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matt smith is a wanted man

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No as he is 24 when his contract expires.


The standard of the SPL is not that different to that of our league; Smith could do well there.


If any Prem team was going to sign him then Stoke would be at the top of my list.


As it is I think it's lazy journalism and the journalists have used the same logic to make a believable story but not a true one.


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Ive always said his style of play would suit a premiership team very well. not as first choice, but an option to change the game from the bench. however, even in his mold smith isnt good enough. Like Smith, just better Ive put that in bold before anyone lambasts me for saying Smith is good enough to play premiership football


with more quality, a player like smith could do very well as a premiership squad player

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"Smith has scored 8 goals from 14 starts this term" and he's assisted loads and caused havoc especially since December.


We should've played him more often. I said it all season. We missed the chance of having a big man-little man combination with him and Derbyshire and put him on with 20 mins to go every game.


He's not quality above this league, no way and I'd genuinely hope he doesn't go into the Championship, never mind the Premier League so that he isn't embarrassed playing with players so far above his level of ability.


We have to play him every game until the end of the season with Barnard - people must be mad to prefer Iwelumo to him.

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"Smith has scored 8 goals from 14 starts this term" and he's assisted loads and caused havoc especially since December

New blue where do you get these stats from 8 in 14 starts no he has not. He's played 28 in the league and scored 3. He's scored from the bench in 3 of them. I like the comment on how's he's made loads of assists he's made two in total. He's not good enough for this level never mind the premiership
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Played against forest Liverpool and everton and not looked out of place with the decent supply of crosses ... Which he will get constantly in the leagues above ... Has self belief .. Is a clever lad .. With the right training environment .. Why not ?

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New blue where do you get these stats from 8 in 14 starts no he has not. He's played 28 in the league and scored 3. He's scored from the bench in 3 of them. I like the comment on how's he's made loads of assists he's made two in total. He's not good enough for this level never mind the premiership


From the article on the original post.


Minutes per goal he's actually doing well. I read he's getting 1 goal per 180 minutes. That's a very decent record for a target striker.

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his dad is or maybe his great great great great great grandma probably is as well


He may have had an Irn-Bru back in 99, that will be enough to get him a call up for Scotland, otherwise he needs to be pictured outside a Celtic Club in Luton wearing a Tartan Kilt.

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It's a funny thing football, it is entirely possible that it is easier for certain types of players to play at a higher level: sometimes it's more time on the ball to pick a pass, or, in MS case maybe a decent supply of accurate crosses.


I also think we are forgetting the fact that he has barely completed a full season of league matches and has improved considerably in that time.


Either way, good luck to the lad if he goes on to play at a higher level, the irony is he may well end up on a decent contract but back out on loan to a league one side

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Had this chat in work with a few Premiership fans who have really taken an interest in all things Latics during the cup run.


I know this sounds harsh - but one of them (an Oldham Spurs fan !) said something along the lines of 'that Matt Smiths quality isn't he, easily your best player" after the 1st Everton game. My reply of 'No he isn't, he's :censored:e' sparked a pretty decent chat over lunch on all things Smith and big men in the Premiership.



Now granted I was maybe a little harsh with the 'he's :censored:e' thing - but I still stand by my opinion; that I've had since he joined, that he really is very, very limited and will only improve so far.



He has developed over his time with us, namely the way he attacks the ball now. But IMO, no matter how much work he does; you are still faced with a lad who is painfully slow, not very good with the ball at his feet and who, for a lad of 6ft6'; actually doesn't win many headers in the back to goal / high ball up to him target man style.


He is effective only when he has the chance to get a run onto the ball before going for the header. Watch him, he needs that momentum afforded by a run-up to get the force and height to win the ball. From a standing jump, with a CB on his back - Matt Derbyshire won more headers of that type than Smith does, which for his size is just weird. The 2 cloggers at Sheffield United, Collins & McGuire, dealt really easily with him; they just out-jumped him for every high ball; and he got no change out of them all game.


If a Championship club signs him, as "the Big target man" and plays that style above, they're going to be disappointed. If they work it about before getting in very specific styles of crosses for him to attack; he might prove to be a success. But my point is, you need a very specific style of play to actually utilise him and for him to become effective. In effect, you almost have to base your whole attacking tactics around him for him to be useful. And he is no way good enough to merit a change of tactics; solely for his benefit.


I think he's off at the end of the season, as I said previously, he'd actually be really stupid if he doesn't go (and I don’t think he is; he's a switched on lad) - make his "big" move now whilst the iron is hot, the media love-in from his 4 goals and his new boot deal have put him on the radar. Good luck to the lad, and I wish him well. But - In no way is he good enough for the Championship, let alone the Premiership….IMO a move to a top L1 side is a bit beyond him too as things stand. But, fair play, he should take the very best & highest paying deal on offer to him whilst he has the chance and before he's found out.

Edited by slystallone
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