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Everything posted by Wardie

  1. Pure speculation by someone on Twitter. Doesn't help anybody except the doom mongers. It's obvious everything isn't rosy in the garden but these kind of tweets really get me pissed off. By the way, it's 'owner' not '"owners". Can't even get that right.
  2. At this moment in time, I don't find either of those two options acceptable. The preferred option, if any, would be the Trust buying the ground and AL being removed from the picture completely.
  3. 'Somerset's' profile says Team:Yeovil Town. Why are we even replying?
  4. It was to be reviewed on Monday, from what I read, which is totally open-ended in terms of duration. No game for two weeks, probably no manager, either.
  5. With Wild in charge, they tended to score more in the last minutes than concede. Here's hoping.
  6. Put your mortgage on it then...or is there still that lingering doubt in the back of your mind that the Latics will win?
  7. I think Nepo at left back was a PW decision/brainstorm.
  8. It is part PR, part sensibility. Will Nepo be at left back, tomorrow?
  9. This was obvious as soon as the news of Scholes' departure was released. Lemsagam knows the fans will not turn on Wild. Wild is the new Philiskirk. If the team are winning tomorrow, there will likely be no fans walking out in protest...or very few of them.
  10. Have you seen the price of those things?? I'll just nick the wife's. Seriously, though, something along those lines would work a treat. How about every fan wears a clown mask?
  11. True and it was all pie in the sky, come the end. I would love Scholes to be brutally honest and expose Lemsagam for what he has proved himself to be. That alone won't get him out of the club and to be totally honest, I have no idea what it will take.
  12. There was always a high probability factor that Scholes was not managerial material. Being the ever optimistic fans that we are, we let another false dawn give us hope, were in reality, there actually was none.
  13. Well, that's another out the revolving door. It's now probably at the point where no experienced manager will want the job and you just know that Lemsagam is going to ask Wild to step-in again, probably to the end of the season. If that is the case, I don't think Wild will reject the request, out of fear for his job. Even though the sense of what some on here were saying about Scholes not staying beyond the summer, felt like it was on the cards, it seemed too crazy to be true. What I would now like "straight-talking" Scholes to do is state clearly why... "It unfortunately became clear that I would not be able to operate as I intended and was led to believe prior to taking on the role" ...but he probably won't, out of respect for the club and not the chairman. So, there we have it. Turmoil once again, no manager and, it would seem, a completely rudderless ship. Maybe someone should shoot the 'wounded animal' and put it out of its misery. To be honest, I have taken just about all I can to maintain my interest any more. All those years and memories fucked up, starting with the false promises of Chris Moore, then perpetuated by shysters and clowns ever since. A special twat mention to Corney for starting the whole 'rookie' manager band wagon in the first place. Rant over.
  14. No one, apparently. Stick Nepo back there ?
  15. Wild and Bunn both had man-management experience, if not directly managing a football team.
  16. He is not a manager yet. He is a high-profile employee of the club, who Lemsagam and the fans hope will turn out to be capable of doing the job, exploiting his contacts and getting the club back into League One. It's a big ask of a rookie, no matter his previous playing career and public profile. At least Bunn and Wild had experience in man-management. Scholes, as far as I am aware, has none. I'm not disagreeing with your thoughts, just trying to be pragmatic rather than worried.
  17. I actually did read it all, I just wanted to make my point that the job being "A piece of piss" was not one I agreed with. He did make some good points.
  18. That's like trying to read and make sense of a poem written by Robert Burns.
  19. I stopped reading after that ridiculous statement.
  20. Are we writing Scholes off already or just going through the motions of having a good moan at the recent run of results? Mid table "obscurity" is better than League Two relegation, given the manager merry-go-round the team has had to endure this season.
  21. My worry would be that the set of 'cloggers' needed to play ugly and get the team out of League Two would not be capable of the style of play needed to play attractive football in League One. In an ideal world, tall, athletic and skilful players would be perfect. The biggest team I can remember, in terms of stature, played under Dowie and I was genuinely excited by the football they played.
  22. A team doesn't just get into the Championship and suddenly start playing attractive, winning football. It has to be bred into the squad, the squad maintained and possibly added to, then, if promotion is achieved by playing attractive football, it carries on in the league above. I would rather have quality and momentum than hoof-ball. Scholes will need to work hard during the closed season, no doubt about that.
  23. If there isn't you will still be disappointed, trust me...as we all will.
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