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We've got some delicate fans, what is it with this quasi ransom bollocks that pops up now and then. I remember The Great Ronnie Moore Evacuation. That ended well, probably still feeling the effects too.


I know, I know.


Melodramatic but, I wouldn't extend the same courtesy to the many other businesses I refuse to give my hard earned to

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We've got some delicate fans, what is it with this quasi ransom bollocks that pops up now and then. I remember The Great Ronnie Moore Evacuation. That ended well, probably still feeling the effects too.


I'm missing the Boxing day game, and possibly the rest through to mid Jan if I book a holiday.


And I'm not bothered.


I want to be.

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I know, I know.


Melodramatic but, I wouldn't extend the same courtesy to the many other businesses I refuse to give my hard earned to


But supporting, actually supporting, a football club, is not like buying goods and services from other businesses.

Though I do agree with you.... definitely melodramatic.

Edited by LaticsPete
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This not a dig at you, Harry, believe me, but I understand your frustration. However, it's a sad state of affairs that folk are happy to go watch a team that is winning/playing well or ok, but want to pack it all in when said team fails to maintain that level week in, week out. LaticsPete has it nailed on with the word "supporters". The very definition is someone who supports the team, which also means getting behind them when things don't go well.


We're a League 1 team, not feckin' Barcelona. The players we have, except the likes of Baxter and Derbyshire (how we'll miss him), are in this division for a reason. Some of them will go on to bigger and better things, others will stay at this level or even drop down a division or three.


Example of opposites? Remember Josh Low? IIRC he could be hot and cold, sometimes in the same game. He's playing for Bath City now. How many gave Chris Taylor weekly grief because his form fell steadily away? He's a major player now at Millwall.


As for the rest, they'll go from the sublime to the ridiculous. I can't get to anywhere near as many games as I'd like to, but just going off some I've seen this season, who would have thought that the team that ripped Preston apart could roll over and die like they did at Bournemouth? :censored: happens.


Only support a winning team that plays top notch stuff every week? That's why folk from Oldham go to watch Citeh and that red lot. Supporters are those who go to get behind their team, win, lose or draw and try to give them their backing when it all goes tits up.


It could be worse, I suppose. We could be a face on satellite TV when every single viewer knows you're supporting a team that hasn't won for 20-odd games.


By God, I've seen some right crap performances, but I'll be at Yeovil because that could be the game when they play the way we all know they can. If not, I'll be at Forest and hope that's the one. If not, I'll be at Coventry and hope that's the one. And so on, and so on.

Edited by Bristolatic
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Does anybody know his email address?


I wouldn't bother! I've seen a reply to an email the guy who sits behind me sent to him about the ticket offers - season ticket holders grievances last season ...


he basically told him that he'd rather people like my mate wouldn't bother cause the constant moaning is ungrateful to all the work/ideas/ money etc that is involved in running the club


consequently I don't think Chris has a season ticket any more and I've only seen him a couple of times this season

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I wouldn't bother! I've seen a reply to an email the guy who sits behind me sent to him about the ticket offers - season ticket holders grievances last season ...


he basically told him that he'd rather people like my mate wouldn't bother cause the constant moaning is ungrateful to all the work/ideas/ money etc that is involved in running the club


consequently I don't think Chris has a season ticket any more and I've only seen him a couple of times this season

Isn't that what this thread is about


A supporter would not stop going because he is sulking about a reply to an email. There must be other reasons as well. I am sure more legimate than the email reply.

Edited by singe
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This not a dig at you, Harry, believe me, but I understand your frustration. However, it's a sad state of affairs that folk are happy to go watch a team that is winning/playing well or ok, but want to pack it all in when said team fails to maintain that level week in, week out. LaticsPete has it nailed on with the word "supporters". The very definition is someone who supports the team, which also means getting behind them when things don't go well.


We're a League 1 team, not feckin' Barcelona. The players we have, except the likes of Baxter and Derbyshire (how we'll miss him), are in this division for a reason. Some of them will go on to bigger and better things, others will stay at this level or even drop down a division or three.


Example of opposites? Remember Josh Low? IIRC he could be hot and cold, sometimes in the same game. He's playing for Bath City now. How many gave Chris Taylor weekly grief because his form fell steadily away? He's a major player now at Millwall.


As for the rest, they'll go from the sublime to the ridiculous. I can't get to anywhere near as many games as I'd like to, but just going off some I've seen this season, who would have thought that the team that ripped Preston apart could roll over and die like they did at Bournemouth? :censored: happens.


Only support a winning team that plays top notch stuff every week? That's why folk from Oldham go to watch Citeh and that red lot. Supporters are those who go to get behind their team, win, lose or draw and try to give them their backing when it all goes tits up.


It could be worse, I suppose. We could be a face on satellite TV when every single viewer knows you're supporting a team that hasn't won for 20-odd games.


