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Up yours Cowell!


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I know that, you know that, most of the posters on this thread know that. The rest of the sheeple in this country don't know it....


What is X-Factors demographic ? 12 to 50 female, usually of the bored got :censored: else to do variety?


Before X-Factor is was Robson and Jerome...Cliff Richard and so on... I am not sure the X-Factor travesty is anything new really... It just ramps the announce levels up a few notches as we have to deal with the tears and woes of the whole show for months...

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Yaaaah bollercks. RATM and Mcwhatsit are both one of the same now. Some geek was blubbering on TV last night that [squeaky voice] "We've got our Christmas Number One back!" [/squeaky voice].


No you haven't you berk, okay you've blocked the Musical Behemoth that is Cyco or whatever it's called, I dont give a :censored:, but you've installed some Class A planks that represent, that represent - er - that, um....What the hell do they represent?


If it’s western political ideologies they’ve got an issue with, not sure how they can get around the whole liberalisation of economic markets; the heart of that machine, the very same heart that pulses copious amounts of wonga directly into to their back accounts. Suggest a name change from RATM to “Embrace Free Market Economics"


I'll sit here and listen to James Lavelle and DJ Shadow for now...


Cowell, :censored: you. RATM, :censored: you too.

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I could listen to you all day, Mr. Large_Breasts. I actually rather liked Olly in the sense that he seems like a normal bloke who can belt out a couple of tunes with a smile on his face; Joe, on the other hand, is a little pleb with wonky teeth (not that I'm one to cast aspersions on that front) and who looked a little too comfortable in the company of George Michael and Louis Walsh. He also says he doesn't fancy Cheryl Cole, and not once did I see him having a quick peek at her norks or trying to cop a feel of her tushy. He'll be lodging at Elton John's next...


Anyway. It's a satisfying moral victory this whole Chrimble no. 1 malarky. If I didn't dream it, I'm sure the figures were something ridiculous like half a million sales for the angry men. That's an astonishing amount of rebellion considering the societal conditioning that's slowly but surely crept up on us over the past 10-15 years.


I'm orf down my local independent record shop to pick up some old Symposium 7"s.



I like Rachel, she had a good voice and appeared to have a personality, sadly this strong, independent woman appeared to put most of the country off and she was in the bottom three for three weeks running before being kicked out. After that I wanted Jedward to win, I actually voted for them, several times for several weeks. Trying to bring the system down from within. Sadly, this country just wasn't ready for that kind of subversion.


My wife like Olly, I agree he seemed a normal bloke, bit too OI OI!! for my liking and when he danced he looked like Ian Curtis actually having a fit, he was weak in the semi final and I was surprised he went through. I was very pleased that Stacey went out, she was a bona fide idiot who seemed to be channelling Jade too much for my liking.

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I like Rachel, she had a good voice and appeared to have a personality, sadly this strong, independent woman appeared to put most of the country off and she was in the bottom three for three weeks running before being kicked out. After that I wanted Jedward to win, I actually voted for them, several times for several weeks. Trying to bring the system down from within. Sadly, this country just wasn't ready for that kind of subversion.


My wife like Olly, I agree he seemed a normal bloke, bit too OI OI!! for my liking and when he danced he looked like Ian Curtis actually having a fit, he was weak in the semi final and I was surprised he went through. I was very pleased that Stacey went out, she was a bona fide idiot who seemed to be channelling Jade too much for my liking.





I am getting the wrong end of the stick or are you one of these sheep ? :o

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Yaaaah bollercks. RATM and Mcwhatsit are both one of the same now. Some geek was blubbering on TV last night that [squeaky voice] "We've got our Christmas Number One back!" [/squeaky voice].


No you haven't you berk, okay you've blocked the Musical Behemoth that is Cyco or whatever it's called, I dont give a :censored:, but you've installed some Class A planks that represent, that represent - er - that, um....What the hell do they represent?



I'll sit here and listen to James Lavelle and DJ Shadow for now...


Cowell, :censored: you. RATM, :censored: you too.

Exactly. Who's having the last laugh out of this assault on Cowell? Cowell, that's who. The X-factor single wouldn't have sold half as many copies if it weren't for this 'battle'. I heard RATM rabbiting on in a radio interview that people had to make them no. 1 for the integrity of British music. :censored: off! British? No. And what's the outcome? More money for them and theirs.


I have no idea why anyone would want to get involved in it all. It matters not a jot who 'won' - they're all laughing all the way to the bank.

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I have no idea why anyone would want to get involved in it all. It matters not a jot who 'won' - they're all laughing all the way to the bank.

What he said.


Anyone who genuinely thinks this is a "kick in the knackers for Cowell" is a fully fledged window licking idiot who's swallowed the BS as much as any X-Factor fan.


Cowell will be limping to the bank come what may. And good for him - he's made a fantastic fortune out of milking stupid people and deserves every penny he's got.

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What he said.


Anyone who genuinely thinks this is a "kick in the knackers for Cowell" is a fully fledged window licking idiot who's swallowed the BS as much as any X-Factor fan.


Cowell will be limping to the bank come what may. And good for him - he's made a fantastic fortune out of milking stupid people and deserves every penny he's got.


