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Just had a quick read.

It is a bit of a honeypot thread...

It's not hard to spot who has a problem with authority figures, even as official as a mod on a forum.

I'd like rudemedic's opinion on how much stress (like not being able to use a messageboard) could trigger an asthma attack.


What is not known is that a Mod was recently defending RoyleArmy in a PM from a perceived attack, so I know it must have got bad to take the action they did.


A bit, I'd say more but the people on that other site have an issue with 6000 word posts (of which I'm probably the biggest culprit). However, if the stress of not being able to access an internet message board is that big then maybe the person needs something else to do for their own health.


I take it this is why the RA/ Chuck Norris thread was closed?

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I have to be honest, i'll miss him. When the news broke about his 'learning difficulties' I found him easier to tolerate. I found a lot of his posts amusing and considering the declining attendances at BP his cash generating fingers will be sorely missed i think.....


A shame his account couldnt just have the PM privelage revoked.


Ah well, onward and upwards. RIP RoyleArmy (who can levitate and talk to the animals and eat more than 4 crackers in one go etc etc.....) we all await the next crackpot poster with bated breath, as it could get a bit boring for a while........

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Like most of said before, the site is great


I couldn't live without it and yes we are all from all different backgrounds/ages and we come together on here regulary or even get a chance to meet up too, which is great


Some post we agree/disagree or even we can respect the views of in a tongue in cheek way.


Keep the good work up guys


Wish we could score the same amount of goals as the site gets hits...any chance you can fix it for me? :grin:

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