By God, I've seen some right crap performances, but I'll be at Yeovil because that could be the game when they play the way we all know they can. If not, I'll be at Forest and hope that's the one. If not, I'll be at Coventry and hope that's the one. And so on, and so on.


I fully understand your point....I FULLY agree that players at this level will have their ups and downs, thats why they are at this level and no higher. What I don't understand is how the majority of the team can all have a bad day at the same time quite so often. I could understand 1 or 2 in one game, and 1 or 2 another game but 9, 10 even 11 players having poor games at the same time?


Something is wrong when this happens.


I can take getting beat, I can accept that there are better teams than us out there. What i refuse to accept is that players who are paid a handsome wage (even the lowest paid members are highly paid when you look at the hourly rate!) to do something that each and every one of us in the stands wishes we could do, can go out there and show no passion and no fight....It's not just that I can't accept this....to be honest I find it disgusting that it can happen 3 or 4 weeks out of every 10 or so.


I played for a woeful Sunday league side. We were awful averaging about 2-3 wins a season at one point and we mainly played just for the fitness and the fun of 15 lads having an afternoon out. When we crossed that line, we gave everything despite our limitations and the fact that we came up against much better sides. If we got beat we got beat....and if anyone came off feeling like they hadn't given their all, they were told so and it usually didn't happen for a while afterwards.


What I saw on Saturday was a complete lack of interest from pretty much the entire squad. Montano backed out of multiple challenges......if it was me in charge, he'd have been off 30 seconds after the first one. Its ok PD saying "I won't accept this or I won't accept that" - but what does he actually do about it?




I think the vast majority of the squad have to look at themselves - and I will include Dickov in that....and something has to change. I probably am not alone when I say if i continue to get served up passionless Oldham 0 performances, I won't be getting a ST next year after 20 years in a row. I almost didn't this year but its cost me £300 to give the club another chance. Has it taken it...? Not at the moment - not by a long stretch.


No passion, no tactics and no goals.....it comes to something when the highlight of the game is the first shot at goal after 55 minutes which took a deflection and drifted into the keeps hands

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Fruitygoo. Spot on.


I can take losing. Heck, we've all seen plenty of drab performances over the years. What i cant take is going down without a fight. And thats exactly what i saw on Saturday.

I does confuse the heck out of me when its not just 1 or 2 having off-days but almost the entire side - but even if you're having an off-day; i still expect the players to try. I expect passion, effort and committment.

I saw none of that on saturday for the majority of the game.


Wes put himself about as usual - but was then taken off (ive already posted on what a bull:censored: decision that was too)

Smith banged into the CB's once or twice.

Other than that?

I saw players like Montano, Wabara, Brown, Croft, Baxter, furman.....actively backing out of tackles. :censored:ting out of aerial challenges. Not giving a :censored:.


Corney in one of his recent blasts said if he could, he'd withheld the appearance fees. After yesterday; thats the 1stthing i'd be looking to do.


Unacceptable from the players, and from the management who did feck all to change it.

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This not a dig at you, Harry, believe me, but I understand your frustration. However, it's a sad state of affairs that folk are happy to go watch a team that is winning/playing well or ok,


I'd have stopped going years ago if it was that.


You're describing fair weather fans not season ticket holders/regulars.


I can accept us being :censored:, I'm used to it, but this season and some of last has been a different kind of :censored: made more frustrating when we've seen how good we can be. Or is he just fluking these 4 or 5 games runs?


Maybe it's them, maybe it's me but I didn't just not enjoy it on Saturday, I didn't want to be there.

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I wouldn't bother! I've seen a reply to an email the guy who sits behind me sent to him about the ticket offers - season ticket holders grievances last season ...


he basically told him that he'd rather people like my mate wouldn't bother cause the constant moaning is ungrateful to all the work/ideas/ money etc that is involved in running the club


consequently I don't think Chris has a season ticket any more and I've only seen him a couple of times this season


I know a girl a non season ticket holder who sent him an email last month no reply although in his following interview he hinted to some of the points she made.

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I fully understand your point....I FULLY agree that players at this level will have their ups and downs, thats why they are at this level and no higher. What I don't understand is how the majority of the team can all have a bad day at the same time quite so often. I could understand 1 or 2 in one game, and 1 or 2 another game but 9, 10 even 11 players having poor games at the same time?


Something is wrong when this happens.


I can take getting beat, I can accept that there are better teams than us out there. What i refuse to accept is that players who are paid a handsome wage (even the lowest paid members are highly paid when you look at the hourly rate!) to do something that each and every one of us in the stands wishes we could do, can go out there and show no passion and no fight....It's not just that I can't accept this....to be honest I find it disgusting that it can happen 3 or 4 weeks out of every 10 or so.


