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Everything posted by 100milesaway

  1. Has the pitch been covered overnight? Dont want to set off then find there's no game when we arrive.
  2. After 56 years of watching Latics I have seen, and heard all this before. People who just cannot accept the down side of the roller coaster ride that being a football fan is. We have had two absolute horror shows, and the mood has turned from very positive, to doom and gloom. But it's what football does, it builds you up and then smashes you back down again. Me and my good lady will be making the 200 mile round trip to BP on Boxing day expecting nothing more nor less than the usual journey back up the A1, feeling totally elated, or gut wrenching sickness. It's football that's what happens. More important is to keep fit, healthy and happy. A Merry Christmas to one and all.
  3. Refund dont make me laugh. It's football, and there isn't a team in the world that in their history have not had a run of form or two shocking results like we have just had. I concede that it is gut wrenching when witnessing a performance like that at MK, I listened to the full game on Player, and was shocked to the core, so can see why fans that actually sat through the game were so upset and angry. BUT it's what happens in football, you just dont know what you are going to get.
  4. Could it be something to do with Dean Holden coming in?. We have been shocking ever since his arrival.
  5. Something has happened behind the scenes, and the players have taken it upon themselves "not to do it". The Boxing day game promises to be INTERESTING. We will either put this behind us OR it will turn VERY ugly, Maybe by the Crewe game we will know what the problem is.
  6. Poleon just by the fact that he had not been on the pitch long, and actually looked half interested. All the rest that had been on the pitch from the start were a collective disaster.
  7. Another factor in our low home gates so far, is most of the teams with decent away followings, and most of the teams nearer the top of the league have yet to visit BP. So the second half of the season should be a lot better, even more so if we stay in or around the play offs.
  8. Andie Ritchie also had lots of hamstring problems, that was eventually traced to his back. He didn't do too bad once it was fixed. Rhys is still only a kid, give him time and all the assistance we can, and all will be forgotten if he comes good.
  9. Have a very happy retirement Judith. You have been a true professional, and a lovely pleasant lady. Judiths understanding of fans problems is second to none, Typified but the the time me and my good lady arrived at BP, but had left our season tickets in Leyburn, no drama at all Judith smoothed over the problem in an instance. Thanks for all your efforts, and enjoy joining the ranks of retired folk, we can recommend it.
  10. Gateshead or Blyth Spartans away for me. They would both be like a home game for me.
  11. Warrington say that they could have sold 8,000 tickets for the Exeter game. So them at home, give them all the rre, and a near full house, so with tele money £££££££££££. oh and a very good chance of being in round 3.
  12. His mum and dad should be very proud of the little fella, he is a proper committed Latics fan. Lovin every minute.
  13. England my If they were playing in Leyburn I would go out for the day. But I can understand the clubs point of view.
  14. Sky ? We haven't even got a tele. And still manage a 200 mile round trip to home matches. The main problem is, that most football watchers in Oldham choose to watch City or United, and not their local team. But there is a real buzz about the place, and we WILL get to where we want to be, slowly but surely.
  15. Ibehre was fantastic today. As good as you will see at this level. My man of the match.
  16. Very close for me, Philly had a stormer, but Kelly just oozed class and just about nicked it.
  17. It should throw you all a clue but what on earth do you think COUNTY END means. Nuff sed.
  18. Latics 4 Scunny 0 mr & mrs Philliskirks little lad 4106
  19. Thanks Pete, Well it couldn't have been 51/2 52/3 as I would have only been 3 or 4 years old, and although i am an old dodderer, I can remember that I went to the game on my own, I cant even remember the circumstances of me going to the game mid-week, as I never pegged off school. So maybe I was recovering from being ill, or had a dentist appointment or whatever. I do remember being aged about 10 so your suggestion that it could have been Shildon would have put me at 11 years old which is more than likely right. Anyway I must have been impressed as I have been going ever since, even though we now live many miles from Oldham. And anyhow I was almost right as Shildon and Gateshead are virtually next door to each other. Thanks for your efforts Pete .
  20. Mmmm, need help here. I think my first game was against Gateshead in a cup match at BP, it was played mid-week, no floodlights in those days. I could be wrong but I think it was 1958 ? unless of course someone knows different.
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