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Winding up Order OAFC2004

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I'm sure protesting fans having a battle with the owner and gates of 3k are really going to bring in new owners ? Need to wake up the moaners and kiddie protesters time to stand up for the club. Protesting does nothing for the club. If at a bigger club things change we aren't that so change what your doing! Instead of protesting get people signed up for playershare. Instead of moaning get tickets to the match/ exec boxes larger groups more ?????? not hard to work out!!

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HMRC don't issue winding-up orders on a whim. Either the tax was substantially overdue or we're serial offenders.


The most worrying aspect is the timing. It's clear that we've failed to pay a crown debt despite the incoming season ticket money. Proof if ever it was needed that we're plugging holes left, right and centre.

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Seems your reading is as bad as your writing. I said your mates who are boycotting. Those in your little protest group who say they're not coming to games. Never once have I laughed at Bury so my glass house is fine.


How about if you want change you try and get more people to games. You don't even know what change you want apart from new owners and we know the club is up for sale. I hope I'm never in the told you so brigade should a day come where corney says :censored: the lot of you I'm off you moaning c****

You know you have lost when you argue about spelling.


I will ask you again, what is your problem with me? Your rather insulting. I have trouble reading and writing does that make my point any less valid?

Keep poking fun at it Mr.Perfect would you make fun of a blind person or a disabled person too? Its no different.

Edited by Ackey
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My opnion that is shared by others. Me the person who had the bollocks to take things from a keyboard and try and get change. Me the person who went into the club held a meeting, me the person who went to an oldham open fans trust meeting, me the person who had more people at his meeting last week than the trust got to the open fans meeting. So yeah i have an opinion and i think am entitled to it.


So no am not a leader I have said it multiple times yet all you do gooders seem to miss it. IF ANYONE AT ALL WANTS TO RUN WHAT AM DOING BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY CAN DO A BETTER JOB THEN PLEASE DO.


What have you done to drive change? Am guessing at errr nothing. Reload your keyboard and continue moaning on the internet like the rest of the cool kids.



What have you done, got some kids down to BP with some crappy flags then run away when the club ask you to come in and talk.

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You know you have lost when you argue about spelling.


I will ask you again, what is your problem with me? Your rather insulting. I have trouble reading and writing does that make my point any less valid?

Keep poking fun at it Mr.Perfect would you make fun of a blind person or a disabled person too? Its no different. DICKHEAD

Avoid the points I made about trying to get more fans in and not knowing what changes you want. Good work

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What have you done, got some kids down to BP with some crappy flags then run away when the club ask you to come in and talk.

A lot more than that fella.


Like I said I pity you lot slagging me off, if it was a none mover the group wouldn't be making the steps it is. Your right I didn't go in that day I was busy when the club got in touch 3 hours before the protest was going ahead and the main man himself was not available.


Since then though a meeting was held and I will tell you know it was not a load of kids attending that meeting it was grown men fans of all ages.


Simon Corney offered me a meeting the a few days later on his terms on the day he chose, the bloke didn't have the decency to tell me he couldn't make it. Its not me "running away"

Edited by Aarondo Westy
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Whilst its obviously not a great sign, lets not get carried away with the doom-mongering.

- We don't know how much this charge was for, it could be a (relatively) small amount.

- It may have been a cash-flow problem or quite possibly just a bit of a cock-up.

- It was paid last month (in full) so it in itself isn't really a problem.


As i say its all ifs and buts, we don't know. But you can always look at things differently.

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HMRC don't issue winding-up orders on a whim. Either the tax was substantially overdue or we're serial offenders.


The most worrying aspect is the timing. It's clear that we've failed to pay a crown debt despite the incoming season ticket money. Proof if ever it was needed that we're plugging holes left, right and centre.

Actually HMRC are currently quite aggressive in their debt collection-especially against football clubs.

Mind you the Directors should be aware of this!

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For the leader of the revolution you're not doing yourself any favors with insult after insult.

Oh but its fine for me to have to take them? Ive had threats of people saying they will come through my door and kidnap me etc, apparently the next game I attend am being smacked,

All because I started that group.

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On here?

No not on here, well at least I don't think so.


Twitter and Facebook but you know what If it happens it happens. I will stand up for my beliefs and in this day in age am proud to say that I do because everyone else seems to have lost that.

Its nothing personal to anyone and I shouldn't have insulted you in my previous post.

You have your opinion I have mine, none is more entitled to each opinion more than the other.

We obviously all care for the club so passions run high I get that.

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If we put all the bitching and taunting aside for a minute (and I said two or three pages ago that common sense comments were giving way to arguing), the top and bottom of it is that we are financially strapped. But we've know that for years. It's nothing new. It went on long before SC & Co rode into town.


It's fairly much agreed that we will always struggle with the level of support that comes through the BP gates. Some are taking that as some of us blaming the fans and no one else. Not true. Conversely, others are laying blame solely and entirely at Corney's door. Again, it cannot be true. There has to be some apportioning of blame, fault, call it what you will.


We all know that the board have made mistakes, but what bothers me is that it is taken as gospel that the board is siphoning off money for means other than football related matters. I can't keep up with every coming and going of the club's finances, so will someone please indulge me and provide some concrete evidence that income is going straight to Brassbank, across the Atlantic, into SC's arse pocket or anywhere else?


I'll accept that such evidence may have been produced before, so I'll apologise if that's the case. But to me as a (distant) bystander, it's more than likely a case of money coming in just doesn't cover all the bills. And, speaking of which, does anyone know how much it costs per week/month/year to pay all those bills? That's from the tea lady and the bloke who cleans the windows to players/coaches wages to HMRC. Now THAT would be interesting.


In the meantime, boys and girls, shall we revert to being sensible and move away from this playground nah ne nah ne nah nah malarkey?

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Its not my job to get more people into the games. Sorry about that princess.

Ah can't take a sensible comment. Tell us what changes you want then specifically. Also have you got notes from your last protest group meeting to show the clear path forward you were discussing. Also the 1st meeting you had with the club, I'very asked numerous times for some notes from that to see the questions and answers. Not much to ask is it?

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What is the matter with some of you?!? FFS we're all Latics fans aren't we? Why are we slagging each other off?!?


Stop it!! Aim the negativity at the way the club is run.

We have no players/ no manager / no coaches / no money.....


It was the owners who decided to bulldoze the old stand, it was them who have built the new one crippling us under the guise of it being the complete opposite.

It was the owners who have decided to take % after % of income or assests from the club and into Brassbank...


Not the fans...the fans have just had enough of being stripped and seeing money that should go to club go to Brassbank.


It's us fans who have watched and listened to the likes of Barry offend and alienate the club from families (Ched etc).


So if you want to argue with anyone, argue with the owners....sick of reading posts from someone trying to score points...just sad

spot on?
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