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Football Hooliganism

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I dare say it will be right enough. I wouldn't go wandering around any desolate industrial estates on my own and so on but I'd imagine that the average fan would be OK. Incredible that they are so bothered by Jews despite there having been none there for 70 years though.

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England fans need to stick together on this trip doesn't matter what club you support. If it does unfortunately go off and england fans have a go back defending themselves watch how we will get the blame.

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Russia is as bad, if not worse, than these two countries too, and they've inexplicably been given the world cup. Zenit St Petersburg still refuse to buy black or asian players because their support won't allow it. In 2012. Incredible.


FIFA or UEFA couldn't give a toss about these huge social problems though. All they care about is ££££. Horrible, corrupt organisations.

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Yea what was shown wasn't good but wouldn't be so quick to go over the top saying its a true representation, remember its a documentary and no documentary is unbiased, if it wants to paint a picture of somewhere being the worst place on Earth it will. Yea there are problems that need to be addressed but these are big countries with big populations and a documentary on a minority should not be the only thing you base your views on.

If the London Olympics where prefixed with a half hour video on the riots would you say it looked like a desireable/ safe place to host an event?

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Yea what was shown wasn't good but wouldn't be so quick to go over the top saying its a true representation, remember its a documentary and no documentary is unbiased, if it wants to paint a picture of somewhere being the worst place on Earth it will. Yea there are problems that need to be addressed but these are big countries with big populations and a documentary on a minority should not be the only thing you base your views on.

If the London Olympics where prefixed with a half hour video on the riots would you say it looked like a desireable/ safe place to host an event?


Totally agree, I doubt you'd have to go far to find a video of some English yobs attacking Asians/blacks either.

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England fans need to stick together on this trip doesn't matter what club you support. If it does unfortunately go off and england fans have a go back defending themselves watch how we will get the blame.

The problem is, despite all the work that's gone into eradicating hooliganism in this country, and the few incidents involving English/England fans abroad in recent years, our reputation still goes before us. Hooligans on the continent, especially in East Europe still want to 'test' themselves against the English, hooligan or not. I know United and City fans who've been over to places like Kiev and Poznan and got a kicking just for being English.

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The problem is, despite all the work that's gone into eradicating hooliganism in this country, and the few incidents involving English/England fans abroad in recent years, our reputation still goes before us. Hooligans on the continent, especially in East Europe still want to 'test' themselves against the English, hooligan or not. I know United and City fans who've been over to places like Kiev and Poznan and got a kicking just for being English.


Oh I know that our repuatation proceeds us but what gets me though how ukraine poland and russia have got major tournaments when their hooligans are getting worse and we struggle to get a vote for the 2018 world cup. If it does go off watch england be made the scape goats.

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Totally agree, I doubt you'd have to go far to find a video of some English yobs attacking Asians/blacks either.

Nor one of the other way round either.


People complain about Russia/Poland/Ukraine, but what about Spain? Athletic Bilbao, who's stadium would have been used in the world cup, for instance, how many Black players have ever played for them? Or what about the booing and monkey noises their fans made towards our black players a few years ago.


Has the former Russian/Polish/Ukrainian captain or current centre half got a court case for racist abuse hanging over them. England does- so whilst there are problems in world football, perhaps those in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.


The current trend in world football is to give major international tournaments to countries that haven't hosted them before. Poland, Ukraine and Russia all fitted that bill. Personally instead of applying for the next available world cup- which we apparently won't do for a while, I think we would be better of applying for the next European Championship, as it could probably bring in more visitors than a world cup.

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Nor one of the other way round either.


People complain about Russia/Poland/Ukraine, but what about Spain? Athletic Bilbao, who's stadium would have been used in the world cup, for instance, how many Black players have ever played for them? Or what about the booing and monkey noises their fans made towards our black players a few years ago.


Has the former Russian/Polish/Ukrainian captain or current centre half got a court case for racist abuse hanging over them. England does- so whilst there are problems in world football, perhaps those in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.



It's not just in football, it's in their societies. There's been hundreds of racially motivated killings in Russia in the last decade (491 since 2004 according to Wikipedia). Over half the minorities living in Moscow have been racially abused or attacked. Not to mention the widespread, and well documented, racial abuse at football. As I said above, Zenit can't even buy Black or Asian players the racism in their support is that bad. Poland and Ukraine have very similar problems.


Everybody knows Spain has problems with racism, but the problems in Russia, Ukraine and Poland absolutely eclipse those in England, and most other european countries.


I can't see how UEFA can justify giving countries with these many problems, both in football and in their societies in general, major international tournaments.

Edited by JonesyOAFC
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Are some on here having a laugh? Glass houses? It isn't in the same bloody league!


