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Best of luck Stu!

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Can we all just call a big truce or something? I started this thread off just to tip a nod of acknowledgement for the decent work (In my opinion) Stu has done here. It may not be everyones cup of tea, but I (and it seems) others noticed the consistancy Stu deserved credit for. Whether or not it was a challenging enough role is irrelevant I guess.


But for it to extend to 7 pages of mostly playground bickering, especially from OWTB posters who, to be honest, I expected wouldn't stoop down to that level just epitomises the thing I really dislike football messageboards for. Its crushingly sad I feel.


Rick, noted your 'levelling out' post earlier. Fair do's mate, as Rummy already said.

I just wanted to see if we could get more posts than the Greegan thread and thus prove that people, myself included, will bicker over anything they can find in the off season just for something to do!! :lol:

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Not reallly the way I saw it yesterday Matt to be honest. I felt that I was rounded upon because I dared to differ from everyone else's view. I did find the rebuke from Ackey patronising which probably just added fuel to the fire - no hard feelings Ackey.


If explanations and reasoning is what people want, then I am happy to give it (now that the steam has stopped flowing from my ears :grin: )


I have e-mailed the Webmaster both via the official club e-mail address and also by PM on this site, but never had a response without having to chase for one. One time, I even felt that I had to get Alan Hardy involved (which I didn't want to have to and didn't enjoy) just to get a response. This is why I personally think that Stu was unresponsive. I am sure that he has had many things to occupy his time, but a golden rule with any customer facing job role is to respond - even if it is with a message along the lines of "I've got your mail / message; can't respond immediately; will come back as soon as feasible".


As far as the website itself is concerned, it follows the format of all the other Premium TV clubs sites. Therefore, all that really needs to be done is to update the content. The content on our site is good (I can't comment on the quality in relation to other club sites as I don't visit them) and has recently been updated. However, until recently, we still had interviews with Dowie on there. This is the basis of my opinion that the job of Webmaster is a pretty straightforward one.


The term Webmonkey is one that I use lightheartedly as an opposing view to Webmaster - I have worked with Website Administrators in the past and called them Webmonkeys while they called me a Sales Wallah - lighthearted jesting between departments.


Stu is off to pastures new and I am sure that he will be successful. Am I genuinely gutted? No. Do I think that he will be missed? No. Do I think he is replaceable? Yes.


For those who have questioned what I do for a living, here is a very brief background of my career.


Left school at 6th Form level

Worked part time at McDonalds (yes, including cleaning the toilets)

Worked as Trainee Sales for a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle dealer

Worked as a door to door canvasser in the double glazing industry

Worked as a telesales person selling IT equipment and related accessories and consumables

Worked as a Team Leader for the same company

Joined a large Japanense IT company as Sales Manager

Worked as a Key Account Sales Manager and Field Sales Account Manager

Currently UK Sales Director of same Japanese company.


Hopefully this clarifies my stance and background in a more reasoned and less emotional manner than would have been if I had responsded to some of the posts on this thread yeaterday.






TBH I doesn't matter to me what you do, why post that on here other than to massage your own ego? The fact that you've put that up there shows to me that you're obviously more bothered about job titles than the job you actually do. For me it doesn't matter what you do as long as you enjoy what you are doing and apply as much effort as possible each day. You came across as the 'big I am' in your post yesterday and it really pissed me off. I don't usually get pissed off like that, as you can see from the amount of times I post on here.


I could say you're a typical sales guy all front and no substance , but that would be forming an opinion of you by your job role and not you as a person. I don't know you from Adam, but it takes some kind of special person to jump on a thread wishing somebody luck in their new job and say what you said. The thread was called "Best of luck Stu!" if you hadn't noticed. So I'm basing my opinion about you on your actions yesterday.


You are entitled to your opinion but I personally believe you are very wrong and I'm entitled to put my point across too. Even after reading your explanation above, you're wrong. You either posted that yesterday to get a reaction, which you have achieved but not very classy to do it on a thread of this sort. Or you just enjoy being the odd one out and like to be a bit different, again same logic applies not really good form to do it on this kind of thread.


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TBH I doesn't matter to me what you do, why post that on here other than to massage your own ego? The fact that you've put that up there shows to me that you're obviously more bothered about job titles than the job you actually do. For me it doesn't matter what you do as long as you enjoy what you are doing and apply as much effort as possible each day. You came across as the 'big I am' in your post yesterday and it really pissed me off. I don't usually get pissed off like that, as you can see from the amount of times I post on here.


I could say you're a typical sales guy all front and no substance , but that would be forming an opinion of you by your job role and not you as a person. I don't know you from Adam, but it takes some kind of special person to jump on a thread wishing somebody luck in their new job and say what you said. The thread was called "Best of luck Stu!" if you hadn't noticed. So I'm basing my opinion about you on your actions yesterday.


You are entitled to your opinion but I personally believe you are very wrong and I'm entitled to put my point across too. Even after reading your explanation above, you're wrong. You either posted that yesterday to get a reaction, which you have achieved but not very classy to do it on a thread of this sort. Or you just enjoy being the odd one out and like to be a bit different, again same logic applies not really good form to do it on this kind of thread.


Oh dear. What a shame. :disappointed:


How will I sleep tonight after coming back from actually having a life and reading your cutting remarks? :lol:


I'll tell you what................when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it. :wink:


Life is not a popularity contest, nor is it a dress rehearsal. My opinion is exactly that - my opinion. Everyone else has taken a breath and realised that at the end of the day, the way that I put my point across may have upset some people, but it isn't the end of the world. It is also something that I stand by.


To be honest, all the posts after my explanation about how I came to form my (unpopular) opinion and my professional background, that had a pop just make me realise that I am glad that I am not a no-mark knobhead and actually fuel my already gargantuan self esteem :tongue1: after all, I am a completely mannerless, uncaring and ruthless (albeit successful) sales professional.





................can we go for 10 pages? :sign0087:


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