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Announcement: Trust Oldham Fraud Case

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I am assuming Trust money is nothing to do with Playershare money? Or does it account to the same thing?


Can I also just say for the record (I don't know the guy, so I am certainly not defending or condoning him)... Nobody knows the reason's why he has done this or the desperation of his situation, so please take that into account before any OTT comments are made (after all this is OWTB and people love to fish).


Im with you Lancy, in a way, a feel sorry for him and his family.. Lots of events can trigger a reaction, I hope he is getting any help being offered.. He stole money, he will be punished accordingly and he has admitted it... Lets hope he and the trust can put this blip behind them and move forward,

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No need to scare monger, it couldn't happen the same.

No need to be defensive mate, and I am certainly not scaremongering.

I think it's natural to learn from mistakes, whether your own or somebody elses. To give an example, we had a smaller issue surrounding sponsorship monies a while back as most people know. We learned from that and changed our procedures accordingly. If, at our next meeting we decide our banking procedures need looking at then this will be addressed as i believe the trust have done for their own procedures. Playershare accounts are available for anybody to see if they wish to do so and are 100% transparent.

Thanks - the comment about procedural changes and learning from this is all I wanted to hear.

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Firstly, I wish to say thank you for being so civilised throughout this thread. I know the threat of the thread being closed looms large, but I also detect some genuine compassion.


Earlier in this thread, somebody used the word 'shameful' and that is exactly what this is. I feel deep shame for my actions and I wish, at this stage, to say sorry to the directors of Trust Oldham and to every fan who has ever contributed to, or supported the Trust. As Barry has already said, measures are now in place to stop this ever happening again, so please do not refrain from supporting the Trust in all that they do.


I cannot say anymore at this stage, as I need to report to the probation service for reports and then face sentencing on the 23rd October. Whatever sentence comes my way, I will accept and will also ensure that every penny is returned to the accounts of Trust Oldham. I will write more, at my first available opportunity , after the 23rd October.


I began supporting Oldham Athletic back in 1983, in fact, the thirtieth anniversary of my first visit to Boundary Park has recently passed. Tougher than any sentence that any magistrate could ever hand down to me is the thought that I cannot return to support the team that I continue to love.


Sincere apologies,


Mike Nuttall

Did you buy anything good?

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Did I miss something, from what I can gather the guy only owned up after other trust members got suspicious and investigated. Now everyone's gone all soft and claiming what a wonderful fella he is. Chances are if they didnt catch him he'd still be taking the money now.

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No need to be defensive mate, and I am certainly not scaremongering.

Thanks - the comment about procedural changes and learning from this is all I wanted to hear.




Not defensive, replied what I thought.

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Did I miss something, from what I can gather the guy only owned up after other trust members got suspicious and investigated. Now everyone's gone all soft and claiming what a wonderful fella he is. Chances are if they didnt catch him he'd still be taking the money now.


There's plenty of sympathy for Mike, but that isn't the same as going soft. No one's saying what he did was right. The basic reason why people sympathise is that they know that anyone can get themselves in a :censored:ty fix they can't get out of. If you reckon that's untrue, good luck to you.

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Did I miss something, from what I can gather the guy only owned up after other trust members got suspicious and investigated. Now everyone's gone all soft and claiming what a wonderful fella he is. Chances are if they didnt catch him he'd still be taking the money now.

Yes, how much clearer can it be? Things were going wrong in his life and he made a huge :censored: up to try and keep above water. He now wishes he hadn't, and i suspect he feels worse even than you want him to. It's not excusing the crime (I bet that word on it's own hurts Mike) to see the person behind it. Odd that it's generally the older half of the population here who have more sympathy, maybe a bit more life experience and so on
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Read what I said again. I didn't say praising what he's done or how criminal it was. I said praising him for admitting he was wrong.


"It takes a big man, Mike."


Nope, it takes a :censored:ing criminal...

Because nowadays the form is generally is to deny everything. And to deny the charges.

The phrase " It Takes A Big Man To Admit When He’s Made A Mistake………. It Takes An Even Bigger Man To Apologise" seems very apt for this thread.

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At the moment I think it inappropriate to subscribe to the patronage being expressed in the thread. Equally so I do not feel inclined or qualified to pass moral judgement on any individual. What I will say in answer to a degree of implied criticism is this. Unlike contracted work, when individuals VOLUNTEER to work in voluntary organisations they are very much used for their experience and expertise. They are taken on "trust" and obviously not supervised or accountable as in the workplace. Someone has mentioned Playershare learning lessons from those procedures implemented in the Trust. It was through the procedures within theTrust that the offences came to light. You can only develop procedures up to a given point and even if two people are required to sign cheques it becomes very difficult if a party fraudulently forges another's signature. Fortunately the same official administered the Playershare Account and I am pleased to state that this account was untouched.To those who judge £2400 in a different way than I do, I would ask you to just consider how much hard work was done by other volunteer Directors to raise this money.



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From my understanding this was not a one off spur of the moment act of stupidity by Michael Nuttall but 6 over a period of time. I would have been impressed and fully understanding if he had approached the other trust directors after the first indecent and apologised. We all make stupid decisions when our minds are clouded by personal problems / alcohol / drugs etc (not implying here). To continue to carry out these acts of fraud, especially when in a position of trust, changes everything and yes I do feel cold about his 'after being caught 'apology.

Edited by Stagger Lee
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