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Everything posted by marhar

  1. I've only read the article posted above and to me it just invites the reader to join the dots - there was a notice - Smith threw his shirt - there is an automatic fine, I doubt he's been fined or will be
  2. It seemed to really help us when Fellaini was pushed further up in the second half - put him into Tarky's area of the pitch and he kept him pretty quiet, think he's becoming a big player for us. Was impressed with Connor Brown, he was quick into the challenge and covered well yesterday, more encouragingly was his challenging in the air, thought he was dodgy in that aspect of his game vs MK but won most headers yesterday. Jonathan Grounds is a class act, fast becoming one of my favourites, quietly gets on with the game and is so composed on the ball that he's our main outlet from defence. Can't remember having such confidence in or left back for such a long time and contributes well to the attacking side of our game
  3. He's not the most mobile but if you hit the ball at him it sticks, I thought he played well today and deserved his goal. A little flat footed after the hour mark but looked a good target man for Barnard and Baxter to play off.
  4. Was pretty impressed today, looks a bit suspect in the air but will be ok I think. Plenty of talking in that back 4 today, they looked up for it
  5. Had him in his back pocket didn't he, was funny to see Smith try and bully him early on and then quickly work out that it wasn't going to work
  6. Furman wasn't there but Bear Grylls could have a cameo role playing him
  7. "Sterling is 18. He should not be playing against thugs and butchers like Oldham" The Sterling that hacked M'changama out of the game?
  8. Thought he'd done a really good job, then that was like a last minute OG
  9. I've been to 49ers v Seahawks and Falcons v Ravens, my team is the Jets unfortunately - for some reason I ended up with a Jets jumper in primary school and they've been my team since. Another sporting curse like my dad for some reason taking me to Oldham for my first ever game and being lumbered with them ever since. So in these play-offs i've been backing Seahawks, then Falcons and now i'm going for the Ravens, so expect a 49ers win.
  10. I only ever saw him play there at a pre-season friendly at Salford and I was pretty impressed despite his fitness that day looking poor. He can tackle, pass and has a good shot, i'd like to see him get a chance. Obviously i'm in the dark about why he's so far out of favour but agree that i'd like to see him get a chance at playing that role
  11. Well that was my point, they don't need to be told, they do it as a matter of course anyway. But this kind of thing gets used as a stick to beat them with
  12. I think you've got a fair chance of knowing when there's a cameraman a metre or two away in the pitch with lights on that show he's recording. Even Rooney worked it out at the World Cup that time. Plus you know that the media cherry pick to fit an agenda, and this had been a big issue. I don't buy it.
  13. I found him irritating to be honest, don't think there was any suggestion that the players weren't heading over there anyway, just taking his chance to be heard on TV
  14. If you successfully appeal do you get your £500 back? This isn't about Wes' red, I know that ship's sailed now
  15. No I think you have to buy the £5 ticket at the office
  16. my god, if that's violent conduct..... that's a joke, but football's a joke anyway, basically 22 players going out on the field to whine and cheat
  17. Me too, I've seen him 4 or 5 times this season start on fire, beating the full back at will, then after about 15 mins his self belief just seems to disappear. I do rate him though
  18. Was impressed with Tranmere, agree we needed to score first, was just hoping that after they missed so many opportunities we'd sting them at the end, we'd definitely get bitten in the arse like that. Ben Gibson and McGurk were excellent but James Wallace was the best for me. Our man of the match, unsure, possibly Grounds, Baxter started well but faded out when dropped back into midfield, Smith did well when he came on
  19. Glad you mentioned him, thought he was outstanding today
  20. They're really on the ball - did you see how young and slim Gary Johnson is looking these days
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