To be honest the best "kick in the knackers for Cowell" would be for no-one to buy any of the songs and not to listen to the farce they call the charts.

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What he said.


Anyone who genuinely thinks this is a "kick in the knackers for Cowell" is a fully fledged window licking idiot who's swallowed the BS as much as any X-Factor fan.


Cowell will be limping to the bank come what may. And good for him - he's made a fantastic fortune out of milking stupid people and deserves every penny he's got.



Agree 100,000.000 % ... and the source of this great victory .... Facebook !!!! and they called the X factor viewers sheep!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ... Facebook FFS !!!!! I wonder who set it up and then got it the publicity ????


Incidentally Facebook is an incerdible tool to catch and identify fraudsters .. so it has its uses

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The thing with these kids is that they just want to be famous. Non of them want to be musicians, they’d just as happily be a model or an actor as long as they got famous.


In the sixties the Beatles, the stones, Bobby Dylan, the Beach Boys amongst others helped turn music into an art form rather than a pretty corrupt money making machine. The x-factor and other such programmes turned it back full circle.


Me? I just buy what I like and F what the rest of you tell me.

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Could have got behind the 'campaign', had it not been for the fact that the RATM song is gash.


Whole thing's been a bit daft really...I don't think that people would have bought one song or the other, so if anything Joe McElderry probably sold more records as people who wanted him to get to number one would have downloaded 'The Climb' in order to try in order to help him win.


The RATM supporters will lose interest this week and McElderry will still get his number one next week.


Therefore, the 'rebels' who were protesting against being told what to do by being told what to do win, RATM win, Joe McElderry wins, Simon Cowell wins and Sony in particular wins.


Happy days for everyone, except those of us who turn on the radio are repeatedly end up listening to two crap songs.

Edited by jsslatic
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In excellent company along with Oscar Wilde, Jeremy Thorpe, Mark Oaten and Ashley Cole. I bet they all watch X-Factor as well.


I doubt Ashley Cole watches the x-factor live, after all its the one time his missus is guaranteed to be out so he can have some of the boys round, and I don't think that includes the likes of JT and Lamps- but you never know.

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Could have got behind the 'campaign', had it not been for the fact that the RATM song is gash.


Whole thing's been a bit daft really...I don't think that people would have bought one song or the other, so if anything Joe McElderry probably sold more records as people who wanted him to get to number one would have downloaded 'The Climb' in order to try in order to help him win.


The RATM supporters will lose interest this week and McElderry will still get his number one next week.


Therefore, the 'rebels' who were protesting against being told what to do by being told what to do win, RATM win, Joe McElderry wins, Simon Cowell wins and Sony in particular wins.


Happy days for everyone, except those of us who turn on the radio are repeatedly end up listening to two crap songs.

I didn't buy the download, as i couldn't give a pair of prostitutes hooters about X-Factor or Facebook, but i have been listening to RATM for 15+ years and that particular song is definately classed as their 'Anthem' and having heard it played/played it at a number of functions over the years and seen the response, can definately say that it was very popular amongst those who know the song.

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RATM are about as Anti Establishment as Take That.


"---- you I wont do what you tell me", whilst on a major record label responsible for "feeding you endless doses, of sugar-coated mindless garbage" (copyright Dead Kennedys); I guess kids don't understand irony. I would have been impressed by the "campaign", if it would have been Crass that would have made xmas number one, but RATM were clearly backed by the establishment itself in a lame attempt to boost record sales "Sales are slumping, no-one will say why, could it be that they put out one too many lousy records?" (again copyright Dead Kennedys).

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RATM are about as Anti Establishment as Take That.


"---- you I wont do what you tell me", whilst on a major record label responsible for "feeding you endless doses, of sugar-coated mindless garbage" (copyright Dead Kennedys); I guess kids don't understand irony. I would have been impressed by the "campaign", if it would have been Crass that would have made xmas number one, but RATM were clearly backed by the establishment itself in a lame attempt to boost record sales "Sales are slumping, no-one will say why, could it be that they put out one too many lousy records?" (again copyright Dead Kennedys).


But by being anti-establishment people are erm, following an establishment as such.


Me myself, I've gone from buying what my peers told me I should like (Metallica, FNM, Living Color - which I still like, but probably due to force of habit) - now to people with nice voices (Dido and Jeanette Neopolitano spring to mind). However, money spent in the last few years numbers less than twenty quid for me.

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RATM are about as Anti Establishment as Take That.


"---- you I wont do what you tell me", whilst on a major record label responsible for "feeding you endless doses, of sugar-coated mindless garbage" (copyright Dead Kennedys); I guess kids don't understand irony. I would have been impressed by the "campaign", if it would have been Crass that would have made xmas number one, but RATM were clearly backed by the establishment itself in a lame attempt to boost record sales "Sales are slumping, no-one will say why, could it be that they put out one too many lousy records?" (again copyright Dead Kennedys).


I bought Nagasaki nightmare when I was 12. I went home and played it in my bedroom. My father heard the song, saw the title and the picture cover and give me a right beating, calling me a sick bastard etc.

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