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Even still McDonald should be implicated then as an accessory to rape as he was in the same room when Ched initiated intercourse and did nothing to stop it?

Yes perhaps so, the prosecution didn't present this case and so he was never prosecuted as an accessory. Perhaps they should have but perhaps they didn't want to give a lesser option.

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If George Elekobi snaps him in 2, meaning he won't be fit enough to sign, he will get my player of the season vote.

The way Elokobi has been playing recently; he'd attempt it and miss.


Now, where's Lockwood when you need him?

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Think most opinions that could be expressed have been. Only thing I would add is that if Evans signs it shows that Corney, Owen et al have no scruples in lying to the club's own fans. I trust that even supporters of the move will remember that.

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Aye LL, i mean it was hardly going to be the most balances of websites; being run by his family and friends, but - have to say I was pretty amazed at the content and what and how it's being said.

Even more sad, is that some people on here, twitter and out in the real word of non-message boards / none social media, are actually using that website to form their own opinions on the case and therefore claiming he's inncent beyond all reasonable doubt?

Its a website created by him, his family, friends and supporters. Its not exactly going to be anything other than overtly pro-Evans is it?

Having read his own take on how the night panned out - under i think the 'key facts' banner on the left hand side of the page, his own defence; paints him as a horrendous human being. And that's from himself.

Oh, and members of his family (a cousin and 2nd cousin) as well as friends from Sheffield and Rhyl were responsible for naming his victim via social media and emcouraging a witch-hunt. She's since had to move house / address 5 times and have her name changed several times. Her parents haven't seen their daughter for over a year as a direct result.


Going to massively help other rape victims come forward, knowing that people will name and shame them - the victim - on social media isnt it?

In trying to defend him; Evans and his supporters have hugely harmed future rape cases even being brought forward.

Very true but a defences job is to defend prosecution and a prosecutions job is to obtain a prosecution. They aren't there to do the oppositions job for them. The site you mention is very biased but there are other, more credible, sites out there.

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Yes perhaps so, the prosecution didn't present this case and so he was never prosecuted as an accessory. Perhaps they should have but perhaps they didn't want to give a lesser option.

Will some one please finally understand that to witness a crime and not intervene is not an offence

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Think most opinions that could be expressed have been. Only thing I would add is that if Evans signs it shows that Corney, Owen et al have no scruples in lying to the club's own fans. I trust that even supporters of the move will remember that.

Beautiful words.

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No remorse. No apology. Just a very big suggestion that he's involved in the further hounding of the victim.

Why would he? If, as he claims, he is innocent he has wrongfully spent 2 and a half years in prison, his name is known World wide as a rapist, his career and development has been destroyed at a time when he was at his best ever form, he has had his freedom and financial security taken from him. Yet people think he should apologise? If he is a victim of a miscarriage of justice I bet he wants her head on a stick, I know I would.


As a matter of interest, if his conviction is over-turned, what will the nay sayers say then?

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At the moment there are less than 200 members who have voted on the issue. I don't recall the number of members we have but I am inclined to think it is more than 2000. That being the case circa 90% of us don't care either way whether he signs or not, me being one of them.


What I do care about is our club and any negative effect it will have on us.


I always try and look at any issue from a business angle and it has to be said that there have been many valid points of view put forward highlighting the negatives.


But, I can't for the life of me believe that Corney will enter into a contract with Evans without due diligence. For me it would be imperative that I run my intentions by ALL sponsors, directors, management and maybe even the players - the players being involved at the last minute.


It would be incredulous if Corney hasn't spent the last month covering ALL these bases, and more. One positive into how it will have been handled is Corney has experience at successfully hiring an ex-con in, Lee Hughes. Not many owners can say that.


If the rumour is true I am expecting a rather in depth announcement tomorrow or maybe over the next few days.


In any event I won't be dropping the club I have supported for 60yrs.

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I'm struggling to keep track of all the posts on this subject but I just want to make one thing clear, Evans' victim's identity is protected by law, anyone who posts any suggestion of who she is, or points people in the direction of such from this site, will be banned.

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I'm struggling to keep track of all the posts on this subject but I just want to make one thing clear, Evans' victim's identity is protected by law, anyone who posts any suggestion of who she is, or points people in the direction of such from this site, will be banned.

Someone has but I'm not sure where in the thread it is or if it's been picked up.

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But to be an accessory to a crime is. That point was never established because the case was never made by the prosecution for whatever reason.

I gather the prosecution :censored:ed that up by only charging McDonald in relation to his having sex with her and neglecting to go after him for his part in her rape by Evans - this was highlighted in the Court of Appeal judgment IIRC.

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The clubs good name is all around football, so much so all the big clubs have a special relationship with us sending all their top, up and coming players. The terraces are full of virtue, this is so well known and loved that it's difficult to get tickets to matches and the ST waiting list is years long.


I don't know Evans, I'd wager he regrets ever going to the hotel, claims he's innocent but was convicted. Went away to pay for his crime, let the lad rebuild his life, like you'd hope your own was.

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Someone has but I'm not sure where in the thread it is or if it's been picked up.

Oops, that was me. Apologies. I didn't name her and actually stated it is an offence to do so. I explained how to find it, although in my defence it's a bit like teaching people how to suck eggs when they have access to a computer. She's apparently changed her name 5 times since?


I seem to recall Sky Sports managed to blunder and broadcast a screenshot of her Twitter account?

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Online petitions are unlikely to change anything. The best form of protest would be a peaceful pitch invasion followed by a co-ordinated exodus after kick off against Doncaster on Saturday.

Dreadful day for the club, I agree wholeheartedly with the opinions expressed on the Ernie flag blog.

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