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Brown ex sheff u signs

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Ah, that's not so good. It doesn't look like a pleasant episode all round. I'm not sure how the other one got off and Evans was convicted, unless maybe the girl passed out in between times.


I think it was something to do with the fact she'd agreed to go back to the hotel with that mcdonald, and that evans turned up half way through?


Could be wrong though (i usually am)

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Not with this at all. The lad seems to have pretty much said that a rapist is alright and a victim is not. I think this is an awful signing on that alone, and not one a 'family club' should be doing. I'm just having problems getting past that.

Me too. As a player he shouldn't be slagged off before a ball is kicked and if people back Dickov they should show some faith in his judgment rather than writing Brown off without having seen him play.


Having said that, I struggle to welcome the signing of someone who tweeted what he did. It's all well and good saying he's young and clouding the issue by referring to spurious rape claim cases against footballers but his comments were made immediately after his mate was found to be guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Youth is no defence for adding to that woman's ordeal as far as I'm concerned and he's lucky not to have been sued for defamation. I'm not very comfortable that our club appears so willing to tarnish its own reputation by signing first Hughes and now this feller.

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Give the lad a chance to prove himself as a player and an individual.

Lee was rubbish for the first 18 months a little boy lost,but then went on to prove himself people forget this.

Yes Conner made a bad error of judgement in his comments but i am sure he regrets this in hindsight. (Not like Fingers Marsh Brown)

Back Dickov in his judgement as the squad starts to take shape we need the stability and continuity.

Last season we had a squad which was capable of top 8 finish we all agree it underachieved but Dickov needs support as the alternative more upheaval is odds on to end in relegation.

Dickov is our best hope for success back his judgement.

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It is nothing to do with his ability that people are questioning this. So the only comparable one we have is Hughes, who was a completely different box of frogs.


Has anyone any evidence of the lad apologising? I searched briefly and couldn't find anything. That would be the first sign of regret.


None of which matters. We'll sign all sorts to be a mid-table obscurity third division team.



NB. Last season's team was no where near capable of a top 8 finish. If anything it overachieved by not getting relegated. Well I say overachieved, it turns out there were just some incredibly :censored: teams in our division.

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I'm not saying what he said was right or fair but it has to be said that this a young guy protecting a mate, he wasn't defending a rapist and attacking a rape victim in his eyes. He was defending an innocent man, and attacking a girl who he feels has ruined his life. Naive, loyal, stupid you could pick any one of those three, but unless you actually know the kid it is harsh to call him scum. I may be wrong he may be an utter arse who feels rape isn't a big offence, but it could also be a case of a kid saying something thick which we've all done.

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I'm not saying what he said was right or fair but it has to be said that this a young guy protecting a mate, he wasn't defending a rapist and attacking a rape victim in his eyes. He was defending an innocent man, and attacking a girl who he feels has ruined his life. Naive, loyal, stupid you could pick any one of those three, but unless you actually know the kid it is harsh to call him scum. I may be wrong he may be an utter arse who feels rape isn't a big offence, but it could also be a case of a kid saying something thick which we've all done.

I hear what you're saying but i think it's more harsh to call someone you don't know a slag because she was unlucky enough to be raped by your mate. Apart from anything else,he's a professional footballer, he'll have had media training,he should have been well aware that anything he said would be all over the papers.

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Has anyone any evidence of the lad apologising? I searched briefly and couldn't find anything. That would be the first sign of regret.


Doubt you'd find one to be honest. There's no story for the press in a league 1 reserve right-back apologising, though there is one in a professional footballer posting what he did on Twitter. Just the way the press works.


What he did was abhorrent and he'll have needed to have learnt a lot from it, not least to respect a jury's finding in a court of law. However, whilst hoping that he already has learnt these lessons, I would hope that we're able to let kids of that get over such mistakes and move on with their careers rather than write them off.


I'm so glad that Twitter wasn't around when I was that age. I post nonsense on there at times and I'm sure many would think I'm a nob because of it but I'd hate to think that the thoughts of my 19 year old self we're being recorded for all time in digital format.

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"To be fair, he was released previously and due to be snapped up by Micky Adams, till we called him back in.


He definitely has potential, but on the occasions I've seen him following his injury, he's not looked the same player." - taken from sheff utd's forum (on a thread started by Mendi)


Obviously Adams knows he has potential from his time there and it seems he was all too keen to sign him up!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Interestingly Corney referred to him as one of the quickest right backs in this division,think this lad is here to do more than make up the numbers.


Get the two Clarkes in now and we will almost be set.


I get by at 7aside because im quick and fit.........toss with the ball :exile:

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I was speaking to one of players about Brown who said that Brown thinks he was only let go because of the Twitter incident and it had nothing to do with his footballing ability.

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I was speaking to one of players about Brown who said that Brown thinks he was only let go because of the Twitter incident and it had nothing to do with his footballing ability.


he would say that wouldnt he. hope he's as good as we are hoping.

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I was speaking to one of players about Brown who said that Brown thinks he was only let go because of the Twitter incident and it had nothing to do with his footballing ability.


I thought that was possible when I first read that he had signed for us and who he was, based on the fact that they suspended him and fined him pretty quickly, as well as showing Evans the door. Lets hope he brings his ability with him and leaves his youth street culture at Bramhall Lane, If he is right then it is a big lesson to learn.

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