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  1. When the chaddy gets a new roof, the chaddy will get just as wet as the RRE. You'be able to tell CE's from RRE's by the former's pallid complexion, compared to the tanned and toned RRE's ! And the new main stand will get wet and sunny just like the RRE and like the Lookers did.
  2. Nail on the head! It's the timing of the drumming that winds so many people up. Away at Hudds this year we were quieter than we've been for years, mainly because every time "Oh when the Blues..." started, it was ruined by the drummer. And hoping that the drummer takes this on board seems to be futile given the attitude of his parents. The timing issue has been raised many times by many people, but blue forty has never acknowledged the point, they just seem to see it as moaning. Or in other words, "Josh can do what he likes, we don't care about anyone else." I wonder where blue forty is sitting next season, given that daddy sits away from the drum in the chaddy?
  3. Over £100k a year for a trailer jobby? Nah, not having that. Maybe a large billboard within a mainline rail station might get near that level, but nothing in Oldham will. One on the side of 1139 Rochdale Rd, Blackley earns £600 per annum, another on a pub on Wavertree Rd, Edgehill, Liverpool gets £7k per annum, one in Stoke gets £900 pa, and one at 973 Stockport Rd M19 gets £2.5k pa. You could be looking at an average of £1-1.5k per site depending on the size, although one option is to buy the property they are on and then rent it out.
  4. Yeah, right. Funny how rumours always connect to the same person, the elusive one who cannot be named. 2 possibilities: 1. Hardy or one of TTA, in which case if a member of the management team couldn't be bothered, then they are in a position to do something about it. 2. Not one of TTA or Hardy in which case how the hell would they know why a deal might or might not be done. Unless of course they were told it by Mick "honest guv" Wadsworth? 'cos he wouldn't tell tales out of school would he, and your mate wouldn't be daft enought to believe unreliable people and then blab about a coach/manager would he? Perhaps he should lose his job?
  5. Erm, they are scottish clubs. The paucity of competition in their league is a result of their stranglehold on it, nothing else. The idea that we should let them into the English league is based on what exactly? Why not let a couple of Dutch clubs in, and some Belgian? Then French? I just cannot understand what this idea is based on? Some sort of European League? "That was some support"? So? Barca have "some support" and countless other clubs. Let's just sod it all and have a full-on international league - River Plate vs Manure, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal, Barca, Real, AC and Inter? Marseille? Sorry but that's ridiculous. Even Swansea, Cardiff and Wrexham should have gone when the Welsh FA got Euro places.
  6. Thought it was fairly entertaining really. A few good comic moments, a few good moves from former players and other non-latics ex pros. I'd suspect franny had more idea of what the No.6 would be bothered about than those that are bothered on his behalf. Bet franny wasn't getting paid though. Hope Ernie can get through this...................
  7. Cleared out the shed. Big job, still ongoing, preparing for building a new self-designed, self built shed. Next saturday I might be driving back from 'dale hopefully after watching them get to the play off final. Won't go to the final though.
  8. I've no problem with singing, noise, atmospehere and support. I do have a problem with.... "Oh when the bluuuuuessss... ... .... ... Go marching in... .... .... .... Oh when the blueuesssss...BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG!BANG!." The number of times the drummer has killed songs and chants due to an inability to keep time and perhaps a desire to kill off anything not started by his little crew is innumerable. Unless he learns to beat WITH the rythym of the song / chant and to modulate the volume to suit it, he'll get problems. The lookers was a fine voice for "Oh when the blues" on many occasions, if the drummer kills it, he may well get similar treatment.
  9. One of the big suggestions imo is advertising - billboard style. To me, some of the key areas would be Broadway M60 junction, Top of sheepfoot lane, A62 M60 junction, Ashton Road, Rochdale Rd Royton, Something in Miggy, something towards Moston (Rochdale Rd M60 jct?). I'd suggest buying out the newsagent at the top of sheepfoot and turning that into a temp ticket office / shop - great position and a big advert on the side. Get hold of the Subway shop on broadway M60 and put adverts on that (possibly rent off the shop to someone else) Get a shop with hoarding on ashton rd / maybe oldham rd actually in ashton. Buy shops with hoardings in any of the areas suggestd and then just rent out the shop, but offer them the chance to sell match tickets / STs and a bit of merchandise? 7 sites - could cost £1.5-£2m to get them all, but renting the shops back out could return enough to covre the cost.
