "Promotion this season -- that's got to be the first aim. Our ultimate goal will be a return to Super League, but that isn't going to come easily and it will take time. "I will make the funding available to give us a realistic chance of reaching these goals and, long term, we also have to be looking at the stadium issue. "I'm in this for the long haul. And, as I say, for the first time in my life profit isn't on the agenda. Everything we make will be ploughed back into the club so that it can achieve its goals, ambitions and dreams for the future. "Funds will be made available as and when they are required and in what areas they are required -- there will be nothing haphazard about it. Plans will be programmed. "We already have ideas to bring revenue into the club and these will be put into place in the next month or two. "I'm not here to be second best. I want to take this club back into Super League and I want the talented local boys to want to come and sign for Oldham. You can't blame them for looking elsewhere because everyone has the right to aspire to get as far up the ladder as their talents and drive will take them. "What I want to do is to build a club here that Oldham lads will want to play for and will be proud to play for."

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I could have made more impression on the wall with little finger than the 1st guy with the pick axe.

Definitely a case of stretching out the job for as long as possible.

I suppose Latics have agreed a price for the job already and the "workers" are just taking as long as possible to make them feel like they've had their moneys worth.

I know I felt pretty ripped off when I had some guttering replaced for £150 and it took 2 guys all of 20 mins.

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Am I the only one who thinks there won't ever be a new stand there?

Nope, although not saying never, I thiunk the credit crunch means we have to wait a bit.

It would be great if we could negotiate better terms, but they have to stump up the money, so if anything it will be worst wonlt it?

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