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New Ground Opposition gathering momentum - The games begin...

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As a footnote Rudemedic, la Sagrada Corazon on Mount Tibidabo is beautiful. The views from up there are breathtaking, you can even walk up inside the spire and view the area from underneath Christ's feet.


Anyway, I digress...


Yep I know its very nice up there- I even had the pleasure of watching some blokes fancy BMW be towed away for blocking the tram tracks. I didn't get you were jesting when you mentioned Gaudi's Sagrada Familiar I thought you were being serious (some people obviously rate it)

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I bloody well hope not that place is a very depressing church which is not even half-finished and I think Gaudi is over-rated.


Overrated or not, I don't think anyone comes close to what Gaudi tried with buildings. Then again, I don't expect many architects spend half a year guzzling absinthe for inspiration.

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We should run a book on which Ground ours will look most like when Simon Corney and Antoni Gaudí, sorry I mean Alan Hardy release the plans for our new stadium?


I wonder if Pete & Diego bet on anything other than Shrewsbury or Colchester lol


2-50 Colchester

2-50 Shrewsbury

2-4 Man Citys Reserve team running track thingy

1000/1 Arsenal Emirates

1000/1 Manchester United Old Trafford


Anymore lmao.



Tell you what, arther than you say that the plans that you haven't seen ior the plans that you think we'll get that you haven't seen, are all crap and soulless, instead, why don't you say what you actually want?

See, the thing is that some people don't want a donny style bowl, others don't want 4 separate stands.


I tend to thnik that when you're in a ground, you usually look at the pitch and watch the team, but then I've been accused of thinking the team is more important than the ground before now.

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Tell you what, arther than you say that the plans that you haven't seen ior the plans that you think we'll get that you haven't seen, are all crap and soulless, instead, why don't you say what you actually want?

See, the thing is that some people don't want a donny style bowl, others don't want 4 separate stands.


I tend to thnik that when you're in a ground, you usually look at the pitch and watch the team, but then I've been accused of thinking the team is more important than the ground before now.


You know, the design of the stadium is not one of my major concerns... As long as it is expandable... So the four separate stands approach will probably not be that bad of an idea the more I think about it...

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Tell you what, arther than you say that the plans that you haven't seen ior the plans that you think we'll get that you haven't seen, are all crap and soulless, instead, why don't you say what you actually want?

See, the thing is that some people don't want a donny style bowl, others don't want 4 separate stands.


I tend to thnik that when you're in a ground, you usually look at the pitch and watch the team, but then I've been accused of thinking the team is more important than the ground before now.

I was wondering if it was only me who wasn't that arsed. When I go to a new ground or travel away, I care about a decent view, convenient ticketing, abundant an tasty beer and pies with minimal queuing, cover from elements, sensible stewarding, fit lady coppers, ease of getting there and indeed many other factors before I even start to think about how, "unique," it is. It's like we have all become poncey gay arty types like FMS and Rummy. It should look nice from the road to help passers by notice it. That's all.

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I was wondering if it was only me who wasn't that arsed. When I go to a new ground or travel away, I care about a decent view, convenient ticketing, abundant an tasty beer and pies with minimal queuing, cover from elements, sensible stewarding, fit lady coppers, ease of getting there and indeed many other factors before I even start to think about how, "unique," it is. It's like we have all become poncey gay arty types like FMS and Rummy. It should look nice from the road to help passers by notice it. That's all.



I'm just pondering over getting 'inspired' tonight whilst watching the football. Being honest I got bought a bottle of absinthe for Christmas once. I remember very little generally, except on one occasion; (after a few) "I'll just have a shot of that absinthe"... ...WTF is this phone doing in my hand? Who's on the other end. Ahh, my mum. What have I said? How long have I been on the phone? "Right got to go now, byee". Arse.


So as long as it serves absinthe in the bar, we'll all be alright.

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"you have to wonder are the TTA just looking for a quick buck in the sale of land" - course they are, leave us in a shed in Failsworth and f off out of it.


Sheridan....your absinthe story made me laugh. In my younger days I woke up face down on the carpet with the phone ringing next to my head, looked up and the coffee table was actually on fire and my landlord had passed out on the settee with both his eyes open. Ahhhh, the Green Fairy...

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Serious question: How many households are diectly affected by the site for the proposals which have not yet been drawn up?


