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Consultation on Draft Stadium Proposals: Are you Going?

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Is there plans to show the new stadium images on official site from tomorrow?


For those who cannot attend in person but have invested their life into the club should surely have the same opportunity via the official site?!


I think one of the key points of the presentation is to be the opportunity to give thoughts on the display, there and then; obviously something the website will not be able to provide.




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I can't make it as I'll be dashing off to the other side of Manchester for a full body massage straight after work. :angry:


Hopefully something will appear on here or the official site asap....


Seeing as they're showing us at this stage, I'm quietly confident that the proposals will be better than some have feared.

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QUOTE (ghostofcecere @ Feb 3 2010, 13:44 PM)

No they won't, they like to turn speculation and conjecture into fact, to stir up anti-club feelings on here. It doesn't fit into their modus operandi to get the truth from the horses mouth and debate the facts.


You couldn't be more wrong.


Who are the hard core moaners?


To be scrupulously fair, I think there is a difference between being anti Failsworth and a hard core moaner.

For one, any anti Failsworth worth is salt will have no issue going to see the plans and stating their feelings.

There are a portion on here that I agree with GoC, thta won;t go becasue they are happier moaning on here.


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I think even those who appear happier sitting behind their PCs and moaning will, deep down, be genuinely interested in tomorrow. Although they might not all admit it on here. :wink:


you could be right there


people cant be arsed going to home games so i hardly think they will attend this,even though club officials will be there to gauge peoples reactions,just like the open invatation to meet mr corney and ask those awkward questions,those shouting the loudest were nowhere to be seen.


im on nights this week but im going to pop along and take a peek...see if there as low spec and downsized as some doom mongerers would have us believe.


i think they will be on official site later that evening or the day after,as well as in the papers.

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Yes I'll be going, why not?, been to all the others!!!!. Serial/hardcore moaner?.....nope I wouldn't say I fall into that category....getting more cynical with each and every new planned stadium unveiling only never to see ground broke possibly.

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You are trying to make me look silly RummyOwl . How can I know who they are if I dont know? the chronicle as had people moaning and I read that.

you sound a cynical and suspicious man. I'm sory you have had expriences that have made you ike that.

I'm not trying to make you look silly, why double the effort? I am skeptical about a lot of things, it may well sound like I'm cynical and suspicious - however I find it helps to avoid having the wool pulled over my eyes, a lot.

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I will be there again.



No they won't, they like to turn speculation and conjecture into fact, to stir up anti-club feelings on here. It doesn't fit into their modus operandi to get the truth from the horses mouth and debate the facts.


Hmm... Does that rant make you a hard core moaner? That's at least one then.


When you get the "facts" from the "horses mouth" can you post them on here cos some of us (hard core moaners/concerned lifelong fans*) are geographically-challenged and, to paraphrase your signature, have to make do with moaning on the message board instead of going.

* delete as applicable


What's the view like from up there on your moral high ground?

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Hmm... Does that rant make you a hard core moaner? That's at least one then.


When you get the "facts" from the "horses mouth" can you post them on here cos some of us (hard core moaners/concerned lifelong fans*) are geographically-challenged and, to paraphrase your signature, have to make do with moaning on the message board instead of going.

* delete as applicable


What's the view like from up there on your moral high ground?

Very nice up here thank you B)


And if you look back I did post what was said including my one-to-one with Simon Corney. It still didn't stop some coming out with the wild conspiricy theory's from behind their keyboards though.

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Tomorrow between 3:00pm and 8:00pm, in the Sponsors Suite at BP,sees the fans’ opportunity to get their first glimpse of the “site plan, footprint of the proposed stadium and visuals of the initial design”. This is the chance to see whether what is proposed is as bad as most people believe. The chance to tell TTA what’s wrong with the proposals, so that they can be revised before being finalised for further consultation.


I’ll be there with Mrs. S. Anyone else going?

No I won't be going.


If there was any way this proposal could be stopped then yes I would go to put my twopenneth in, but the decision to move has been made regardless of how many fans are against it so what is the point of fans (soon to be ex fans)like me going along?

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