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Everything posted by JonesyOAFC

  1. Oh no, people have a difference in opinion and some feel that beating a drum tunelessly for 90 minutes is actually detrimental to any potential atmosphere. Jesus wept.
  2. It doesn't create a better atmosphere though, it has the opposite effect. The tuneless banging tends to drown out any actual chants. It isn't needed.
  3. I admire the enthusiasm, but please don't bring the drum. We should be able to create enough of an atmosphere without it.
  4. He can be used as a left winger as well can't he? It'd be good to have another versatile player in the squad.
  5. Of all the things I've seen Latics players criticised for on here, this is one of the most bizarre.
  6. Could/should have been a brilliant player. In his first couple of seasons in the City team he was excellent, he just seemed to adapt straight away to the Premiership. Scored a few belting goals as well, and I remember some of his link up play with Elano being top class. I know he's had bad injury problems but I'm not convinced that's the only reason for him turning out the way he has. Unfortunately he's now another 'what could have been' in English football.
  7. Every home game feels like deja vu all over again. As soon as they got that early goal there was an air of inevitability about it.
  8. WOW WOW WOW... he isn't a racist! He just racially abused somebody. But he's not a racist. No sir.
  9. Soccer AM has been a diabolical mess of a show for about 6 or 7 years now. I watched it a couple of weeks ago and it almost gave me a brain hemorrhage.
  10. I really wouldn't be surprised if they scored another goal or two at Villa Park. Villa's defenders looked completely out of their depth even against a fourth tier side.
  11. We beat Bradford. Villa beat Liverpool. It's simple mathematics folks.
  12. Liverpool will be playing with Brendan Rodgers revolutionary tactic of 'passing the ball a lot', and with world class players such as Joe Allen, Jonjo Shelvey and Stewart Downing playing in this system I don't see how we've got any chance whatsoever.
  13. Most other clubs probably do as well, this isn't just a Latics phenomena. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and all that.
  14. He's a past it bellend who's more hassle than he's worth.
  15. I have always wondered what my life would've been like if I'd chosen to be a plastic, shouting passionately at my TV from my armchair. But if I can get a ticket I'll probably go to the game.
  16. John Sheridan's attempt at recreating Christine Keeler's famous photograph didn't turn out as erotic as first hoped.
  17. And if anyone wants to donate money to what is a worthy cause, they're welcome to do so. But as someone said in an earlier post, forced charity doesn't sit well with me.
  18. The rest were chanting Suarez's name just a week or so after he'd be charged of racially abusing another professional tbf. But he isn't a racist though. Oh no. Edit: Although I suppose we can't really take the moral high ground after having a certain Mr L Hughes play for us...
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