About 50 - tops....those on Broadway and Park Avenue only. The only sensible comments I've seen have been on the Oldham Chronicle website by "The Watcher"...he obviously can pick away the Chron bull to understand that the Council will only consult at planning stage. This is just common practice - or do the Failsworth residents want special attention. Muppets.

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I was all for the new Ground etc but when I found out of the site and the plans for the stadia I was instantly put off.


For those who visited Charlton last Saturday or who have been to grounds like Luton and Tranmere you have to wonder are the TTA just looking for a quick buck in the sale of land surrounding BP because there’s certainly ample room to redevelop on the existing site compared to the aforementioned clubs.


If something like the sale of Micah Richards came off then the money generated could be ploughed into a new main stand to be built where the broadway stand was and have that as the new main stand with modern facilities etc and TBH if this were the case then the ground IMO would be millions of miles better than the proposed Lego fiasco at failsworth.


The Rocky, chaddy and current main stand would make a good ground with the addition of a new modern main stand, I just cant help but wonder if every possibility or avenue has been explored in obtaining cash for just one big modern stand rather than risk everything for a new stadia that if we are honnest wouldnt be home.

surely every latics fan would be happy to see BP improved and retain our spiritual home.

I am all for taking the club forward but why reinvent the wheel and at what cost do we place on progression?

And as others have said, redvelop BP and it will HAVE to be a cheap job, the very stadium you despise, as we don't have the money for anything "designer" unless we sell the whole of BP.

BP will have to be a Shrewsbury or colcherter. ar a 10k stadium.

Which certain people could accuse of lacking ambition, and as many have told him you can only fund the ambition you can afford.

As for the Michah Richards money, at the moment the best we can hope for is £5m from him, and likely to be less thant hat.

Adn that would not be paid till January or September. Maybe they TTA have been waiting several years for the Richards money anyway, and now see it as a bonus not expectation.



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I was wondering if it was only me who wasn't that arsed. When I go to a new ground or travel away, I care about a decent view, convenient ticketing, abundant an tasty beer and pies with minimal queuing, cover from elements, sensible stewarding, fit lady coppers, ease of getting there and indeed many other factors before I even start to think about how, "unique," it is. It's like we have all become poncey gay arty types like FMS and Rummy. It should look nice from the road to help passers by notice it. That's all.

Spot on, as they is much said.

It's like this board has been taken over by a bunch of soft arsed Southerners not solid no noncense (sic) Northerners,...

I'd like a poor amns Villa, but it is not that important, more inportant is that we are ina position to generate money to pay for players on the pitch.

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It should look nice from the road to help passers by notice it. That's all.


That sums it up - just like most other stadia. Inside, like them, it will probably be breeze block walls and concrete steps with plastic seats. The quality finish will be in the parts designed to produce non-football income.

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....has anyone on here actually seen the site?! <_<


On the way to the Masters yesterday I drove down Mancheter Road to Failsworth and called in at Lancaster Park on Broadway. It took 10 minutes from the roundabout under the flyover near the old Sainsbury's and, after stopping to take some pictures, it took 8 minutes to the bottom of Oldham Road on the edge of Manchester city centre.


It is a very large site and in immaculate condition. There are football pitches, two all-weather plastic pitches and a bowling green. The Listed building on the site is Failsworth Lodge. The nearest houses (approx 17) are about half a mile away.



One of the all-weather pitches and Failsworth Lodge.



Failsworth Lodge, the Grade II Listed Building to be preserved in the prposed development.


Details with the official Listing of Failsworth Lodge on 13th November 1975:

Failsworth Lodge is in the Parish of Failsworth in the District of Oldham. House has JEB 1770 (Captain Birch) on door lintel at the rear. Flemish bond brick with slate roof. Double-depth plan with five bays and three storeys (plus basement) and smaller two-storey wings set back to either side. Stone band at basement level. Modillion eaves cornice and blocking course. Central entrance approached by opposed flights of stone steps has a six-panel door with decorative fanlight and open-pediment on pilasters. Window openings have stone sills, cambered brick arches and C20 casements (although four-pane sashes remain on the ground floor). Obtrusive fire escape stairs in front of wings. Gable chimney stacks and hipped roofs to wings which project at rear. Small two-storey addition to rear which has several blocked windows but others retaining twelve-pane sashes. Interior: ground floor much altered. Dogleg stair with moulded rail and boxed-in balusters. six-panel doors and enriched mantels on upper floors. Formerly a private school said to have been attended by Robert Peel. P. Percival, Failsworth Folk and Failsworth Memories, 1901.


