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I just like everybody, including Mr24. Is that controversial enough?


As for Prozac, some of his stuff I love, with some I'm the complete opposite. Either way, he makes me :grin: and :ranting: in equal measure and that's what a forum is all about.


Welcome back, you old bastard.

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Can't people just come & go without the strops or "look, I'm back" posts?


It's a forum. People have differing opinions. If someone differs with mine, and even call me a name over it, so what. Deal with it. If you can't, then forums aren't the place for you really.


You make good posts that we like, and posts that we dont agree with. That's the beauty of forums.


But do people really feel the need to announce they've "had enough" of the board because of certain comments, and then announce "I'm back" when they decide to make the "inevitable" return? If you wanna go, just go, likewise when you return, do so without the attention seeking.

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Nah. He's been calling me a :censored: in all available formats since we were 4-year-olds. Not to say that he can't do with some help from time to time.


4 year olds calling each other :censored:? What rough-arsed infant school did you go to?

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It wasn't an 'i'm back, post' one or two threads appeared on here. I felt it only fair I give my take on things? Am I not allowed to offer my side, whether I'm contributing to the site or not?


Do you think those threads would have appeared had you not announced your reasons for leaving in the first place?


Again, this is only my opinion, but those who make a song and dance about why they're leaving due to a number of posts they didn't like, are doing so to try and fish for "please dont go" posts bla bla bla.


Like I said, you're going to get disagreements on forums. You're going to get posters who may take a like or dislike to you purely by the posts you make, and feel they need to say so. Yes, they may get a little personal at times (although I haven't seen anything that bad) and, in the main, it's just petty piss taking, but if you can't handle that and feel the need to shout from the rooftops that your leaving beause you've had enough of the "nasty people", then forums really aren't for you. Plus, doing that is only going to invite more pisstaking when you're not here.


People who tend to leave forums for good are those that just do it, and not warn people you're about to, certainly in my experience on forums. We all knew you hadn't packed it in, and would be viewing the forum as an outsider for a while. But for then to pop in and announce you return with a multi-paragraphed post, again IMO, just smells of "hey, look at me, I'm back!".


Each to their own, I suppose.

Edited by sjk2008
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