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Everything posted by 100milesaway

  1. The top and bottom line is, the club as a whole is moving forward at pace. The marketing department are doing a fantastic job, and have been doing so for many months, they really do deserve great credit. I think most of us are a lot more confident about the future than we have been for many a years. We have a good young manager, a major improvement to the ground is well on it's way, which in turn will give us massively improved facilities, that should pour money into the coffers at a rate not seen since the pinch me days. And all the while, us fans have at last got something to crow about as the feel good factor grows stronger.
  2. Anything, as long as it does NOT have RED in it. 1962 is my favorite.
  3. Erm, the players thought that the main stand fans were the loudest.
  4. No I'm suggesting that, in my 50 years watching Latics, the Chaddy end has never been Full of Latics fans singing themselves hoarse. It has very often been filled with Latics fans, but half of them never make a muff.
  5. I fear you have all missed my point. I said FILLED, with away support, that of course has never happened, but if the day ever dawned when it was FILLED with away supporters, such as say Stoke, (they tend to make a bit of a racket) you may get a shock as to how good the acoustics are in the Chaddy. Oh and Stagger Lee, there's a clue of how many weeks I have been going to BP to watch Latics in my original post, 50 years a Latics fanatic and hardly missed a match, so thats a lot of weeks.
  6. I dont get this "The atmosphere is better in the RRE than the Chaddy" argument, In my 50 years of sitting/standing in all 4 sections of the ground, I have never seen nor heard the Chaddy full of the noisiest section of away fans, I would suggest that if we ever do see that day, you will be very surprised. There is nothing wrong with the Acoustics in the Chaddy, it's just that it has never been filled by fans who are prepared to roar themselves hoarse for 90 minutes.
  7. You haven't got a bloody clue HOW much he went for.
  8. I drove through the Dales both days this w/end, and there are pedal bikes every where. There must be some kind of kudos by riding the course.
  9. What about naming it, "The built despite the moaning and doubters stand".
  10. So there is a god after all. All pray that it happens. This could just be the springboard that we needed.
  11. It goes right past the end of our Avenue in Leyburn. And apart from all the :censored:e before the bikes arrive, ie loads of cars and motorbikes, it will just be woooooooooooosh. So I am going to toddle off out for the day, and leave them to it.
  12. If I was taking my 5 year old to Latics ,I would't even think of taking her in the Chaddy, or the Rochdale road end. Main stand has toilet facilities, drinks, sweets, decent atmosphere when the team are doing it on the pitch, and the clincher for me, no bad language.
  13. Yes it's easy, go into the ground and start bellowing. It does make a difference. It makes you feel good, it helps the players, and makes for a great atmosphere.
  14. There were a few of Gary's friends/family in the main stand yesterday, very vocal, and very entertaining. They raised a smile from Gary a few times in the second half, and he did acknowledge them at the end.
  15. A well earned treat for Jonno, there is still a long way to go, but he has come on leaps and bounds this season and looks a great prospect. Well done to Jonno and the club.
  16. Best be sharp, I've just drove past the ground and there's a queue up Sheepfoot lane and into the rockie road end.
  17. Keep dodging the :censored: thrown at you by the moaning buggers on here Barry. And thanks for everything that you do for the club that you and I love.
  18. Great win this, well done lads. let the whinging begin !!
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