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The Sir Gary Harkins Stand

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What was up witg their player brought of injured?

Looked like hed actually been tied in a knot by the big man...

My Dad, who has a eye for this sort thing, thinks he had dislocated his shoulder, most probably from his fall after Harkins had outmuscled him.
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I had a St. Mirren fan taunting me when we signed him and on 1st impressions alarm bells were ringing but yesterdays performance was outstanding.

I had a few St Mirren fans favouriting and RTing my tweets yesterday.


He was phenomenal. I mean, I could see glimpses of it in the first half but I was mainly pissing myself with how unfit and unfootballery he looks. Fat, bald patch, ambles about, looks like he's shagged out after 20 minutes. But, he has what is :censored:ing gold dust in football which is Premiership quality ball control, vision and a wand of a foot.


He'll have us with our head in our hands many times, but we know what he's capable of now. Yesterday from 4pm to 4:50pm it was the Sir Gary Harkins show. And it was a pleasure to be a viewer.

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When he skinned the Posh player who went off injured it reminded me of that classic photo of Bobby Johnstone completely bamboozling an oppo full back.

And Bobby was overweight , wasn't known for his energy - but his influence on matches was incomparable .

Another Scottish maestro now?

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When he skinned the Posh player who went off injured it reminded me of that classic photo of Bobby Johnstone completely bamboozling an oppo full back.

And Bobby was overweight , wasn't known for his energy - but his influence on matches was incomparable .

Another Scottish maestro now?


Is this the one Pete..and were you in that crowd?




Picture from 'The Team from a town of Chimneys' book by Stewart W. Beckett.

Thanks also to Diego Sideburns for finding it.

Edited by BP1960
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