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Guess the Signature Game!

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OK there won't be any fooling you lot, this is obviously just a cunning plan to enlist your help.


I've inherited a couple of signed balls over the years but don't know what seasons they are from. I was hoping the collective brainpower of OWTB members might recognise a few signatures and help me pin down a season.


So the first ball here is from the early '90s. Other signatures include Roger Palmer, Andy Barlow, Nicky Henry, Mike Milligan, Ian Olney and Neil Adams. So can anyone identify these other mystery signatures?












The other ball is from the late 90s/early 2000s I think, but I won't post pictures yet because many of you are probably cursing me for these big files already.


Any help anyone can give will be much appreciated...... have fun guessing! :OASISscarf:

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They really are a nightmare to figure out, and figuring out the season its from is even harder. As Andyt84 says 92-93 seems likely, but the fly in the ointment is that Roger had left by then had he not?


No2 is definitely Craig Fleming It seems.


3 is Neil Adams, for definite.


It certainly looks like it, but this is on the same ball!



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So 5 is Sean, Neil Adams is on there....


Therefore upon review of the evidence this dates the ball between Dec 93 and Feb 94 when their paths crossed at BP.


H Poirot.


So 93-94 season seems pretty much nailed on. I knew OWTB was for more than just shouting about ticketing arrangements.


For some more fleeting spells at BP take a look at these from the (I think) late '90s:


So far I've found Mark Innes, Paul Rickers, Steve Redmond and Andy Holt. Other than that I'm sure they just got the Latique checkout lass to do some scribbles.










I think this one might prove a little more challenging, with the less vaunted names on it!

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