  10. Erm, did you look at the RRE during the Cheltenham game? There were plenty of asain kids and a few dads in there too. Let's hope (on any number of level) that a good few of them come back. One thing the club REALLY need to do is push the game by game price of STs - RRE is under £13.50 a game. They could perhaps do a comparison table with City / Manure to show how cheap it really is. And for kids, £2.17 a game for up to 16 is great value. The other thing that perhaps L1 & L2 need to do is promote REAL live football, against so called "live" TV football: TV football is like listening to a band one instrument at a time, only drums (defence) then only bass (midfield) then just the guitars (going forward) then just the vocals (shot at goal). REAL LIVE football is the full set! Edit: Just checked Manure and Citeh season ticket prices. Cheapest adult ticket is £494 and £461 respectively. Kids are £95 at citeh, but at manure it's £190 BUT an adult in the same stand (the only one with kids prices) is £627. So 1 adult and 1 kid at Latics is £15.56 a game, Manure is £43.00 and citeh is £29.26. 1 adult and 2 kids is £17.74 Latics, £34.26 citeh, £53.10 manure. REAL LIVE FOOTBALL for HALF the PRICE?
  11. Ok, now think what heppens if all the current STs decide to match each other to get it cheaper? Ok, 2 adult STs, £616. Buy one get one half price = £462. Club loses £77 per ST on average. x 3500 = £270k loss Maybe an extra 20% sales at £231 each x 700 = £162k, overall loss £108K and fewer on the day salles. Any fool can "suggest" a system that 'might' work, it takes a bit more to put some flesh (figurees) onto the bones and make it stack up. anything else is piss in the wind.
  12. I should think a pair of sunglasses or a hat and coat might be the solution. Funnily enough the hardened souls of the lookers lower and the first 6 rows of the upper know a thing or 2 about pounding rain, after the huddersfield game. And in my old days of going in the chaddy I got wet about 10 rows back. Think it was vs Millwal, must've been over 10 years ago though. As for the true volume, I'd have though stand design could have a massive impact - isn't that why bose and B&O spend a fortune designing speaker cabinets, as it's the cabinet that most influence the volume and timbre, not the speaker. From my experience sat in the lookers, the RRE is louder.
  13. It's one of those things that sounds ok as a one off (and from an honest person's perspective) but when you start to think about the potential for abuse and how hard it would be to stop, it turns into something completely different. Do clubs with a card system replace them when they go missing? and how many league 1 clubs have gone this way, given that the OPs stance is that it should already have been done?
  14. Reserved our seats today, row X and Y round seat 80. 2 Adults, 4 kids, 1 OAP. Averages out at less than £6 each per game !! (obviously helped by the 4 kids which average £2.17 a game).
  15. Hey, maybe people with kids should get a reduced fee. After all, your earnings don't go up for having kids.
  16. Player exchange deals always have a valuation - for one thing the tax man has a heavy interest in it, hence the valuation has to be realistic.
  17. Someone I know is mates with a city players sibling and has been told that Micah will be sold in the close season. Still won't believe it until it happens.
  18. what time you going? how much? what's the schedule/plan? was going to go by choo-choo but....
  19. We were up long before that - Marshall at Portman road got us up. Redders got us the title with the Pen.
  20. I don't think they'd give it him in one big splurge, but maybe use it over 2/3/4 seasons. 20% of £15m would be £3m (being conservative about it), an extra £750k per season, spent wisely, should do the trick. £15k a week on the wage bill? Wouldn't want to see 7/8 new players, just 3/4 that would make a big difference.
  21. Yeah carry on yard dog. You've fine tuned a scheme haven't you? Or do you just, fingers crossed, closed eyes, ooh please let it work, *think* it could work. Funny that TTA don't think so, but then it's easier snipe at others if you don't say anything that amounts to anything.
  22. Hasn't the "scheme" thing been done to death? If you want one, come up with something workable. TTA say they have looked at it and can't find a way to make it work. Hudds have a wadded bloke subsidising theirs, bradford are pulling in over 10k (and are mid-table a league below). We don't get 10k at £2 a game. The hardcore faithful will still be renewing.
  23. Erm, it might just possibly make players think they can't do anything right for some people? And therefore it affects the team I support. I think these sort of numpties are the exact ones that Shez was right to suggest should stay away.
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