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Everything posted by JonesyOAFC

  1. I had to trade mine in for a 'I used to be a better fan than you but I don't attend as much as I'd like to anymore for various reasons" badge. It's a bit wordy if I'm honest.
  2. They're the only club I hate more than that lot from Trafford. A disgusting football club from top to bottom. Nobody sums them up better than that little rat faced runt. I'd love it if we beat them. Love it.
  3. Surely the costs of building a temporary stand, turnstiles and toilets as well as hiring the extra staff would use up a fair bit of that money though? Then again, I'm no financial expert.
  4. Can we just not give the Scousers any tickets? The whiniest, most self pitying and deluded set of wankers in the country. I don't really want to share a stadium with them again tbh.
  5. I said when we went 1 down that it'd end up 4 or 5 to Forest. I like to think that the players read that comment and it spurred them on to victory.
  6. I was pretty indifferent about the fact I couldn't make the game beforehand. I'm gutted I wasn't there now. But still
  7. I know we're all angry at recent results but there's no need to use the C word.
  8. Concede less goals than the other team. Or seriously, do what we did against PNE. Press them high up the pitch, have one midfielder sit and one attack.
  9. If there were any signs of improvement, I'd possibly agree. But there are literally no signs of improvement, quite the opposite actually. We're getting worse and worse as the season progresses.
  10. We just need to get somebody else in, full stop. The thought of Smith being in the starting line-up for the rest of the season frankly terrifies me, no matter who is alongside him, and even if he does put a lot of effort in and all that bollocks. The last thing we need when we're being sucked into a relegation dog-fight is a non-league striker who clearly isn't cut out for this level up front. There's no point beating around the bush about it anymore.
  11. Ah, fair enough. As I've said elsewhere, I think he's handy to have as an impact sub. It must be unnerving for a tiring centre back seeing a 6"6 striker coming on for the final 15 minutes and having to change your game. Having him as a first choice striker is daunting though.
  12. Aside from the fact that Ferguson was more than good enough for the Premiership, he used to dominate and practically bully defenders. Smith doesn't do this. He wins the odd header purely because of his size, and that's about it. The chanting is out of order, but lets not pretend Smith is something he isn't. He's out of his depth.
  13. He can have all the passion or effort or whatever other cliché we want to use for someone who 'tries his hardest' but simply put he doesn't have the ability or footballing brain to play at this level. He's fine as an impact sub to throw on for the last 10 or 15 minutes against tiring centre backs, but if we're stuck with him as our main striker for the remainder of the season we're down.
  14. I've backed Dickov to a degree for the majority of the season, mainly because I've felt that there's not much better out there in terms of replacements. Now I'm at the end of my tether; whoever we were to bring in surely couldn't do this badly? Also, the players are as much to blame as the manager. A complete set of bottlers who are going to cost him his job.
  15. Depressing. Watching football in this country isn't an enjoyable experience anymore. "Pay our extortionate prices then sit down and shut up". And it's only going to get worse.
  16. Who exactly are you arguing with? Nobody is stopping you voicing that opinion whatsoever.
  17. Either option is pretty depressing at the moment. We either keep a manager who clearly isn't progressing and can't get our players performing consistently, or sack him and bring in another novice or journeyman manager who we'll no doubt get tired of and want sacking in a season and a half. So much for Christmas cheer eh?
  18. is a bit of consistency. Today's result was almost inevitable, we've had a couple of really good positive results in the last couple of games and we had a great opportunity to really build on those results and start to gain some momentum in the league, against an albeit decent Swindon side. So what exactly is the problem? If we had lost today but had put in a decent performance then I wouldn't be too disappointed. But it seems every time we are looking like we're finally starting to find some form and put a decent run together, we put in a gutless, confidence sucking performance like that in at home. It's frustrating beyond belief. I know getting consistency in results can be difficult, this is an extremely inconsistent league overall, all I'm asking for is a bit of consistency in the performances. It's like we're fielding two different sides at times.
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