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another fan

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Everything posted by another fan

  1. "Entertainment was something that was in short supply last season at BP unfortunately
  2. Many years ago Latics did a pre season tour playing at East Stirling, East Fife (if memory still serves me correct) and Arbroath. Won one, Drew one and lost at Abroath I believe that following year the Club went to Rhodesia
  3. Just as matter of interest what would you expect to / want to pay for a season ticket in the new stand?
  4. West Ham THOUGHT that they were going to. many seasons ago :laught30:
  5. Not County but didnt Andy Goram play for Scotland? From what my faded memory tells me pre season friendlies against a local cricket team used to be a regular occourance
  6. Was Bruce Grobbellar part of the Liverpool team that won in 1984? The 1981 final may have been before he signed Not sure!
  7. I am sure that the Club tried to monitor the sale of £10 junior season tickets but I would not be suprised to learn that it had been abused Not down to me but a two tier season ticket Primary school students £10 Secondary school £50 and while on the subject full time college students to be encouraged to take advantage of the Student Card Scheme
  8. With reference to a previous topic I did notice one or two more Asians than at previous games, A welcome sign if true
  9. Nowt like showing a bit of appreciation for keeping the Club up
  10. After watching that I must admit that I respected his dads comments and hope that they do get enough points to gain promotion (starting AFTER tomorrows match)
  11. Stuart Pyke doing commentaries on Latics matches, Oh what happy memories
  12. BBC Radio Manchester are ALWAYS covering Bolton
  13. I voted a NO but not had time to read all the postings in this thread. What I would like to know is the reason why those thay voted yes did so. Just curiosity?
  14. Another sign of the state that TRUE FOOTBALL clubs are in ( yes I am having a dig at the greedy Premier League ) At the risk of attracting flak, should we not appreciate that the current owner(s) have kept our Club alive
  15. Your comments may have aroused interest and they would like to listen to your words of wisdom even further If not and they have sent these out in number what a waste of public money. When you get there PLEASE just tell them to get on with it
  16. Quite a few celebrities use. this forum. and diont go
  17. Personally I don't mind who claims to support (or not support) the Latics as long as it raises the Clubs profile in the right way
  18. The Club could also play "Things can only get better"
  19. I seem to think that one or two of the "stewards" @ BP are Asian (admittedly they may be agency staff as opposed to being employed by the Club) Would their opinions be of any interest?
  20. Not Asian but in a similar vein did we have an increase in Poles following the team when one played for us?
  21. All our plastic flowers are in the garden but they keep being chewed up by the dog. Sell the dog!, now that's an idea
  22. Bloody hell, People like your old man get people like me a bad name. If she who must be obeyed sees this will expect me to start ironing my own shirts etc. Today is our 39th wedding anniversary and I am not starting now. Just to prove that there is some romance there, I did arrange to have a rather expensive bouquet of flowers (ALL BLUE AND WHITE) delivered to her while I was watching Joe lead the team out at Wembley for the League Cup Final.
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