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Will prepare the team as best he can for saturday. No comment on if he's concerned or not. Difficult situation, wants whats best for the club and whatever the board decides he'll be a part of

Edited by Gaz_Oafc
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Will prepare the team as best he can for saturday. No comment on if he's concerned or not. Difficult situation, wants whats best for the club and whatever the board decides he'll be a part of

So he does not have the final say then, or he was instrumental int he signing and will abide by the Board decision if they back off.


More clarity required from all involved. This statement will be wishy washy I feel.

Edited by singe
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All i'm saying is imagine it was you and you knew she had consented, you wouldn't show remorse. That's why he hasn't shown any remorse as he believes he is innocent. I agree he is guilty in the eyes of the law. Anyway all that's irrelevant as he is out of jail and free to seek employment.


The issue is that Ched has no way of knowing himself because he did not give himself the opportunity to find out. Walking into a hotel room and asking for sex from a girl you have never met is by normal standards rather predatory. The girl may have said 'yes' but what if she felt intimidated to do so by Ched? On a very basic level, Ched is guilty of not doing enough to protect himself and had left himself open to arrest and conviction, which he ultimately was.

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Will prepare the team as best he can for saturday. No comment on if he's concerned or not. Difficult situation, wants whats best for the club and whatever the board decides he'll be a part of


Obviously a picture paints a thousand words and I have not seen the coverage BUT the last 9 words are the best news I have heard all day.

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Seems contradictory to the general view being rumoured and reported - can you add anything to this?

Hearing from a source that the deal was agreed 45 minutes ago and they're just rehearsing their lines now.


Sent LJ out to do that little interview as a PR stunt to see if his backing would get more fans on board.


Personally if this is true, I'm delighted with this signing.

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The Wright Stuff on channel 5, reported Simon Corney as saying he was surprised by the backlash.


If true that is really worrying !



As worrying as somebody watching The Wright Stuff on Channel 5?


Given all that went on at Sheffield Utd, how can our owner be so surprised?


If that,s the level of what you,ve got to add to this debate then maybe it,s you who should be worried.

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Hearing from a source that the deal was agreed 45 minutes ago and they're just rehearsing their lines now.

Sent LJ out to do that little interview as a PR stunt to see if his backing would get more fans on board.

Personally if this is true, I'm delighted with this signing.

You've got different sources to the media then who seem pretty convinced that there will be no deal

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James cooper on SSN who's live from BP understands the likelihood is we WONT be signing him but will wait for the statement.

It sounded like a guess at best. There was no evidence to back up that, sounded nothing more than a hunch.

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