Listing is not a preservation order, preventing change. Listing is an identification stage where buildings are marked and celebrated as having exceptional architectural or historic special interest, before any planning stage which may decide a building's future.


Listing does not freeze a building in time, it simply means that listed building consent must be applied for in order to make any changes to that building which might affect its special interest. Listed buildings can be altered, extended and sometimes even demolished within government planning guidance. The local authority uses listed building consent to make decisions that balance the site's historic significance against other issues such as its function, condition or viability.





The allotments on adjacent land.


There is a fairly big car park, but if parking is to be allowed at the proposed stadium, I would expect the traffic planners to require all vehicles to turn left when exiting onto Broadway for safety reasons. At the moment you can drive through the gap in the central reservation if wishing to turn right to the traffic lights, but this would be too dangerous with large numbers of vehicles leaving at the same time. Similarly access to the site would have to be limited to vehicles driving in the direction of Chadderton. Of course all this might be irrelevant if the traffic management scheme for the site requires the construction of new access and egress points. The three traffic surveys should resolve all problems. :wink:


For all those obsessed with the site being "nearer Manchester Town Hall than Oldham Town Hall", after turning onto Oldham Road I drove about 400 yards before seeing the sign welcoming me to Manc. I'm told the site is 3.7 miles from BP and 4 miles from Mumps Bridge.


Manc Town Hall might be nearer than Oldham's, but the latter is near enough for one to get there quickly and show one's arse when the new stadium is officially opened and the dream becomes a reality.


All we need now is assurance that the new development, like the proposed redevelopment of BP, will enable the Club to be self-sufficent, regardless of losing money through the gate.


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Guest Scratch2000uk

Lets not build one, and have done with it, backward thinking councils for the last 30 years or more , lib-lab are both to blame and moaning residents. :ranting:

I mean we haven't got anything else sports wise to be proud of have we?. All we seem to have are crumbling historic buildings, and flats being built everywhere, coming into oldham these days is embarrassing, mumps, ashton road to name couple of :censored: holes, you wouldn't want to be seen there at any time of day or night :ranting: :ranting:

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Has anyone club etc said anything about what the police think of the stadium being close to east*an*s?


We aren't going to be another Tranmere are we playing on Friday nights because they cant cope with policing both games so close to each other?


I know the majority of our games are against nothingness but when the likes of Leeds Millwall & Huddersfield are in town and if city have a London club or a team with the potential for trouble IMO it will be us who loses out.


I know you could say that happens now but going back to my question do you think being round the corner would change things drastically?



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Has anyone club etc said anything about what the police think of the stadium being close to east*an*s?


We aren't going to be another Tranmere are we playing on Friday nights because they cant cope with policing both games so close to each other?


I know the majority of our games are against nothingness but when the likes of Leeds Millwall & Huddersfield are in town and if city have a London club or a team with the potential for trouble IMO it will be us who loses out.


I know you could say that happens now but going back to my question do you think being round the corner would change things drastically?


1) :censored:ty play the majority of their games now on sunday/monday


2) When the FL calculate our fixtures, they calculate them so we play our home games when city are away.



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And as others have said, redvelop BP and it will HAVE to be a cheap job, the very stadium you despise, as we don't have the money for anything "designer" unless we sell the whole of BP.

BP will have to be a Shrewsbury or colcherter. ar a 10k stadium.

Which certain people could accuse of lacking ambition, and as many have told him you can only fund the ambition you can afford.

As for the Michah Richards money, at the moment the best we can hope for is £5m from him, and likely to be less thant hat.

Adn that would not be paid till January or September. Maybe they TTA have been waiting several years for the Richards money anyway, and now see it as a bonus not expectation.




I hope you realise where this leads.

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1) :censored:ty play the majority of their games now on sunday/monday


2) When the FL calculate our fixtures, they calculate them so we play our home games when city are away.




I would imagine they would also tie us in so that we would play when Man U were at home rather Man C. GMP have been looking after 9(?) pro clubs for years, I don't think it will be that hard really.

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