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Why would any Latics fan want to go & watch either of those two teams?!I wouldnt go for free nevermind pay money for the "privilege."

I've occasionally been to see Fleetwood & Southport to get my football fix when Latics are away down south but wouldn't dream of watching Bury or Rochdale.

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Have Season Ticket prices for next season been announced yet?


I suggest people are patient before getting angry about this offer.


Negative Oldham fans in their element.

Edited by Macca
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Have Season Ticket prices for next season been announced yet?


I suggest people are patient before getting angry about this offer.


Negative Oldham fans in their element.

You said it yourself,Oldham fans not Rochdale or bury

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As they're local, it probably makes sense to offer tickets to see them rather than teams positioned on the coast though, eh? ;)


I think it's a nice reciprocal arrangement to offer. If we were at a loose end with Latics away, or to get out of being dragged to shopping centre / in-laws then why not? There's worse things to do than watch a match and have a pie.

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I honestly thought this was an April Fool, accidentally put out a day late!


Who the hell came up with that? I'm not a ST holder but I probably would be, if I lived local. But I'm a Latics fan and have no interest in watching other equally crap teams (unless they're playing Oldham).


'Special deal'? The people behind it are special, all right.

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Thinking right now is that I probably won't use the offer but say if one of the games falls when Oldham aren't playing or perhaps the Oldham game has been postponed because of the weather etc. £5 to watch a game isn't that bad an option if you've nothing else to do.

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personally macca im an oldham fan not a football fan. i dont see the point in watching football unless its a matter of life or death that YOUR football team scores one more goal than the opposition. whats the point in watching two teams you couldnt give a :censored: about? id rather go to the pub

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personally macca im an oldham fan not a football fan. i dont see the point in watching football unless its a matter of life or death that YOUR football team scores one more goal than the opposition. whats the point in watching two teams you couldnt give a :censored: about? id rather go to the pub


and watch two teams you don't give a :censored: about on the telly?


The offer is there if you want to use it, if not don't or give it others who might? There's no need to be all angry about it is there?

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me and my mate were having this discussion the other week, there seems to be this rule amongst certain fans that watching another team is wrong I've not got a problem with people watching other teams from time to time but I'd find it hard to watch another game in the same league as Latics. I did watch Sheff Utd a fair bit but since they've gone down I've only been against Latics and against Bradford in the JPT (my housemate is a Bantam). But each to their own I say

Edited by Tommy_Fent
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I don't really see the problem with this. I'm aware of a few people who do go to watch Rochdale or Bury when we're away and they can't afford the away trip. Personally, I'm unlikely to use the offer, but it's not obligatory.


Surely it's a good thing that some local fans (maybe only a handful) will want to watch football on a weekend, be unable to afford a long away trip, and decide to put some money into the local football coffers / even choose to do that rather than stick money as an away fan into, for example, MKDons' coffers. And as it's reciprocal, it's not like giving the upper hand to our local rivals.

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if things carry on like they are for us, Rochdale and Bury I wonder how long it will be before Mr Stotts suggestion is brought out of the vault and dusted off?


Something has to give!


Div 3 North/South????

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and watch two teams you don't give a :censored: about on the telly?


The offer is there if you want to use it, if not don't or give it others who might? There's no need to be all angry about it is there?


The reason people are annoyed is that presumably this is the sweetener for season ticket holders regarding the golden ticket offer. as most have already said they will not use it. basically the club has come up with a softener that will not cost them any money, but at the same time not offer anything in the way of savings to the average season ticket holder.


can you honestly say that this offer equates to the 55 pound loss on the five golden ticket matches?

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People say why, but why not?


Surely the ST holders are the more hardcore elements of the fanbase anyway, so they're not going to have their heads turned because Bury have loo roll for their half-time dump.


I would imagine the clubs will look at the others' correlating fixtures. There's no point Dale doing an offer for when we're away at Huddersfield but if we're away at Exeter or something then there's no harm. You don't have to go.


I really don't understand where the problem is. I'm sure we've done things like this before for random one-off games when we're playing a long way from home.

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I don't see why people are angry about this. As long as it isn't being added on to the price of the season ticket you can take it or leave it knowing you've lost nothing. It's not going to add a thousand on the gate but it will get a few more down who wouldn't have bothered at full price for some of the bigger games = bigger crowd and probably better atmosphere. I'd see Rochdale or Bury if I lived in Oldham and they were playing a big game if I couldn't get to the Oldham away game.

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I must be old school......i'm only interested in attending latics matches. I'd rather spend my fiver in the club shop on a mug or bob hat.


Then do it. I don't understand why people are angry that season ticket holders are being given an option to do something if they want to.

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