Yes it was only a thirty minute documentary. But send TV cameras to all the PL and FL games in this country over a season and do you think you would see loads of fans lobbing explosives at the police and any fans who weren't 'one of them'? Would you see a flag covering an entirety of a stand saying 'death to hooknoses'? Would you see sections of hundreds/thousands of fans doing Nazi salutes and shouting 'Zieg Hiel' throughout the game? If you did, would Scotland Yard come out and say nothing was going on and that they were just gesturing to the opposition fans? Would you see fans picking out Asian fans within their own support, climbing through the stands and then beating seven shades of :censored: out of them? If this did happen, would you see the stewards or police standing idly by as it happened?


And that's just a small sample of what was going on. I'm sure it is a minority, but it is happening, it is a serious problem and until they get their house in order then they shouldn't be given a tournament of this size.


On a side note, I dread to think what would have happened if the Israelis had qualified.

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I don't know this for sure but I swear I heard (around the time they won the Europa League (old money UEFA cup)) that Zenit's then manager refused to sign black or Asian players. Don't know if that was due to fan pressure or not but just what I'd heard


Its generally pretty sad that, regardless of where it happens, racism and discrimination still finds its way into sports. These people are athletes in the prime of physical fitness yet physically bog standard low lifes deem it acceptable to abuse them because of their skin colour or heritage. Deep seeded resentment and uneducated ideologies of the minority are, once again setting a tone to ruin what should be a great tournament, which will ultimately over shadow Englands victorious first European Championship....................

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It's not just in football, it's in their societies. There's been hundreds of racially motivated killings in Russia in the last decade (491 since 2004 according to Wikipedia). Over half the minorities living in Moscow have been racially abused or attacked. Not to mention the widespread, and well documented, racial abuse at football. As I said above, Zenit can't even buy Black or Asian players the racism in their support is that bad. Poland and Ukraine have very similar problems.


Everybody knows Spain has problems with racism, but the problems in Russia, Ukraine and Poland absolutely eclipse those in England, and most other european countries.


I can't see how UEFA can justify giving countries with these many problems, both in football and in their societies in general, major international tournaments.

I totally agree. Whilst I appreciate that any documentary only shows you a small excerpt from the whole story, what it comes down to is that these tournaments shouldn't be held in places where sections of fans are not able to attend for fear of their safety.

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I totally agree. Whilst I appreciate that any documentary only shows you a small excerpt from the whole story, what it comes down to is that these tournaments shouldn't be held in places where sections of fans are not able to attend for fear of their safety.


Precisely. At the end of the day it doesn't matter how much of the picture the documentary showed, the fact is it showed more than the odd scuffle here and there, it doesn't matter that it didn't show both sides of the coin, the one side it showed was horrific and for that reason alone it should never have been given to them. Their violence is bloody organized to the point they have training camps! How can UEFA possibly consider a country which hosts footballing violence to the point fans use pincer movements to block their targets from escaping?!


I am all for tournaments being hosted around the world, so as many countries as possible can reap the benefits for it, but as has been mentioned you must EARN that right. Why in God's name should any ethnic players be abused when playing for their country? A footballer should be able to travel to a tournament in the knowledge that he and his family will be safe, and respected, if not for his footballing ability but for the fact that he is a human being. International tournaments are meant to be something for players and fans to come home from with proud memories that will stay with them until the day they die, not memories of having monkey sounds directed at them.


UEFA are an absolute disgrace. To award the tournament partially to a nation who's police force denies the fact that there was Nazi salutes being used, when it couldn't be more clearer, is a shambles. The guy KNEW what it was, his whole body language was one of 'oh s**t make an excuse'... Ukraine and Polish police KNOW this is going on but nothing is done to stop it.


As has been said by so many, the privilege should be earnt. As it is, Ukrainian and Polish police have shown they will stand idly by whilst violence and racism is rife, and it's a disgrace. They are so far behind it's nigh on barbaric. In fact it is. Fans moving to other sections of the ground to attack a group of Asian fans of their own team?!?! Shocking, absolutely shocking.


UEFA should be ashamed of themselves. Polish and Ukrainian police and government should be ashamed of themselves, as it's clear not enough has been done to stop this. Say what you like about our countries problems, how often do you see 'Welcome to Hell' spraypainted on the walls of a train station platform? But none of them will be ashamed, because UEFA are too naive, and the Polish and Ukrainian police have proven that they are not prepared or brave enough to fight this problem.


But as has been mentioned, no doubt anyone who sticks up for themselves if attacked will be made to be the scapegoat, simply so UEFA and Ukraine/Poland can blame someone else for their own bad decisions, mistakes and shortcomings.

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The current trend in world football is to give major international tournaments to countries that put the most money into the right bank accounts in the Cayman Islands and provide the best whores for the delegate's hotel rooms



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