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Everything posted by TheBigDog

  1. Now I have that Inspiral Carpets song running through my head...
  2. There seems to be a growing belief that the next man at the helm will be a Head Coach as opposed to a traditional ‘manager’. Something that I see as inevitable. Abdallah and his brother will bring in the players and the new man will be tasked with moulding them into a team that can compete in League 2 next season. If that individual is someone who is comfortable in working this way then it is a model that can bring success. However there are many potential pitfalls with adopting this approach. Obviously the quality of the incoming players is important and the coaching abilities of the coach are vital. But there is also the balance of the playing squad and the experience of English playing conditions that will ultimately determine how successful next season will be. With the departure of Peter Clarke and the imminent transfer out of Edmundson we have lost our leader and the heart of our defence. This gap has to be filled. In addition it is important that any loanees brought in are of the quality of Iversen, Lang and Surridge. It is just over 5 weeks until the start of pre season - a lot needs to happen in that time if we are going to be ready for that first game. The clock is ticking...
  3. I edited the original post when I realised I’d forgotten the season summary. As you say, the English clubs we know - Ajax champions and Boca third in their respective leagues. A good Away day next season at Leyton Orient too
  4. Brentford, Reading, Leeds, Leyton Orient as I have good mates who follow them. Spurs as they were the team I followed when I was very young Ajax because I love their kit Boca Juniors because I love their story and their kit. Most would know how the season went for English sides - Ajax won the Eredivisie and Boca finished third in the Argentina Primera League.
  5. KiG in reasoned and considered post shock
  6. It’s a Vision/High Level plan. And as such it is a decent first step.
  7. Phew - thanks for that @deyres42 - I was worried for a while but not any more!
  8. when you put it like that, it brings home what a tough act it will be to replace The Famous Five. I like Nepomuceno and hope that he kicks on next season as he undoubtedly has real talent. Also, I imagine that Zeus would like to stay here next season if he is first choice keeper.
  9. Slowly slowly don’t you know? Btw - The Grammar Police have asked me to inform you that it’s ‘couldn’t have not couldn’t of’
  10. A good call to not hold your breath @staffordlatic as you will definitely have poppped your clogs well before they (the good old days) come around again
  11. 1. Transparency and openness – we expect frequent and formal engagement with Trust Oldham and fans The club will engage the Trust through regular meaningful dialogue in a meeting with the whole of the board of the club and Trust Oldham. Date and frequency to be set for this (potentially annually) ... could someone help me out here?
  12. Yet another post that creates discord and uncertainty without backing it up. I just cannot fathom why you post something like this ‘Not my tales to share...’ ? Then don’t fookin’ share anything.
  13. Just cast my vote for Goal of the Season. It was a close run thing between Clarke and Lang for me (just like the OWTB Player vote). https://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/2019/may/1819-goal-of-the-season-vote/
  14. I have seen most of it and the correct order is actually Clarke, Lang, Iversen.
  15. Well different to yours obvs The full story would include tackles and blocks made, passes made, pressing and miles covered in supporting play, closing down etc. If it was in the Sun then it must be true...
  16. Your opinion I know but ‘Only turns up 1 in 10’? Not having that. As for the stats - they don’t really tell the full story though do they? And As for the 4K... do you have any proof of that figure?
  17. I had exactly this thought too I believe that having seen Taylor in training, Scholes would rightly conclude that the left back’s best days are well and truly behind him. Maybe AL forgot to mention the contract clause if/when he asked PS not to pick the ‘past his best’ defender? It’s good this guesswork game
  18. I don't think that Maouche should be singled out as having a stinker. He was at fault for the second Swindon goal its true, but up to that point he was on a par with the rest of our ineffective forwards. Thereafter his head dropped and was rightly subbed. Agree with your point that Baxter and Sylla made a huge difference. O'Grady simply failed to hold the ball up and that meant that the ball kept coming back at us. It was a strange performance by the team, similar to the second half at Colchester. Having said that, we looked by far the better side for the last quarter and Lang could have won it for us. Baxter and Sylla to start at Cheltenham.
  19. Aha! Just to clarify, I think that AL has made an error of judgement in simply ignoring the letter. I wonder if we will belatedly hear from him now that Scholes has had his say?
  20. I don’t actually understand this post Dave What are you saying is irrelevant? My opinion that AL’s non response was misjudged?
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