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Why have the club reported nothing at all on Parker?

I'm glass half-empty on this Stevie; I fear he's got a serious injury and he's been seeing specialist after specialist trying to sort the best & quickest solution........I fear the worst on this*








.* and can then be pleasantly surprised when he starts Vs Hudds!

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Why have the club reported nothing at all on Parker?

Could be there waiting for swelling to go down... Had x-ray shows no broken bones, but possible ligament damage so could be waiting for MRI scan.. Or they've sent him home and told him not to come back until he's better..

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Bad news yes, but could have been much much worse.

Indeed its not going to take that much more for fractures to occur or if the incident had a slightly different mechanism serious ligament damage. I read the article as 8 weeks being a posibility initially and then 2 weeks on top, but not as 10 weeks minimum more 10 weeks +/- 2 weeks

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10 weeks minimum


Bad news, he's been a revelation. Unlike our two resident show ponies in Morais and Taylor, this lad attacks at pace and gets a cross in….


bad news becuase he does look handy but when has he been a revelation???


may have done ok at scunthorpe but to use the word revelation when he has done no more or no less than others in the 3 games he has taken part is crap


his recored of 3 games, 0 goals 0 assists backs the non revelation argument

Edited by palmer1
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