I played for a woeful Sunday league side. We were awful averaging about 2-3 wins a season at one point and we mainly played just for the fitness and the fun of 15 lads having an afternoon out. When we crossed that line, we gave everything despite our limitations and the fact that we came up against much better sides. If we got beat we got beat....and if anyone came off feeling like they hadn't given their all, they were told so and it usually didn't happen for a while afterwards.


What I saw on Saturday was a complete lack of interest from pretty much the entire squad. Montano backed out of multiple challenges......if it was me in charge, he'd have been off 30 seconds after the first one. Its ok PD saying "I won't accept this or I won't accept that" - but what does he actually do about it?




I think the vast majority of the squad have to look at themselves - and I will include Dickov in that....and something has to change. I probably am not alone when I say if i continue to get served up passionless Oldham 0 performances, I won't be getting a ST next year after 20 years in a row. I almost didn't this year but its cost me £300 to give the club another chance. Has it taken it...? Not at the moment - not by a long stretch.


No passion, no tactics and no goals.....it comes to something when the highlight of the game is the first shot at goal after 55 minutes which took a deflection and drifted into the keeps hands


completely my thoughts as well - 100% agree

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Bang on.


WARNING: Disillusioned waffle coming up...


Personally, what worries me is the parallels I keep seeing between us and the club I cover at work, Grimsby.

Their previous manager was an ex-player, a striker. A man who believed in youth and long-term strategy. He bought pretty players. He got a young team. They were comfortable, the players always praised the team spirit, they were always talked up by the manager.

But they were inconsistent. Great one week, shocking the next. When things went wrong, heads went down as a seemingly collective defeatist mist came in. No leaders to turn the tide. Seemingly no plan b from the bench either. They'd be winning loads of games 1-0, but in the second half they'd concede and draw against teams they should have killed off.

They'd be playing well, then concede a poor goal and struggle to revover. They'd be winning a game 2-0 but concede two goals in stoppage time.

More and more fans stopped going. 'Same old...' Every spat of good results built hope - then a shocker knocked another 100 off the attendance and the doom set back in, more and more.


The new managers. Signed consistent workers, not just flair players. Signed players with something to prove, many of whom had experienced promotion at a former club.

Very rarely is a defeat followed by another defeat. A bad performance always leads to a reaction.

If they are poor, they are made to know about it - but the key thing is that it doesn't happen again, for quite a while. The gaps between those slip-ups have grown.

They graft and battle away from home, keep clean sheets and win games 1-0.

They attack at home and rack up some big scores, second only to Barcelona's home tally last season.

Now there's a winning mentality. A positive atmosphere brought on by results, not by an arm around the shoulder. That is breeding consistency. Sloppy mistakes and self-inflicted goals have dried up.

If one player is awful, the players manage themselves and pull their 'mates' up - there's leadership on the pitch, before a dressing room hairdryer if necessary.

The other week, the team conceded in the first few minutes of a game at home - the managers immediately pulled someone off, changed formation and the team won the game 5-1.

The fans are starting to come back. They realise the team put in a shift. It's still very expensive for non-league, against tiny clubs who barely bring 20 fans just a decade after Championship teams visited, but at least there's some value for money as the players visibly battle for the shirt, the club, the fans and the town.

This team is challenging for promotion.....


Amazingly, perhaps to some on here, one of the seemingly savvy managers is Rob Scott - and a good player has been Joe Colbeck...!

Good managers make players good, but good players can't make managers good?





But anyway back to Latics.....

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Bang on.


WARNING: Disillusioned waffle coming up...


Personally, what worries me is the parallels I keep seeing between us and the club I cover at work, Grimsby.

Their previous manager was an ex-player, a striker. A man who believed in youth and long-term strategy. He bought pretty players. He got a young team. They were comfortable, the players always praised the team spirit, they were always talked up by the manager.

But they were inconsistent. Great one week, shocking the next. When things went wrong, heads went down as a seemingly collective defeatist mist came in. No leaders to turn the tide. Seemingly no plan b from the bench either. They'd be winning loads of games 1-0, but in the second half they'd concede and draw against teams they should have killed off.

They'd be playing well, then concede a poor goal and struggle to revover. They'd be winning a game 2-0 but concede two goals in stoppage time.

More and more fans stopped going. 'Same old...' Every spat of good results built hope - then a shocker knocked another 100 off the attendance and the doom set back in, more and more.


The new managers. Signed consistent workers, not just flair players. Signed players with something to prove, many of whom had experienced promotion at a former club.

Very rarely is a defeat followed by another defeat. A bad performance always leads to a reaction.

If they are poor, they are made to know about it - but the key thing is that it doesn't happen again, for quite a while. The gaps between those slip-ups have grown.

They graft and battle away from home, keep clean sheets and win games 1-0.

