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the top 10 clubs you dislike

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Having read this article thingy:




I thought it was a load of nonesense no doubt voted by people who think being a Football supporter is buying a shirt from Sports Direct and talking to a TV screen, but it made me think what would Latics' top 10 most disliked clubs be, mine is:


10. West Ham - their fans just do my head in for some reason, plus my old boss was a fan

9. Leeds - they have some scrotey fans, but tbh I do think at times they get far more abuse than what they deserve they do have a decent support who didn't abandon them when they were really struggling

8. Sheff Wednesday - they have a lot of fans who demand that you offer them sympathy because they're a massive club

7. Blackpool - 2007 play-offs

6. Man City - their presence in Oldham is hurting our club, but they are my Mums side of the familys team (they're not from Oldham)

5. Tranmere - scrotey fans

4. Burnley - their scrotey fans at the 2009 Masters

3. Huddersfield - think they're Gods gift since they've been bought by Dean Hoyle and go on about how it's a one way rivalry with us despite the fact they used to always have fans invading our boards and them having a one way rivalry with Leeds

2. Wigan - the fact that Dave Whealen went to the patient the name Latics for them and for their scrotey fans

1. Man Utd - doesn't need explaining although I wouldn't say I hate them as much as some of our fans

Edited by Tommy_Fent
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Having read this article thingy:




I thought it was a load of nonesense no doubt voted by people who think being a Football supporter is buying a shirt from Sports Direct and talking to a TV screen, but it made me think what would Latics' top 10 most disliked clubs be, mine is:


10. West Ham - their fans just do my head in for some reason, plus my old boss was a fan

9. Leeds - they have some scrotey fans, but tbh I do think at times they get far more abuse than what they deserve they do have a decent support who didn't abandon them when they were really struggling

8. Sheff Wednesday - they have a lot of fans who demand that you offer them sympathy because they're a massive club

7. Blackpool - 2007 play-offs

6. Man City - their presence in Oldham is hurting our club, but they are my Mums side of the familys team (they're not from Oldham)

5. Tranmere - scrotey fans

4. Burnley - their scrotey fans at the 2009 Masters

3. Huddersfield - think they're Gods gift since they've been bought by Dean Hoyle and go on about how it's a one way rivalry with us despite the fact they used to always have fans invading our boards and them having a one way rivalry with Leeds

2. Wigan - the fact that Dave Whealen went to the patient the name Latics for them and for their scrotey fans

1. Man Utd - doesn't need explaining although I wouldn't say I hate them as much as some of our fans


Manchester United

Manchester United Reserves

Manchester United Youths

Manchester United Under 16s

Manchester United Under 15s

Manchester United Under 14s

Manchester United Under 13s

Manchester United Under 12s

Manchester United Under 11s

Manchester United Masters

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10 Peterborough

9 Huddersfield

8 West Ham

7 Birmingham

6 Middlesborough

5 Wigan

4 Bolton

3 The Old firm (equally)

2 Leeds






A long long way in the distance.........





1 FC Redsoxx of salford

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In no particular order


1. MK Dongs - because of what they stand for and the way the owners didn't give a toss about the good folk of Wimbledon. And Pete Wankleman has the sort of face you'd never get tired of slapping.

2. Stretford Reds - all the obvious reasons, including the fact that most of their fans only have to jump on a tube to see them in London, but have to travel 200 miles to see them at OT.

3. Plymouth - mindless lumps of supporters who don't know any different songs. Our classic there last season when they were all leaving in their droves 15 mins from the end was "Is this a fire drill?" :lol:

4. Bin Dippers - They'd like to think they're Scousers but they're not.

5. Dirty Leeds - We're too big a club to be in this division. :disappointed: No you're not. You're not in the Prem cos you don't deserve to be. Fans are a disgrace to football.

6. Crawley - because of who owns them. He should never be allowed near a football ground. Wonder where all their money came from? <_<

7. Wigwam - Born over 40 years after us, but think they're the Latics. Bog off Whelan.

8. Burnley - Supporters that football doesn't need.

9. Millwall - Dregs of the earth with no respect for themselves, let alone anyone else.

10. Notts Co - For their farcical financial dealings. Got just what they deserved - except relegation last season.

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Having read this article thingy:




I thought it was a load of nonesense no doubt voted by people who think being a Football supporter is buying a shirt from Sports Direct and talking to a TV screen, but it made me think what would Latics' top 10 most disliked clubs be...




Manchester United x 5

Manchester City x 2




Edited by TheBigDog
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10 QPR - For the 2002 play offs & general experience with their' oh so charming fans.


9 Mk Donalds - There but for the grace of God go so many teams.


8 Trannies - Partly because of their motley band of pre-pubescent arsecandles, but mostly because we alays seemed to lose to them in the dark(er)years.


7 Leeds - I don't dislike them as much as most of our fans do as by the time I was a fully fledged Chaddy Ender we had stopped playing them, but I did find their' supporters incredulity at playing 'ickle teams in quite amusing.


