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Media priorities

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Didn't want to mention this on the KA thread so as to detract away from the messages of condolence on there.


BBC Sport's main story at the moment? 'GLAZERS RECEIVE BACKING FROM GILL'. The death of a Football League manager sits on the side of the page. Appalling. Reminds me of when Marc-Vivien Foe died at the Confederations Cup, back when Ceefax was still widely uses and when I went on the BBC's North-West page, their headline was something along the lines of 'QUIEROZ BACKS RONALDO TO PERFORM', whilst 'MAN CITY MIDFIELDER DIES DURING MATCH' was a back-up story.


I know most United fans haven't heard of Keith Alexander, but for the BBC to pander to them really winds me up.


Rant over.



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Didn't want to mention this on the KA thread so as to detract away from the messages of condolence on there.


BBC Sport's main story at the moment? 'GLAZERS RECEIVE BACKING FROM GILL'. The death of a Football League manager sits on the side of the page. Appalling. Reminds me of when Marc-Vivien Foe died at the Confederations Cup, back when Ceefax was still widely uses and when I went on the BBC's North-West page, their headline was something along the lines of 'QUIEROZ BACKS RONALDO TO PERFORM', whilst 'MAN CITY MIDFIELDER DIES DURING MATCH' was a back-up story.


I know most United fans haven't heard of Keith Alexander, but for the BBC to pander to them really winds me up.


Rant over.

i agree entirely, that is morally incorrect

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Didn't want to mention this on the KA thread so as to detract away from the messages of condolence on there.


BBC Sport's main story at the moment? 'GLAZERS RECEIVE BACKING FROM GILL'. The death of a Football League manager sits on the side of the page. Appalling. Reminds me of when Marc-Vivien Foe died at the Confederations Cup, back when Ceefax was still widely uses and when I went on the BBC's North-West page, their headline was something along the lines of 'QUIEROZ BACKS RONALDO TO PERFORM', whilst 'MAN CITY MIDFIELDER DIES DURING MATCH' was a back-up story.


I know most United fans haven't heard of Keith Alexander, but for the BBC to pander to them really winds me up.


Rant over.


I just made the exact same point to my dad. Main story on SSN was about some conference David Gill did in Manchester today. The death of a football league manager was playing second fiddle. Shocking.

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It's total :censored:, but what do you expect? This from the same BBC that produced a really annoying program about the experience of black managers but was more interested in idiots like Barnes and Palmer than someone like Alexander going about his business like a decent bloke.

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Media Priority number 1- sell as much as possible (be it having more clicks or selling more papers). Its a sad state of affairs but those tatty looking green and yellow scarfs have sold more than Macc's ground a few times over. The big news the other day was some bankers having a meeting about buying Man U despite it not being up for sale (the Glazer's are looking like business genuises BTW), the Gill story is a follow up. Keith Alexander will still be prominent in the news (what was the big story for NW tonight at 6.30?), but it happened this morning and like most 24 hour news channels/websites if something is more current it often gets bigger priority/billing than something more newsworthy.


Timing is everything in the media- I can already predict the big feature for tomorrow's back page will have neither story on it. Gill having some meeting has already been demoted to "cover" the football which hasn't started yet.

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My complaint:


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am both appalled and saddened to return home this evening to find that the article on the tragic death of Macclesfield Town manager Keith Alexander has been demoted to the seventh article linked to on the BBC Football site's 'side bar'.


I can accept, with a sad inevitableness, that the live England game will take priority as the lead article; after all it's an live/unfolding story about a vaguely important game for the national side.


However it's an horrific indictment of both the BBC's coverage and the nation as a whole that an article (to call it a story would imply there had been anything but a minimally interesting development) on the never ending saga of the debts of Manchester United.


Not only does that article take precedence, but also 5 'sub' articles (which are days or weeks old) appear above that of the story regarding the death of an active manager in English football.


From reading the new article on Manchester United's owners I can see that "The Glazers do not want to sell and from our perspective are running the club in the right way."


Well, if that's more newsworthy than the death of a League manager then blow me down; I can find you another 80+ stories of equal validity by calling the press offices of a vast array of football clubs throughout the country!


To say I'm disappointed would be a vast understatement; and for the sake of clarity I have no connection or affinity to either Macclesfield Football Club or the late Mr Alexander.



Yours in sad disappointment,

A Football League fan

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I totally agree with the sentiment behind the posts in this thread but it's by no means unbelievable really, is it? I was actually a little suprised that the death of a lower league manager made the front page of the Beeb website.

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Hi there,


Thank you for your message.


I recall watching Keith Alexander play for Ketering Town many years ago

and his sudden death at the age of only 53 came as a shock, I am sure,

to many football fans.


We reflected this by having the story as the lead item on our site for

several hours yesterday, but the news agenda never stands still and the

ongoing saga about the ownership of Manchester United, the biggest club

in England, is a story of major interest to users of our site all over

the world.


I think therefore that the decision to replace the Keith Alexander story

as the lead item was the correct one.



Paul Grunill

Assistant Editor, BBC Sport Interactive.

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That's news I'm afraid, it's a callous, cold and uncaring business - however nine times out of ten we lap it up.



I'm up to series three of Drop The Dead Donkey on 4OD... it's as relevant and hilarious now, 15 years later, as it was then.


And proves your point that it's a callous business all round.

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Didn't want to mention this on the KA thread so as to detract away from the messages of condolence on there.


BBC Sport's main story at the moment? 'GLAZERS RECEIVE BACKING FROM GILL'. The death of a Football League manager sits on the side of the page. Appalling. Reminds me of when Marc-Vivien Foe died at the Confederations Cup, back when Ceefax was still widely uses and when I went on the BBC's North-West page, their headline was something along the lines of 'QUIEROZ BACKS RONALDO TO PERFORM', whilst 'MAN CITY MIDFIELDER DIES DURING MATCH' was a back-up story.


I know most United fans haven't heard of Keith Alexander, but for the BBC to pander to them really winds me up.


Rant over.




This demonstrates exactly why it doesn't even occur to me to visit such websites. Another day another piss take.


As long as 'Great' Britain is overspilling with selfish morons, many of whom are seemingly incapable of thinking for themselves, this is the type of thing that we shall have to try and tolerate. Of course as a stand alone issue that would be quite easy - it's the incessant nature of similar annoyances that becomes too much.


The alternative is to :censored: off and that appeal grows with every week that passes.

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This demonstrates exactly why it doesn't even occur to me to visit such websites. Another day another piss take.


As long as 'Great' Britain is overspilling with selfish morons, many of whom are seemingly incapable of thinking for themselves, this is the type of thing that we shall have to try and tolerate. Of course as a stand alone issue that would be quite easy - it's the incessant nature of similar annoyances that becomes too much.


The alternative is to :censored: off and that appeal grows with every week that passes.


Happy as ever then Stitch ! :wink:

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The alternative is to :censored: off and that appeal grows with every week that passes.

I’m not generally one to make out that this country is the worst place in the world, it’s far from it and there is more opportunity here than in most places, despite Mr Brown’s best efforts, but faced as I am with imminent emigration I am surprised by how little the idea bothers me.

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Happy as ever then Stitch ! :wink:


I'm always happy, if often frustrated. :wink:



I’m not generally one to make out that this country is the worst place in the world, it’s far from it and there is more opportunity here than in most places, despite Mr Brown’s best efforts, but faced as I am with imminent emigration I am surprised by how little the idea bothers me.


Of course there are worse places in terms of quality of life etc, but in terms of having to deal with dumbed down idiots and cringeworthy modern culture, this place has to be right up there.

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