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I am sad to report that Graham O'Neil, known on here as NeilAdamsHeadband, passed away earlier this evening after a long illness.


Graham was 36 and a tic through and through to the extent that despite his illness he had been determined to attand matches this season.


His situation took a turn for the worse on Friday and I went in to see him this morning and then received a call early tonight confirming his passsing.


To all those who have asked after him this last few months, and there have been many of you, thank you.


Funeral arrangements will follow and I will post them up when I know more.


RIP G man.

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I am sad to report that Graham O'Neil, known on here as NeilAdamsHeadband, passed away earlier this evening after a long illness.


Graham was 36 and a tic through and through to the extent that despite his illness he had been determined to attand matches this season.


His situation took a turn for the worse on Friday and I went in to see him this morning and then received a call early tonight confirming his passsing.


To all those who have asked after him this last few months, and there have been many of you, thank you.


Funeral arrangements will follow and I will post them up when I know more.


RIP G man.



Thinking of G's family and close friends at this sad time. Particularly the fellow 'tics - yourself, stu, james, kyle, etc. The latter has already been onto me earlier today and is absolutely devastated. I'm gutted, there was quite a few of us keeping updated on his situation and it's come as a shock to us all. A few of us are supposed to be on a weekend away for Carlisle at home (next home game), but we've decided we're coming back for the game now and will be making sure we're about for a bit after the game to raise a toast and give him a good 'tics send off.


Graham was a true gent. One of the nicest blokes you could wish to meet. Always had time to have a chat and his determination last season that saw him attending games just showed what type of bloke he was. An inspiration who lived and breathed Latics. Thankfully through Latics I had the privelage to meet him.


Top bloke. You will be missed big man. :(



Edited by Rocky_Latic
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Graham died far too young, but suffered for far too long!


R.I.P. mate


My thoughts are with his family, especially his dad Bryan - I know he will be devastated and hope he can cope with his tragic loss.


1 minute applause at the next home game please Latics???

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