6 Huddersfield - Do love the annual trip to the Galpharm. 1 way rivalry or not, they might aswell just indulge in it - it's not like Leeds give a sh*t about them, is it? Besdies, I have a sneaky feeling, seeing we've constituted to their 2nd highest attendances twice in 3 seasons, they do love us really :wub:


5 Blackpool - At first, I enjoyed our battles with Cesspool which seemed to extenuate after the droves of other Lancs teams in our league dispersed. By 2007 I never wanted to go to that windswept, p*ss soaked f**khole again.


4 Stoke - Because I grew up in Congleton where lots of their' gobsh*te fans reside. How I loved bowling smugly in to school after winning at the Britannia in 2000 after all the endless tales of how we would get pummeled! :grin:


3 Wigan - Our short lived rivalry with the Plastics was something rare in the sense that there was some antipathy volleyed back our way from yonder Pieville. Shame Uncle Dave is so good to them.


2 Burnley - Of these 10 teams, I'd say most are genuinely good natured "rivalries" to which the term "dislike" is pushing it quite hard. But I really do dislike those damn Dingles. It's not hard to either - Andy Payton, toothless simpleton fans, Stan Ternent, Ronnie Jepson. All together now - Chim-chimenee......


1 Yooooooooonigh'ed - I wish I could let it go & conentrate on a team that will reciprocate the ill feeling. But I can't for so many reasons. Don't try to change me either - better therapists than you have tried.


That was quite cathartic! Big shouts out to all the teams who didn't make this definitive list i.e: PNE, Bolton, Chelski & Port Vale. Some other time I guess.

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For me personally, alot of the clubs I can honestly say I dislike is down to the clubs fans rather than the club itself. Don't think I could name 10 But here goes


1) Burnley: Still remember seeing one of their fans assault one of our ballboys in 1998 when they had to have part of the lookers paddock. Horrible, horrible, horrible set of ****s, animals!!!!!!!!


2) Man United: Absolutely nothing against the club, but the vast majority of their fans are the biggest bunch of :censored:houses I have ever come across. Absolutely nothing against the ones who make an effort to get to the games they can within their budget, but the vast majority of their fans know frig all about football, oblivious all football outside the premier league, and the concept of 'going to watch the game' implies going to the local rather than the ground.


3) Leeds: Fans are arrogant f***wits, as Bristolatic said, giving it the 'we're too big for this division' milarkey.


4) Portsmouth: Complete opposite to Burnley. Nothing against their fans at all, but Portsmouth F.C. should not be here, its as simple as that. 120 million quid debt, ordinary working class people losing their businesses because of losing money owed to them by Portsmouth. If they manage to get back to the Premier League, it will leave a very very bitter taste in my mouth.


5) Luton: Every time we seem to play Luton they have been right dirty :censored:s, especially when they were under Blackwell, not to mention their dodgy dealings.


6) Milwall: Similar reasons to Burnley


7) Wigan: As Prozac said, as soon as uncle dave snuffs it, they will fall faster than a lead baloon. Any team that can't sell their home games out against Man U does not deserve a place in the top flight of English Football.


8) Man City: I do have some respect for some of their fans as they have endured tough times and know what its like to play at this level, but they are the bitterest set of fans I have ever come across, and care more about Man United losing than their own team winning.

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My dislike of other clubs generally come down to how I've found their fans:


1 -United.

2 - Wigan.

3 - Stoke.

4 - City.

5 - Reading.

6 - Hull.

7 - QPR.

8 - Stockport.

9 - Cardiff.

10 - Swindon.


The banter with the likes of Tranmere, Blackpool and Leeds has generally been fairly good natured, in my experience. Trips to Millwall can be a bit hairy sometimes, but never had any hassle.

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Mine is in no particular order either.


Wigan. Yes yes we know all about the nickname, but my gripe is with their fans who thing the streets surrounding Springfield park is where the rugby games took place, granted i spoke to a group in a pub afterwards and they were alright, but all in all they are inbred morons.


Burnley. Never had a problem with them pre masters, then there fans just kicking off with anybody, :censored:heads, and then when confronted offering people out in the toilets, how 1970's


Bolton. :censored:hole team, :censored:hole ground, :censored:hole fans. ( i have had this in my head since they were at Burnden and i aint changing my mind!)


Tranmere. not a hatred as such, just banter, ok they were good in the mid 90's after our flirtation with fame and everytime we played them we knew we were gonna go out of A cup!


Preston. So glad these knuckle draggers are back where they belong, historical players or not they are still all a bunch of (unts.


Hudds. Again just a banter thing, but also they think they are so billy big balls, seriously need knocking down a few pegs!


Doncaster. Billy big balls, dead chuffed when they got Wellens of us, but werent to happy when we beat them! (plus their mascot outfit stinks!)


Manure. No description needed.


Millwall. :censored:in idiots, when we beat them 1st game of the season and their fans trying to live up to the 80's/90's legends, just look like they were trying to squeeze a fart out being angry!


Swansea. Vandalised my dads car in the league cup in 1993, loved that Volvo.

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