They attack at home and rack up some big scores, second only to Barcelona's home tally last season.

Now there's a winning mentality. A positive atmosphere brought on by results, not by an arm around the shoulder. That is breeding consistency. Sloppy mistakes and self-inflicted goals have dried up.

If one player is awful, the players manage themselves and pull their 'mates' up - there's leadership on the pitch, before a dressing room hairdryer if necessary.

The other week, the team conceded in the first few minutes of a game at home - the managers immediately pulled someone off, changed formation and the team won the game 5-1.

The fans are starting to come back. They realise the team put in a shift. It's still very expensive for non-league, against tiny clubs who barely bring 20 fans just a decade after Championship teams visited, but at least there's some value for money as the players visibly battle for the shirt, the club, the fans and the town.

This team is challenging for promotion.....


Amazingly, perhaps to some on here, one of the seemingly savvy managers is Rob Scott - and a good player has been Joe Colbeck...!

Good managers make players good, but good players can't make managers good?


But anyway back to Latics.....


interesting read that......... regarding Colbeck maybe he has just found his level so not that amazing

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Little bird told me that the players were going on their Christmas Do after the Swindon game. Dickov told them in no uncertain terms to 'forget it', they were in at 7.30am Sunday Morning and at a similar time yesterday getting beasted….


You know what, he may well begin to win me back over if it spawns a good Christmas period, because thats exactly what I would have done…no work, no play. Simples!

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Bang on.


WARNING: Disillusioned waffle coming up...


Personally, what worries me is the parallels I keep seeing between us and the club I cover at work, Grimsby.

Their previous manager was an ex-player, a striker. A man who believed in youth and long-term strategy. He bought pretty players. He got a young team. They were comfortable, the players always praised the team spirit, they were always talked up by the manager.

But they were inconsistent. Great one week, shocking the next. When things went wrong, heads went down as a seemingly collective defeatist mist came in. No leaders to turn the tide. Seemingly no plan b from the bench either. They'd be winning loads of games 1-0, but in the second half they'd concede and draw against teams they should have killed off.

They'd be playing well, then concede a poor goal and struggle to revover. They'd be winning a game 2-0 but concede two goals in stoppage time.

More and more fans stopped going. 'Same old...' Every spat of good results built hope - then a shocker knocked another 100 off the attendance and the doom set back in, more and more.


The new managers. Signed consistent workers, not just flair players. Signed players with something to prove, many of whom had experienced promotion at a former club.

Very rarely is a defeat followed by another defeat. A bad performance always leads to a reaction.

If they are poor, they are made to know about it - but the key thing is that it doesn't happen again, for quite a while. The gaps between those slip-ups have grown.

They graft and battle away from home, keep clean sheets and win games 1-0.

They attack at home and rack up some big scores, second only to Barcelona's home tally last season.

Now there's a winning mentality. A positive atmosphere brought on by results, not by an arm around the shoulder. That is breeding consistency. Sloppy mistakes and self-inflicted goals have dried up.

If one player is awful, the players manage themselves and pull their 'mates' up - there's leadership on the pitch, before a dressing room hairdryer if necessary.

The other week, the team conceded in the first few minutes of a game at home - the managers immediately pulled someone off, changed formation and the team won the game 5-1.

The fans are starting to come back. They realise the team put in a shift. It's still very expensive for non-league, against tiny clubs who barely bring 20 fans just a decade after Championship teams visited, but at least there's some value for money as the players visibly battle for the shirt, the club, the fans and the town.

This team is challenging for promotion.....


Amazingly, perhaps to some on here, one of the seemingly savvy managers is Rob Scott - and a good player has been Joe Colbeck...!

Good managers make players good, but good players can't make managers good?


It's an interesting comparison.


I'm a big believer that after performances like Saturday (and Bournemouth, and Bury, etc..) we should stick Smithy and the kids in for the next game instead of the under performers - at least we'll get a more honest display.


The sensible money's on pretty much the same line-up starting at Yeovil as started against Swindon, though....

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Imho there's four midfield slots a striking position and a spot at CH up for grabs at Yeovil.


If Dickov has any desire to REALLY kick arse then he will use his full squad and make at least a couple of changes, particularly the Teflon twins in CM should certainly be looking over their shoulders. Montano's a kid, you're going to get inconsistency, but apart from the occasional fleeting glimpse I just don't get the Croft love-in. If it meant getting Baxter signed up and a chance of bringing in a striker similar to Derbyshire, then i'd be packing him back off to Derby's reserves in January.


Mellor and Winchester particularly deserve to be involved, JYM has been iffy for weeks so maybe give Tarky another go providing Byrne is fit alongside him.

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My team



















Wabara ---------- Byrne ---------Tarky ---------- Grounds


-----------------Wes------------ M'Changama




Simpson Montano



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