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Is it just me or….

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How much have you seen of Messrs Rodgers and Oxley? Serious question as I just wondered why you might be doubting them. They don't have to be well known to be talented. I know from my family in Hull that Oxley is very highly rated, but didn't get a chance last season because of Stockdale and Jakupovic.

It's just the fact that they've both played so few games in several years as professional footballers - Rodgers 2 on loan at Exeter, Oxley 7 in 4 years across four clubs.


No-one else has fancied them, including lesser lights than us in Oxley's case.


I hope they prove to be LJ master strokes though

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It's just the fact that they've both played so few games in several years as professional footballers - Rodgers 2 on loan at Exeter, Oxley 7 in 4 years across four clubs.


No-one else has fancied them, including lesser lights than us in Oxley's case.


I hope they prove to be LJ master strokes though

Oxley broke his finger halfway through his initial month's loan spell at Oxford. That put him out for long enough that he returned to Hull.


Bet no one had heard of Jack Butland when he went to Cheltenham either. He's done alright for himself.

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I am presuming that players in 2 year contacts are going to care more about the club than player on 1, 2 & 3 month loans is my point


Like I say that's usually the case not always but if there players here want to be playing in front of bigger crowds & with better players and even in a higher division for us (not deluded we won't go up) then having them here next year and building a stable squad without having wholesale changes every summer and building continuity by LJ can only help. I personally think its a clever move by the gaffer and those on the board banking


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*Puts Brian Clough voice on*


Listen son. See that greeet big rectangular green thing out there...


*points at the Boundary Park football pitch*


Football's played on that. Not on a ruddy internet forum."


See you in August.

Exactly. (And nice ref to Cloughie too young man!!)


On paper; it actually looks a better attacking side than we had last season. On paper.


Shame we play of grass.




Reserving judgement until we've started the season and played a good number of games. I'm excited for this season and looking forward to it.

BUT - we really have nothing much at all to judge this group on at this stage; so its all conjecture really.

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Although Baxter and Derbyshire were more desperation signings when it became abundantly clear that the initial squad wasn't good enough.

Desperation? Not really...Dickov openly stated the squad needed 4 or 5 more players to which Corney went in the press and laughingly suggested he might get 2. As has been said above, this lot brought in is just rolling replacements. While I'm quitely confident with them, I was over the moon when we got Croft, Derbyshire & Baxter but added we still needed another handful of players. If we get another 3 or 4 in (one or two being older experienced heads) then we could do alright next season. As it is, the jury is still out. The next 2 weeks will shape things.

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Exactly. (And nice ref to Cloughie too young man!!)


On paper; it actually looks a better attacking side than we had last season. On paper.


Shame we play of grass.




Reserving judgement until we've started the season and played a good number of games. I'm excited for this season and looking forward to it.

BUT - we really have nothing much at all to judge this group on at this stage; so its all conjecture really.


I was convinced we played on paper! That's all people banged on about as they foamed at the mouth for PD to go. I do hope we play on grass this season! And well!

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